
By Kyount
  • French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war begins where the French and Britain battle over North America
  • Battle of Quebec

    This was a major battle in the French and Indian War. The Britsh pulled out a victory despite both armies losing their commander
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris puts an end to the French and Indian War. The French lost and had to give up all land west of Mississippi.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The British kill 5 people after firing into a mob. Colonists begin to protest after this event.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    Patriots revolt after the new tea tax and dump a significant amount of imported tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution begins after the colonists have been unfairly taxed by the British government. The battle of Lexington and Concord kick-started this war.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    This was a turning point in the war when the French decided to align with the colonists.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This ended the Revolutionary War and the colonists began their journey as a new country free of Britian.
  • Constitutional Convention

    In Philadelphia, 12 delegates meet and draft the Constitution.
  • George Washington

    George Washington became the first president of the US.
  • Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin was invented which made it a lot easier for slaves to harvest cotton.