Balfour Declaration
The Balfour Declaration was issued in the form of a letter to British leader in favor of establishing Palestine on a national home for the jewish people. -
GB Restricting Jewish Immigration
The White paper of 1939 was a policy paper issued by the British government in which the idea of suggesting mandate for Palestine was denied in favor of independent Palestine by Arabs/Jews. March 17 was when the conference ended without making any progress. -
Britain's Palestine Dilemma
WWII is over and Nazi death camps are open; March 1945: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Transjordan, Yemen, and Egypt organize the league of Arab states to pressure Britain from the other side. -
The Massacre of Baldat-al-Shaikh
Argument broke out between Palestinian workers and Jewish workers; this lead to the deaths of many Palestinians, wounded and killed about 60 Jews.
On the night of January 30-31 a mixed force launched a raid against the 2 towns; terrorists attacked the Jews with machine guns and it lasted about one hour. -
1st Arab-Israeli War
Also called " Battle of the roads." The Arab league sponsored the Arab liberation Army to attack the jewish communities in Palestine and jewish traffic. They were attempting to cut off Jewish communities from each other. On March 1948 an important road that connected Tel Aviv to Western Jerusalem was cut off which added up to about 16% of all Jews. -
Israel Founded
Declaration of Independence of State of Israel was publicly read in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948; It was drafted during the next months and the final version was a result of a compromise between parts of Israeli public; On may 14, 1948 the Jewish national council gathered and approved it. -
Palestinian Refugees
Israel occupied 78% of the land of Palestine and caused 750,000 Palestinian refugees to Gaza Strip, West Bank, and other Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, etc.. 1.5 million palestinian refugees. The reasons for this are British mandate, Partition Plan, economical situation, zionist massacres. and Israeli army. -
Suez War
Attempts failed to convert Israeli-Arab armistice agreements into peace treaties; Arabs insisted refugees be permitted to return to their homes, Jerusalem be internationalized, and Israel make territory boundaries before peace talks. Israel rfused them. -
PLO established
Palestine Liberation Organization is founded in Cairo with Ahmad Shuqeiri as leader; PLO is controlled by the Egyptian government. -
PLO representative the Palestinian people
United Nations reaffirmed its commitment to an independent soverign state in Palestine; Yasser Arafat, chairman of PLO, addressed general assembly of UN.