
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    During the 1730s and 40s, the first great awakening was a Christianity based religious movement (revival) that swept through Britain and the 13 colonies
  • Slavery In Georgia

    Slavery In Georgia
    In 1750 slavery was first introduced to the colony of Georgia based on their plantation style of industry
  • Lightning Rod

    Lightning Rod
    In 1752, a man by the name of Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    In 1754 the French and Indian war began. This war was between British Colonies in the North and the French colonies with their allies. Before the war was over, the Indians broke their treaty with the French.
  • End of the French and Indian War

    End of the French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War came to an end in 1763 and the British gained control of the Ohio River Valley
  • Pontiac's War

    Pontiac's War
    Launched in 1763, Pontiac's War, was led by a confederation of Native American's who were unhappy with British rule, and in 1766, they were able to change the way of British government
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    In March of 1765, the British passed the stamp act, requiring all printed documents to be stamped to show legitimacy.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre took place in 1770 when a group of British soldiers shot and killed 3 people in a crowd of about 400
  • Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

    Paul Revere's Midnight Ride
    In 1775, just before the Revolutionary War broke out, Paul Revere rode through the towns with an oil lamp, warning the colonists that the British were coming.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary War broke out between the colonies and the British on April 19, 1775, and ended on September 3, 1783
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    In 1781 towards the end of the Revolutionary War, the state's representatives decided to come up with the Articles of Confederation for the Nation's first national document
  • The Creation of the US Constitution

    The Creation of the US Constitution
    In 1787, 4 years after the Revolutionary War ended, congress wrote and created the US Constitution
  • Ratification of the US Constitution

    Ratification of the US Constitution
    Though the US Constitution was created in 1787, it was not officially ratified until 1788 and the Constitution became the official document of the US.
  • George Washington: The First President

    George Washington: The First President
    2 years after the creation of the US Constitution, George Washington, the former leader of the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War, became the very 1st president of the newly formed United States.
  • 1st Amendment introduced to the Constitution

    1st Amendment introduced to the Constitution
    In 1791, the US Constitution was ratified, and the 1st Amendment was set in stone, protecting freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    In 1793, the Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney. The cotton gin made separating the cotton from the seed much easier and more efficient.
  • John Adams President

    John Adams President
    After Washington served 2 terms as president, his VP John Adams serves at the President until the turn of the century