15th Amendment

  • Period: to

    The 15th Amendment

  • First Bill For Black Sufferage

    First Bill For Black Sufferage
    Congressmen James Ashley, from Ohio, introduced a Reconstruction bill to allow blackmen and white loyal men to vote from delegates to state constitutional conventions.
  • Lincoln

    Lincoln announces his reconstruction plan but fails to mention anything about suffrage for black men.
  • Suffrage in Federal territory

    Suffrage in Federal territory
    Senate amended house bill to establish the Montana Territory to allow black men to vote. Bill was rejected on April 15, 1864.
  • Civil Rights Group

    Civil Rights Group
    Delegates establish National Equal Rights League. The League would advocate civil rights for African Americans.
  • Second Bill For Black Suffrage

    Second Bill For Black Suffrage
    James Ashley again introduced a Reconstruction bill. This Bill was also for Black Suffrage and also failed in the House.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Mississippi became the first state to enact "Black Codes." Many other states followed in the next couple of months.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    13th Amendment passed and slavery is now abolished.
  • Territorial Governments

    Territorial Governments
    A Bill was passed that prohibited territorial governments from discriminating in civil and political rights. This also Inclus=des voting based on color. This Bill was passes without President Johnson's signature.
  • D.C. Suffrage

    D.C. Suffrage
    First election in D.C. to include Black voters. The Republicans won.
  • National Convention of Colored Men

    National Convention of Colored Men
    Met in D.C. the group promoted suffrage for all American Blackmen and Education of former slaves.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    15th Amendment was sent to the states for ratification.
  • Hiram Revels

    Hiram Revels
    The first African American to ever sit in the U.S. Congress. He sat on the senate.
  • 15th Amendment(2)

    15th Amendment(2)
    29 states ratified the 15th amendment and it is added to the Constitution.