Treaty of Paris
Was the ending to the French and Indian war declaring the British the victors and thus giving the colonies more land. -
Sugar Act
After the 7 years war Britain was heavily in debt so they taxed the colonies on sugar and molasses. This then angered the colonists not because of the newly taxed sugar but because they didn’t have a say in it. -
The Stamp Act
Was a tax on all paper products for the colonists to help pay off Britain’s debt. The Act was met with hostility and was boycotted by the colonists until it was repealed in 1766. -
Quartering Act
Due to many British soldiers living in the colonies to protect from Indian invasions Britain forced the colonists to provide shelter and food for the solders. This once again angered the colonists because of their little to no say in the matter. -
Declaratory Act
Was created shortly after the Stamp Acts repeal which gave Parliament the final authority on what went/happend in the colonies. -
Townshend Acts
Was yet another group of taxes for the colonists this time taxing glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea. -
Boston Massacre
After British soldiers were continually harassed in the colonies they finally snapped and fired into a hostile crowd eventually killing five people. -
Repeal of the Townshend Act
All taxes from the Townshend Act were repealed by Parliament except for the tax on tea which remained to show they still had the final on say on everything. -
Boston Tea Party
Tension built between the colonies and Britain due to the tea tax and then many shipments of tea from Britain to try and sell in the colonies led to a revolt. There 100’s of colonists wore Indian face masks boarded cargo ships full of tea and destroyed/poured it out into the ocean. -
The Intolerable Acts
Were a set of Acts created by Parliament to restrict/punish both Boston and Massachusetts. The Acts closed Bostons harbor, didn’t allow for large gatherings or meetings, and also gave local authorities the power to force you to lodge a British soldier. -
Quebec Act
Was yet another Act created by Parliament but not for the colonies. The Quebec Act gave a very large chunk of land in the New World to expand into. This angered the colonists too because the French were being allowed to move the land they weren’t able to. -
First Continental Congress
Was a meeting that involved every colony but Georgia to discuss the recent Acts created by Parliament and what their next steps forward should be. -
Second Continental Congress
After the battle at Lexington and Concord the Congress met again this time with all thirteen colonies present to discuss how to move forward. Even at this point their plan was to make amends with Britain and weren’t focused as much on Independence. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
When troops were sent to Lexington and Concord to kill the rebellious leaders and take all of their weapons a battle broke out between the colonists and the British. In the end the colonists were left victorious and the British suffered at least 300 casualties. -
The Battle of Bunker Hill
After capturing gunpowder and artillery from a British fort colonist soldiers captured Bunker Hill to fight the oncoming British. In the end the colonists lost the battle after having to retreat due to no more supplies but caused major British fatalities. -
Olive Branch Petition
Was the Continental Congress declaring they were still loyal to the British crown asking for the king to stop attacking and going after them. The king promptly responded saying the were now hostilities to the throne and treasonous. This then opened the door to the idea of colonist Independence. -
Common Sense
Is said to be one of the most influential American pieces ever written as Thomas Paine pushed many of the colonists towards the idea of independence. -
Declaration of Independence
Sent to the British was the Continental Congress’s way of saying we the colonies are going to become independent now and fully break away from the British crown. -
Treaty of Alliance
After helping the colonists with supplies in the war the French decided to help more in battle and made a treaty with the colonists to become allies in the war against the British. -
Treaty of Paris
Was a formal recognition of the United States independence from the British and ended the war between the two.