Butler's 1944 Education Act
Butler's 1944 Education Act was an attempt to create the structure for the post-war British education system. -
The birth of the National Curriculum
The creation of the NAtional CUrriculum ensured every student to receive the same standard of education throughout the United Kingdom. Alongside this came the introduction for GCSE's to 16 year olds in which the National Curriculum stated what every student should be taught. -
SATs are introduced at age 7
Standard Assesment Tests (SATs) are brought in at state schools for all 7 year olds. -
SATs are introduced at age 11
Which incidentally meant the students who had to sit the first SATs at the age of 7, were also the first the sit the fist SATs for 11 year olds. -
Education Act 1996
The Education Act 1996 requires all maintained schools to offer courses in religious education, but parents can opt their children out of the subject. Secondary schools must also offer a sex education programme. -
A third SAT exam is introduced for 14 year olds
A third SAT exam is created for all 14 year olds in the country. More education laws also ensure all older pupils are given courses in careers education. -
Introduction of AS Level
A levels courses are broken down into 6 modules. -
New law changes courses taught
New law is introduced to ensure children have a well-rounded education. Each pupil is offered at least one course in each grouping of subjects at GCSE: the arts, design and technology, the humanities, and modern foreign languages. -
Scrapping of outdated laws
Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 prohibited local authorities from "promoting" homosexuality or gay as "pretended family relationships". After 15 years, this homophobic and deeply offensive law had created confusion, the scrapping of this section lead to this change in the national curriculum. -
First day of Bramford Primary
Period: to
Bramford Primary School
Labour is criticised for opinion towards curriculum
Labour is telling schools to strip back the "traditional curriculum", like Hitler and Churchill. Swapping for more "useful" courses that help pupils in everyday life such as healthy eating, the environment and debt management. -
A* becomes attainable for A Levels
Changing in marking leads to new A* grade being introduced. -
SATs are scrapped
The unpoplar SATs are scrapped for 14 year olds and science for 11 year olds. -
Bramford Leavers day
First day of High Arcal
Period: to
The High Arcal School
Overhaul of the curriculum
Appose to Labour 4 years prior, a coalition (Labour and Liberal Democrats) brings back the focus of British history and great works of literature. -
High Arcal went into "Special measures"
After the school received an Ofsted report in 2014 which stated some major departments in the school needed improving it was put into 'special measures'. The school appealed this report and further details were released. -
New programmes of study and attainment targets
All local authority maintained schools in England must teach there programmes of study to all 4 key stages.The majority of this national curriculum was introduced in September 2014. English and mathematics came into force for pupils in years 2, 6 and 10 in September 2015, year 11 in September 2016. Science came into force for year 10 September 2016 and year 11 in September 2017. -
Scrapping of AS Levels
AS are scrapped leaving all 6 modules to be sat at the end of the two years -
High Arcal Leavers day
Period: to
King Edwards VI College