Period: to
The American Revolution
Paul Revere's ride.
Paul Revere's ride. -
Battle of Concord and Lexington.
Battle of Bunker Hill.
Congress issues a "Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms".
dunmores proclamation
Americans attack Quebec.
Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge
Declaration of Independence.
Battle of Valcour Bay.
Battle of White Plains
Battle of Trenton.
Congress names 19 year old French aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette a Major General in the Continental Army after he volunteers to serve without pay.
Treaty of Amity and Commerce with France.
Treaty of Alliance with France.
Battle of Monmouth. After a standoff, General Clinton continues towards New York.
Battle of Camden.
Battle of Blue Licks. Loyalist and Indian forces attack and defeat American settlers near Lexington, Kentucky.
Proclamation - Thanksgiving Day
A preliminary peace treaty is signed in Paris. Terms include recognition of American independence and the boundaries of the United States, along with British withdrawal from America.
Treaty of Paris signed. Congress will ratify the treaty on January 14, 1784.