1700 1800


  • Boston News Letter—first newspaper in America.

    Boston News Letter—first newspaper in America.
  • Benjamin Franklin begins publishing Poor Richard's Almanack.

    Benjamin Franklin begins publishing Poor Richard's Almanack.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
  • The Boston Tea Party.

    The Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress drafts “Declaration of Rights and Grievances.”

    First Continental Congress drafts “Declaration of Rights and Grievances.”
  • The American Revolution begins with battle of Lexington and Concord. Second Continental Congress. Priestley discovers hydrochloric and sulfuric acids

    The American Revolution begins with battle of Lexington and Concord. Second Continental Congress. Priestley discovers hydrochloric and sulfuric acids
  • U.S. Navy Department established

    U.S. Navy Department established
  • Declaration of Independence.

    Declaration of Independence.
  • Gen. George Washington crosses the Delaware Christmas night

    Gen. George Washington crosses the Delaware Christmas night
  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
  • Capt. James Cook discovers Hawaii.

    Capt. James Cook discovers Hawaii.
  • Revolutionary War ends with Treaty of Paris.

    Revolutionary War ends with Treaty of Paris.
  • The Constitution of the United States signed.

    The Constitution of the United States signed.
  • In U.S., Washington elected president with all 69 votes of the Electoral College, takes oath of office in New York City. Vice President: John Adams. Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson. Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton

    In U.S., Washington elected president with all 69 votes of the Electoral College, takes oath of office in New York City. Vice President: John Adams. Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson. Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, spurring the growth of the cotton industry and helping to institutionalize slavery in the U.S. South.

     Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, spurring the growth of the cotton industry and helping to institutionalize slavery in the U.S. South.
  • ; John Adams elected president; Thomas Jefferson, vice president.

    ; John Adams elected president; Thomas Jefferson, vice president.