Feb 1, 1580
Influenza Outbreak
One of the first major worldwide outbreaks of the virus that led to thousands dying worldwide. At the time influenza was one of the worlds most dangerous diseases with a high infection and death rate. -
Smallpox Epidemic
A massive smallpox epidemic on the northern east border of America takes the lives of 90% of the massachusetts bay Indian population. -
Medicinal Thermometer
the first medicinal thermometer was created in 1620 by the italian Santorio -
Malaria Treatment
One of the first malaria treatments discovered was by using the bark of a tree that contained quinine. -
people started to use microscopes for medical purposes such as locating harmful bacteria and virusus -
in 1661 doctors discovered capillaries and there significance in the circulatory blood system. -
Blood Transfusion
The first succsessful blood transfusion was conducted between a spanial and small mastiff dog -
One of the most infamous final major outbreaks of the bubonic plague that killed 15% of England in a time frame of about half a year. -
Human Blood Transfusion
The first successful human blood transfusion happened between a sheep and a person in Paris. -
One of the first micro-organism realating to virusus and dieases was discovered -
Claudia Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy which is the removal of the appendix the result of appendicitis -
James Lind discovers that citrus juices can be used to prevent scury -
Nitrous Oxide
Dr Horrace Wells an American dentist was the first to use nitrous oxide as an anesthetic.