
By Nbl8091
  • Benjamin Franklin Electricity Demonstration

    Benjamin Franklin Electricity Demonstration
    Benjamin Franklin flew a kite with a key on it to demonstrate electricity, this event is very famous now and has been hailed as the first use of electricity.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British soldiers in Boston shoot into an unruly crowd, killing 5. This event was later dubbed the “Boston Massacre”
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Fifty or so colonists raided a British ship disguised as Indians and threw overboard a good amount of imported tea.
  • France Signs a Treaty of Alliance

    France Signs a Treaty of Alliance
    Benjamin Franklin convinces French officials to sign a treaty of alliance, committing France to the American cause until they’re free of British rule.
  • Constitution is Made

    Constitution is Made
    55 delegates held a constitutional convention to discuss ways to strengthen the national gov, and came up with the constitution.
  • George Washington unanimously selected first president

    George Washington unanimously selected first president
    George Washington was unanimously selected as first president of the United States
  • First US Bank Opened

    First US Bank Opened
    Alexander Hamilton opens first US bank
  • Cotton Gin Invented

    Cotton Gin Invented
    Cotton Gin is invented by Eli Whitney to expedite the de-seeding process of cotton
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson purchases a large amount of land south of the United States, nearly doubling it’s size.
  • Lewis and Clark reach the pacific

    Lewis and Clark reach the pacific
    Starting in St. Louis, MO, adventure duo Lewis and Clark reach the pacific through the Rocky Mountains.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    War of 1812 is sparked by damage to US trade by the British
  • Spain Sells Florida to the US

    Spain Sells Florida to the US
    Spain sells Florida to the US for 5 Million dollars and exchange for dropping any claim of Texas
  • Stephen Austin establishes settlement in Texas

    Stephen Austin establishes settlement in Texas
    Stephen Austin established a settlement in Mexican owned Texas.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    President Polk sparks Mexican-American war by sending US troops into Texas.
  • Civil War Starts.

    Civil War Starts.
    Shots fired on the federal military garrison at Fort Sumter, sparking the American Civil war.