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By angsli
  • The First Public Newspaper is Published

    The first continually-published newspaper in America is published by John Campbell. It was called the Boston News-Letter.
  • Birth of Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston. He would later become a Founding Father and invent the lightning rod.
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    The Great Awakening

    It was a revival of religious enthusiasm. It greatly impacted the England colonies with preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.
  • Birth of George Washington

    George Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He would later become the first president of the United States.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1763

    This treaty ended the Seven Years War/The French and Indian War between the English and French. France had to give up their territories in North America.
  • Sugar Act

    Passed by the British to put restrictions on the smuggling of sugars and increased the cost of imported goods. It primarily affected merchants.
  • Boston Massacre

    British soldiers shot at a crowd of colonists, thinking it was a mob. It was caused by colonists' opposition against the acts passed by the British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists disguised as Indians threw boxes of tea from the British East India Company were thrown into Boston Harbor. The settlers were opposed to the taxes on tea that the British had sanctioned.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    A document that announced America's separation from the English. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and the Committee of Five.
  • George Washington Becomes President

    George Washington becomes the first president of the United States. He took office on April 30. Washington did not want to become president, but he wanted a peaceful life on a farm.