The encampment
Hundreds of thousands of people manifest for a real democracy in 50 cities. In Madrid, after the protest, 30 activists camp around Puerta del Sol. In the early morning the police vacate them forcibly and arrest 19 people. -
The rise of new commissions
In Sol square (Madrid), campers add up to 200 people. They decide to create commissions and they spend the night in Spain’s kilometre zero which is located in the center of Puerta del Sol. The encampments begin as well in 30 other cities. -
The Electoral Commission
In the morning camps are reinstalled. Madrid’s Electoral Commission prohibits the gathering due to the local and autonomic elections on May 22. In light of this decision, thousand of activists take the square by force. -
Overseas echoes
The Central Electoral Commission approves the decision taken by the local commission and prohibits a protest on may 21. Members of the movement restate that they do not ask anyone for their vote. Foreign communication outlets showcase the protests, being The Washington Post one of them. This newspaper titles its article: A spring of frustration in Spain. -
Day of Reflection
It is the journey before the elections, which in Spain is called Day of Reflection. The movement is growing, especially in Madrid and Sol square. There is just one day left to vote and the activists decide- in an Assembly- to prorogue their protest at least for a week. -
Journey of riots
Several riots fill Cataluña square in Barcelona. The result?121 people wounded. The autonomous government demands evacuation of the square. -
Inside the districts
By common initiative, civil assemblies move to neighbourhoods and districts. The founders of the movement decide to set up weekly meetings and post the minutes in blogs created for that purpose. -
The movement stays
The assembly decides to remain in Sol square. However, the number of participants decrease slightly. Democracia Real (In English Real Democracy), asks for a change in the electoral law. Experts anticipate a worldwide protest. -
Elections time
The encampment in Madrid- and in other cities- remains but as an independent assembly. The 15M general representatives decide to be present while majors are elected in every Spanish city. A new protest will take part on June 11. -
Activists leave Sol
The assembly in Sol square decides the encampment should end by June 12. -
In front of the Congress
One thousand activists gather in front of the Congress. Their cry for action is: “or you let us in or we will keep the encampments”. -
They do not represent us
The "Indignant Ones"-how the members of the movement are called- make it clear that they want the new majors gone. They scream in the streets: "they do not represent us" and gather in front of the city councils, while majors are being sworn. The day ends up with 5 arrests. -
The indomitables
Campers leave Sol but a hundred "indomitables" remain. Before the campers leave they communicate assemblies will be celebrated still.