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1681 timeline

By RGK4595
  • DIvision

    SC secedes from the union
  • Lines Drawn

    Lines Drawn
    Florida secedes from the Union
  • CSA gains another state

    CSA gains another state
    Alabama joins the confederacy
  • Allies founds common enemy

    Allies founds common enemy
    Confederacy forms
  • New President

    Abraham Lincoln is declared president
  • Clash of the iron

    Clash of the iron
    Monitor vs Merrimac first ever ironclad battle in history ends in a draw
  • New leadership

    New leadership
    Lincoln is inaugurated
  • Shots fired!!

    Shots fired!!
    Ft. Sumter is attacked
  • ... and That makes 11

    Tennessee becomes the 11 state and last to join the Confederacy
  • First Battle of a long war

    First Battle of a long war
    1st Battle of Bull Run starts ending in a confederate win
  • Pony Express is now leaving the station...

    The Pony Express ends
  • Two Virginias??

    West virginia breaks off as its own state from virginia
  • Canadians take Stock

    Toronto Stock Exchage is created
  • New Currency

    New Currency
    The US drops the gold standard for the dollar and Impliments another currency