
By R4ch311
  • Invention of Newcomen Steam Engine

    Thomas Newcomen created the atmospheric engine in 1712. This contraption is known for being the first machine powered by steam and was widely used to pump water out of mines.
  • The Stono Rebellion

    A large and successful slave revolt battling British domination in North America. It is named this way despite being led by a slave named Jemmy due to its location being near the Stono river.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp act demanded that American colonists must pay a tax on many documents and goods. This act was passed by the British Parliament and went to build up towards the American revolution.
  • Creation of the Spinning Jenny

    Invented by James Hargreaves, the Spinning Jenny played a key role in the Industrial Revolution.
  • Boston Massacre

    Due to tensions brewing over between Colonists and British Soldiers in Boston, British Soldiers shot into a crowd of disorderly colonists residing in front of the Custom House.
  • The Tea Act

    This Act imposed taxes on tea. This goes to anger British settlers.
  • Boston Tea Party

    At Boston Harbor, in protest against the Tea Act 340+ crates of tea were destroyed.
  • The Start of the American Revolution

    The American Revolution began on April 19, 1775. The fight occurring at this time is known as the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The opening volley of this battle is known as the Shot heard around the World.
  • America wins the Revolution

    On October 19th, 1781 The British surrendered in Yorktown, Virginia. The war officially ends when Britain signs the Treaty of Paris during the year of 1783.
  • Americas first President

    Following Americas newfound gain of Independence, a leader was put into power. Tensions arose over the concept, but George Washington was still elected into office as president April 30th 1789.