Ideology: South Africa develops constitution and ends apartheid
In 1991 South Africa finally broke free from apartheid by forming a new multi-cultural constitution. At this this point South Africa's ideology, or beliefs guiding a society, changed to a more open society with freedom and equality. -
Personality: Birth!
On July 19, 1991 I was born in a naval hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. I was brought in as the youngest of three girls in my family. My sisters were six and eight at the time of my birth. At birth I had zero exposure to socialization and therefore only had my personality. Personality is partly nature-related opposed to nuture. As my parents nutured me other parts of my personality evolved. -
Cultural Integration: DIA Opens
On this day Stapleton Airport was officially replaced with Denver International Airport. This new airport becane the largest and busiest internaional airport in the United States. Denver became a huge resource center for travel. It increased the amount of cultural integration within Colorado as it bacame more convenient to leave and enter Denver. -
5 Social Institutions-School: First Year of School
I began preschool at Genesis Presbyterian Church in 1995. This marked one of my first exposures to society and the norms that lie within. I had to learn that people have many differences but should all be treated equally. I also had to practice self-restraint and sharing in a classroom setting. I learned here that there are more authoritative figures aside from my parents. And i had to listen to them! -
Equality: Madaleine Albright becomes the first female Secretary of State
The appointment of a female into the Secretary of State marked a drastic movement socally from a society almost to more of a mutual society where power is more equally shared between between men and women. -
Lower class: First charity event
When I was six years old I went with my family to a charity event called Operation Santa Claus. We spent an entire day shopping for toys, wrapping the toys, picking up groceries and delivering it all to lower class families in Denver. At this time I learned that there is a division in social classes and that not all kids my age live in the same comfortable environment as I had. In one night I learned how social ranking and status play a large part in society. -
Crime: Columbine Shooting
On April 20th, 1999 the Littleton community and that nation as a whole mourned at the loss of 12 students and one teacher to high school violence. It greatly impacted the chemistry of the community as people began to treat each other with greater uderstanding, kindness and patience. -
Hard work/material success: Received first allowance
When I turned eight years old I began receiving a weekly allowance. It was a whole five dollars! I quickly learned that I had to work hard to be rewarded. I began doing more housework and was always eager to help. Like most people in society, my work was driven by money. I took one small step into understanding our economically-driven world. -
Society: Y2K causes a scare!
As the new millenium approached, society began to worry about what was to come when the new year hit. Grocery stores bacame more crowded as people rushed to stock up on necessary supplies in case of a complete technological shut down. -
Society: George Bush Declares War on Iraq
After the attacks on September 11, 2001 President George Bush declared war on Iraq. His goal was to run out Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda. The presense of the war changed the mindset of many Americans. They became more aware of other societies and the ways they were run. It also changed patriotism. Supporters became more openly patriotic and ipposers lost patriotism. -
Patriotism: My dad is deployed to Colorado Springs
After the tragedy on September 11, 2001 thousands of troops were called to duty overseas in Afghanistan and Iraq. It was a scary time for the whole country.In 2003 my dad was called to serve in Colorado Springs. We felt very blessed that he was not gong farher but still struggled with rarely seeig him for two years. My dad was gone during my entire middle school experience. At this point I learned to take pride in my country and support the good my dad was contributing to the war effort. -
Self reliance: I became the only, lonely child in the house.
In August of 2003 my sister Kristin left for college in Baltimore, Maryland. My oldest sister Kelly had left two years before. My life at home changed drastically when both of my sisters were out of the house. I was given more responsibility and hated every second of it. I also became more social at this point to avoid an overload of parent-Lindsay time. -
Culture: YouTube goes online
2005 marked the start of a rapidly growing website which has millions of videos from varying cultures and subcultures. People all around the world with access to the internet began to post their own personal videos, music videos, and movie clips on the internet for anyone to see. It is a good display of American culture. -
Assimilation: I began High School
2005 marked the beginning of a new chapter of my life: High School. When I began as a freshman I was extremely timid and shy, content within my small group of close friends. I soon realized that in order to survive my four years at Dakota Ridge I needed to become more outgoing and assimilate to the culture of high school kids in order to fit in. -
Values: Began coaching special needs soccer
I began coaching soccer in the fall of my freshman year. It came as a powerful perspective check to me. I met many families of children with barricading disablities and realized how privileged I am. I saw where their priorities are and throughout high school have tried to shape my life in the same way. They spend more time building relationships and less focusing on money and materials. -
Society: I left the country!
The summer before my junior year of high school I went on an 18-day tour through Europe. I went with my mom and lovely friend Chelsea. This was my first long stay in a foreign country. It socialized me with a new society with different norms and values. This trip did a fabulous job of breaking me out of my Littleton bubble. -
Self reliance: I got my license!
Getting my license changed my lifestyle drastically. With my own car and my own mind I now had the ability to leave the house when I wished, hang out with whoever I wanted and go to whatever place sounded appealing. I became more independent and was able to take care of myself. This also changed my relationship with my parents as I began to need them less. -
Income: I got my first job!
In the summer before my senior year I began the dreaded job search and landed my first job at Pac Sun. I began to receive an income and was more free to spend my money how I wished. I had to learn how to budget my paychecks and save while still having some money in my pocket. -
Equality: Barack Obama Becomes President!
Barack Obama's campaign brought up many issues of prejudice. Many Americans feared having the first black president. There were many campaigns against Obama and his revolutionary self. In the end, Obama's race was accepted by millions abd he was elected and sworn into office as America's first black president. That day came as a result of less prejudice in the U.S and acontinuous move toward full equality. -
Status: Graduation Day!
When I graduate on May 21st my staus will change. I will become a college student and have different responsibilities and opportunities. I have worked throughout high school for graduation day and when that goal is met my status will increase.