1619 Timeline

  • April-June 1619

    A ship named San Juan Bautista kidnapped over 300 africans from Angola to make them slaves in Mexico. Over 120 enslaved people passed away on the boat ride to Mexico
  • August 1619

    The White Lion ship arrived in Virginia with enslaved Africans and started a horrible system including laws and judgement that would last for the next 250 years. This would lead to white people being in power of the colonies. Enslaved people's lives would be hell for the duration of slavery and even after slavery.
  • 1664

    The Dutch took over New Amsterdam and renamed it New York. They would end up taking many enslaved people over to New York to sell and keep.
  • October 1712

    Enslaved africans in New York set fires and ambushed white people for killing 21 blacks. They ended up killing 9 people in retaliation. Retaliations like this would lead more black people dying and different laws (New York Slaves Laws) being put in place
  • August 1720s

    In the 1720s every ship that was moving in to the United States had either sugar or enslaved people on them. The people who were in power had enslaved people working on making sugar, they made enslaved people cut down sugarcane to make the freshest sugar to trade and transport.
  • 1800s

    By the 1800s the south had more than 300,000 enslaved people working for people of higher power. This number would eventually go up after the 1800s to about 4 million enslaved people all over the United States. Many enslaved people would end up moving from the south trying to find freedom and this would start the numbers going up to 4 million.
  • July 1780-1850

    In 1790. It were 700,000 enslaved workers on these shores. By 1850 that number went to over three million enslaved people working in fields
  • 1862-1865

    Abraham Lincoln blamed the enslaved people on why the people were fighting in the Civil War. Lincoln met with 5 higher up black people trying to get them to follow his plan of getting all the enslaved black people out of the country to end the Civil War.
  • Mid 1980s

    In the mid 1980s since the traffic and freeways were so bad in Atlanta they put in a mass transit system to clear up the roads. They named the mass transit MARTA which stood for "Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta."
  • August 2019

    Nikole Hannah-Jones exposed the truth about the 1619 project. She wrote a book showing everything that the people never wanted us to see about slavery and enslaved people.