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  • Society - Washington's Farewell Address

    Society - Washington's Farewell Address
    George Washington made this speech when he was retiring from presidancy. He gave advice for the future of the country, such as: "be aware of foreign affairs" and "no political parties"
  • Society - Alien Act

    Society -  Alien Act
    The Alien Act made it so that it took 14 years to become a citizen and it allowed the president to deport any immigrants found "dangerous". This act caused most immigrants to become Democrat-Republic, since Federalists supported this act.
  • Politics - Sedition Act

    Politics - Sedition Act
    The Sedition Act made it so that the president could imprison anyone undermining the government. This act was unconstititutional because it violated freedom of speech, which is part of the first amendment
  • Politics - Election of 1800

    Politics - Election of 1800
    An election for presidency between Adams and Jefferson, in which Jefferson won. This election was important because the power shifts from federal to democrat-republic.
  • Expansion - The Louisiana Purchase

    Expansion - The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was a purchase of land that doubled the size of the United States. It was sold by Frace for $15 million. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore it, hoping to find a nothwest passage.
  • Politics - Embargo/Non-Intercourse Act

    Politics - Embargo/Non-Intercourse Act
    The Non-Intercourse Act formally reopened trade with all the nations of the world except Britian and France. This expires in 1810, and got replaced with Macon's Bread.
  • Society - Era of Good Feeling

    Society - Era of Good Feeling
    The Era of Good Feeling started and ended during James Monroe's presidency. This era was a time when only one political party existed (Democrat-Republic), and was also a combination of the Founding Fathers and the new age of nationalism
  • Expansion - The Indian Removal Act

    Expansion - The Indian Removal Act
    This act, authorized by Andrew Jackson, allowed him to negotiate him with Native Americans for their land. This act caused many hardships and also is the cause of the "Trial of Tears"
  • Expansion - Manifest Destiny

    Expansion - Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny was a belief that the expansion of the United States throught the continent was both justified and inevitable. This lead to a huge movement of aquiring land, but it did cost many Native American tribes' lives