China bans opium
Opium trade was extremely profitable for Britain until the ban -
7 Years War
Spinning Jenny is Invented
France-Widespread crop failures-price of bread doubles
Tennis Court Oath
France -
Storming of the Bastille
France -
Period: to
The Great Fear
France -
The cotton gin is invented
Britain formally acquires the large Boer population
Britain Gains Singapore
Britain Gains Malacca
Britain defeats Burma
Morse Code is invented
First Opium war with Great Britain
Problems with technology, agriculture and population
Japan -
Period: to
Crimean War
Russia -
Nicholas dies, Alexander II becomes czar
Second Opium war
Serfs Emancipated
Russia -
Alaska Purchase (US from Russia)
Meiji restoration
Japan -
Japan revokes the ban on Christianity
Samurai revolt
Where the samurai attempted to fight against the law preventing them from carrying swords -
Marxist socialism starts to spread
Russia -