French indian war


  • Yale University Founded

    The colony of Connecticut would pas an act for Liberty to Ereact a Collegiate School which later became Yale University.
  • Massachusetts Attacked during Queen Ann's War

    Mass. is attacked by the French & Indian Forces.
  • First Slave Revolt

    In New York a slave revolt breaks out and ends with several suicides and 21 executions.
  • City of New Orleans Founded

    French colonists with Jean-Baptiste le Moyne as governor, and along with the French Mississippit Company name the City of New Orleans after the Philip II, Duke of Orleans.
  • George Washington Born

    In Westmoreland County, Virginia, George Washington is born to Augustine and Mary Ball Washington.
  • Benjamin Franklin publishes first Poor Richard's Almanac

    Benjamin Franklin publishes one of the first of 26 editions of the Poor Richard's Almanac, named that way because Franklin used a pseudonym "Richard Saunders".
  • George Whitfield Arrives to North America

    During the First Great Awakening movement, George Whitefield became a predominant preacher and made his first of several visits to North American on this date.
  • Second Slave Revolt

    In the second New York slave revolt, 17 slaves were hung, 13 burned, and 70 deported.
  • First Battle of King George's War

    New French and British port of Canso. Lasts four years.
  • Invention of Lightning Rod

    Benjamin Franklin invents lightning rod and in so proving that lightning is made up of electricity.
  • Start of French and Indian War

    The initial action of this war being the attack of Fort Duquesne by George Washington caused by the defiance of the French forces in not leaving Virginia territory when they were asked.
  • French Captures Fort William Henry

  • Frances cedes Louisiana to Spain

    Because of this, there is conflict with Spain for 38 years until Spain returns Louisiana to France
  • End of French and Indian War

    A peace treaty is signed that gives America to the English.
  • The Sugar Act Passed

    England places a tax on lumber, food, molasses, and rum for those in the colonies.
  • The Stamp Act Passed

    Stamp Act is passed placing a tax on tax and all paper documents.
  • The Stamp Act Repealed

  • Boston Massacre

    British troops shoot into a protest of men against the British troops. Five men die, including a fugitive slave named Crispus Attucks. This is credited as the first battle in the American Revolution.
  • Committee of Correspondence

    Samuel Adams organizes the Committee of Correspondence which is a forerunner to the American Revolution. Held in Faneuil Hall, Boston.
  • Virginia Resolutions Establishing a Committee of Correspondence

    House of Burgesses in Colony of Virginia goes against some British policies and set up this resolution that enables a committee to contact other colonies about their common defense.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Although the original idea of the British tax on tea was to help the English East India Company, the american colonists were unhappy with the monopoly of the tea trade and the right of Great Britain to implement a tax on tea without their consent or representation in government. This led some colonists to go on board the ships that were in the harbor and throw 342 chests of tea overboard.
  • FIrst Continental Congress

    Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia holds the First Continental Congress which is against the Intolerable Acts. Calls for civil disobedience and boycotts and requests King George to end the regulations on Massachusetts.
  • Patrick Henry Speech

    In an address to the Virginia House or Burgesses, Patrick Henry gave his famous line "Give me liberty or give me death". This
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is written and approved by the Second Continental Congress in the Independence Hall in Pennsylvania. This document was based on a belief system that said that every man had a right to revolt against a government that denied their rights.
  • Nathan Hale Hung

    Nathan Hale utters his famous words: "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country" before he is hung by the British for spying.
  • Battle of Trenton

    George Washington crosses the Delaware River to New Jersey with 2,400 troops on Christmas day in order to surprise and defeat the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton.
  • General Washington Defeats General Cornwallis

    General Washington defeats General Cornwallis at Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Star and Stripes Becomes National Flag

    Continental Congress adopts this stars and stripes flag as the National Flag and later is flown in battlefield.
  • Articles of Confederation become first US Constitution

    Together with the Perpetual Union, the Articles of Confederation are used as the first United States Constitution when approved by the Continental Congress.
  • France Recognizes Colonies as Independent

    John Adams and Benjamin Franklin successfully bring France to recognize the independence of the 13 colonies and sign treaties of alliance. This becomes the turning point of the war.
  • Valley Forge

    George Washington takes his Continental Army to Valley Forge to camp out the winter.
  • Frances Signs Treaty of Amity and Commerce

    France recognizes the new nation and signs this treaty, later sending Pierre L'Enfant to be an engineer at Valley Forge, and later designs the capital of the United States- Washington DC.
  • Nashville, Tennessee Founded

    Nashville is founded by James Robertson.
  • French Arrive

    French troops arrive in Amereica to fight with the militia of the Continental Army.
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    British troops are beaten at Battle of Kings Mountain and the leader, Major General Patrick Ferguson, is killed. This changed the course of the British during the War.
  • Last Major Military Battle of the American Revolution

    General Washington, along with Rochambeau together begin the siege of Cornwall. Because the English troops were so outnumbered Lord Cornwall surrendered to American forces and the French allies.
  • Bank of North America Incorporated

    This bank is founded in Philadelphia to attempt to stabilize the giving of paper currency. In 1781 it was given $400,000.
  • National Bird

    The bald eagles is made the national bird by Congress.
  • Treaty of Paris

    England agrees to recognize American independence. American and British officials sign this treat in Pars on Nov. 30.
  • Mass. Supreme Court Outlaws Slavery

    Citing the Bill of Rights that states that "all men are created equal", the Massachusetts Supreme court outlaws slavery.
  • Noah Webster's American Spelling Book

    In writing the American Spelling Book, the United Stats had a standard for spelling and pronunciation.
  • Constitutional Convention writes the Constitution

    Delegates at the Constitutional Convention adopt the Constitution.
  • George Washington Elected President

    Unanimously elected by the Electoral College as the 1st president of the United States.
  • Supreme Court Founded

    The Federal Judiciary is passed and this allows for the Supreme Court to be created.
  • First State of the Union

    President George Washington gives the first State of the Union Address.
  • District of Columbia Created

    President Washington approved a bill that allowed buying of land near the Potomac River. The land would then be used for builgins and parks that were federally funded. This bill was called the Residence Bill and it created the District of Columbia.
  • Vermont Added as State

    Vermont was originally known as New Connecticut and was actually and independent republic for 14 years before it became a part of the United States on this date.
  • Steamboat Patented

    Although the steamboat was launched originally in Delaware River 4 years earlier, it was patented on this date by John Fitch.
  • Bill of Rights Goes Into Effect

    The Congress Hall in Philadelphia, the Bill of Rights goes into effects. These are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. There were two original amendments which did not pass.
  • Post Office Established

    George Washington sings into effect a law creating the United States Post Office Department.
  • White House Built

    Originally known as the U.S. Executive Mansion, the white house is built by Freemasons and commissioners of the district for the president. However, it wasn't until President John Adams that the house was used.
  • George Washington Re-Elected

    Despite some opposition from the Democrat-Republicans, Washington was re-elected with no political fight.
  • Construction for the Capitol Begin

    President Washington lays the cornerstone for this so that the design of DR William Thornton can begin
  • Cotton Gin Patented

    Eli Whitney invents and patents the cotton gin and allows the work of fifty men to be done by one machine.
  • Navy Established

    Permanent Navy and six vessels commissioned by US Government.
  • University of North Carolina

    FIrst operating state University to graduate students in the 18th century.
  • Peace Treaty with Indians

    General Wayne signs a peace treaty with the Indian tribes of Eel Rivers, Weas, Kickapoos, Piankeshaws, and Kaskaskias after the Indian defeat.
  • Treaty of Madrid

    Signed on this date, the Treaty of Madrid established boundaries between the United States and other Spanish territories/colonies.
  • Tennessee Admitted to Union as 16th State

  • George Washington's Farewell Address

    In this address, President Washington gives strong warnings to the nation about political parties and foreign alliances.
  • John Adams Elected President

    This is when political parties came into more prominence. Adams was a Federalist while his opponent, Thomas Jefferson, was a Democrat Republican.
  • Mississippi Territory Established

    From parts of Georgia and South Carolina, this territory was disputed between the United States and Spain.
  • French Treaties Ended

    Due to the French raiding US ships, Congress voids prior treaties made with France and orders french ships captured.
  • Slavery Abolished in New York

    Although the law is passed on this date, it does not become effective until 1827.
  • George Washington Dies

    The first president of the United States and commander of the Revolution dies in his home in Virginia.