
Roxy Girl!

  • Roxy was born today.

    Roxy was born today.
    Roxy was born today. Her momma, Lily, had a total of 9 puppies. It was her first litter.
  • Time to go home!

    Time to go home!
    Today Roxy came home with us. We picked her up at 9am and drove 8 hours to get home.
  • Roxy and Kika meet for the first time.

    Roxy and Kika meet for the first time.
    Once we arrived home, we introduced Roxy and Kika to each other. It went okay. They aren't buddies yet...maybe one day??
  • One week in Camarillo.

    One week in Camarillo.
    Roxy has been with us for a week. She is getting used to life in Camarillo. She's a handful, but so worth it! Sarah was on spring break this week, so she was able to spend lots of time bonding with Roxy.