Nancy & Stacey's timeline!

  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    British government issued the Balfour Declaration.
  • GB restricting Jewish immigration

    GB restricting Jewish immigration
    St. James conference is convened in London. The Arab delegate refused to meet with the Jewish delegate, so they made seperate proposals and agreed on none of them.
  • The Massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh

    The Massacre of Baldat al-Shaikh
    An argument broke out killing a number of Palestinians and wounding or killing 60 Jews. The Zion gangs planned their revenge by killing Baldat al-Shaikh.
  • 1st Arab-Israeli War

    1st Arab-Israeli War
    'Battle of the Roads" was the first battle and the Arabs attack Jewish communities.
  • Declaration of Indepence

    Declaration of Indepence
    The declaration of indepence of the state of Israel is completed.
  • Palestinian Refugees

    Palestinian Refugees
    Israel occupied 78% of the land of Palestine and caused 750,000 palestine refugees to Gaza Strip.
  • The Massacre of Kufr Qasim

    The Massacre of Kufr Qasim
    Curfew was started and some villagers didn't know about. The Border Patrol shot at them in a close range when they weren't in their houses.
  • PLO Established

    PLO Established
    The Arab summits in Rabat recognized the PLO as the sole legit male representative of the Palestine People.
  • Russian Jews

    Russian Jews
    The Jews of Russia were still being discriminated against even though the programs ended over Soviet rule.
  • Inti Fada

    Inti Fada
    An uprising began and tires were burnt. People attacked the Israel defense forces.
  • OSLO I

    OSLO I
    After secret negogiations, Prime Minister Rabin and PLO Chairmen Yasser Arafat fly to D.C. and agree to sign a peace agreement.
  • Rabin Assassinated

    Rabin Assassinated
    On November 4th rabin was assassinated by an extremist. The extremists thought Rabin was betraying the Jews because Rabin wanted peace.
  • Camp David

    Camp David
    Middle East Summit at Camp David took place between the United States President Bill Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister, and Palestinian authority. It was very unsuccsessful.
  • Share el-Shaik summit

    Share el-Shaik summit
    On February 2nd, 2005 Palestinian President Mahamoud Abbas has accepted an invitation to a summit with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Egypt. The make peace after four years of bloodshed.
  • Lebanon July War

    Lebanon July War
    Hezobollah infiltrates Israel in a cross-border raid, kidnaps two soliders, and kills three others. Israel attempts to rescue the kidnapped, and five more soldiers are killed. Israel's military responds, and the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict begins.