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    Seven Years War

    This is also known as the French and Indian War. It was the first major war America was involved in and started between France and England. Once the war ended, England made the colonists pay for the war costs, which caused a lot of tension.
  • Boston Massacre

    A mob of patriots attacked a loyalists, and this resulted in the killing of 3 men and injury of 8. This increased the tension between the colonists and British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    In an attempt to protest Britain's excessive taxes, the Sons of Liberty dumped all the tea in a harbor at the Boston port.
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    Revolutionary War

    The conflict over excessive taxation and other grievances pushed the colonists to declare war on England. Though the colonist were considered significantly weaker, they still managed to win and gain their freedom.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This documents changed the course of history through declaring the United States of America independent from Britain.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    This was the colonists' first Constitution and united the colonies under a new system of government.
  • Constitution

    This document was finally written and began the foundation of America and is still used today.
  • George Washington elected president

    Washington becomes the first ever President of the United States. His precedents and example set the standard for all future Presidents to come.
  • The 10 Amendments

    These amendments were added to the Constitution in order to help further develop the nation and rules. This helped make the U.S. government was it is today.
  • John Adams elected President

    He becomes the second President in the U.S., and wasn't very popular since he wasn't George Washington.