
  • Executive

    At age 43 JFK takes an oath of office to become the 35th president of the United States. He is the youngest president and the first Roman Cathlic.
  • Legislator

    Signs a bill creating the Peace Corps. It is Legislative because it has to do with laws and bills and the Legislative Branch.
  • State

    Delivers a speech at Rice University that before the end of the century there will be a man on the moon.
    It is state because he made his face known to the state, or the country
  • Commander and Chief

    Sends Alabama National Gaurd to the Universtiy of Alabama to protect two African American Students.
    It is part of the military powers that he had.
  • Diplomat

    Delievers many speeches to Al Lopez Field, State Chamber of Commerce, Fort Homer Hesterly Armory and the Inter-American Press Association in Miami Beach. Makes his face known to the nation, symbol of the U.S.
  • Political Party Leader

    Political Party Leader
    Send a presidential statement to be read at the
    Centennial Ceremony in Gettysburg National Military Park
  • Works Cited

    Scheiber, Dave, Mary Evertz, David Rogers, Mary Ann Marger, and Chris Sherman. "JFK: A timeline of his life." St. Petersburg Times Online. 2006. St Petersburg Times Online. 17 Apr. 2009 http://www.sptimes.com/News/111199/JFK/timeline.shtml.