
  • Deerfield Massacre

    Deerfield Massacre
    It was a massacre of English colonists by French and Indians.
  • The First Regular Newspaper

    The first regular newspaper was published in Boston. "The Boston News Letter"
  • Georgia

    James Oglethorpe founded Georgia.
  • Poor Richard's Almanack

    Poor Richard's Almanack
    Benjamin Franklin begins publishing "Poor Richard's Almanack."
  • Freedom of the Press

    Freedom of the Press
    John Peter Zenger, a New York editor, is acquitted in New York and establishes the Freedom of the Press.
  • The First Encyclopedia

    The First Encyclopedia
    This was when the first encyclopedia was published.
  • The Liberty Bell

    The Liberty Bell
    The Liberty Bell is ordered to celebrate Pennsylvania's 50th anniversary.
  • Lightning Rod

    Lightning Rod
    Benjamin Franklin invents the lighting rod.
  • Seven Years' War

    Seven Years' War
    Britain and Prussia defeat France, Spain, Austria, and Russia. France loses American colonies. Spain secedes Florida to Britain in exchange for Cuba.
  • Mozart Young

    Mozart Young
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart tours Europe as a "six year old prodigy."
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watts invents the steam engine.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Britain imposes the Stamp Act on American colonists.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    English troops shoot a group of people protesting English taxes.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    English tea is thrown into the harbor as a way to protest the taxes on tea.
  • Start of American Revolution

    Start of American Revolution
    The fight at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts is the start of the American Revolution.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick Henry addresses the people in Richmond. Says his famous line, "Give me liberty or give me death."
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine writes Common Sense supporting America's Independence from Britain.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    July 4th is the day the Declaration of Independence was approved.
  • End of the Revolutionary War

    End of the Revolutionary War
    General Cornwallis surrenders to the Americans at Yorktown, Virginia.
  • Uranus

    William Herschel discovers Uranus.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Revolutionary War ends with the Treaty of Paris.
  • Constitution of the United States

    Constitution of the United States
    The Constitution of the United States is signed.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Daniel Shays revolts and ends up in prison.
  • George Washington Elected

    George Washington Elected
    George Washington is elected as president with all 69 votes and takes the oath in New York City.
  • Temporary Capital

    The temporary capital is located in Philadelphia, but voted by Congress to move to Potomac.
  • Vermont

    Vermont is added as the 14th state.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The US Bill of Rights is ratified.
  • The Cotton Gin is Invented

    The Cotton Gin is Invented
    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    Edward Jenner introduces the smallpox vaccination.
  • Tennessee

    Tennessee is admitted as the 16th state.
  • A New President

    A New President
    Washington gives his farewell address. John Adams is elected to president and Thomas Jefferson becomes vice president.