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    French - Indian War

    This war was fought between Britain and French over the eastern part of America
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was signed to declare the war has ended and the British gained control
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops fired into a mob, killing 5 men and caused protest to start
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of citizens dumped 300 crates of tea overboard because of the British tax on tea
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia, with 56 delegates representing every colony except Georgia.
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    American Revolution

    A war fought over independence from the British and become their own Country
  • Declaration of Independence

    America signs the Declaration of Indepandence
  • President

    George Washington is elected as president
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights is ratified
  • 2nd President

    John Adams becomes second president