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  • Chief Diplomat

    Chief Diplomat
    George W. Bush meets with 35 muslims and arabs. As chief diplomat Bush had the power to meet with important leaders of the world.
  • Chief of State

    Chief of State
    George W. Bush attneded a Colorado Rockies vs. Braves baseball game that Colorado won 5 to 4. As chief of state he shows his face for publicity because he is the "face" of America.
  • Chief Legislator

    George W. Bush signs No Child Left Behind Act with senate and congress. As chief legislator Bush could propose laws to congress and further more veto or sign them.
  • The Most Important Decision by George W. Bush

    The most important decision George W. Bush ever made was by fat the one to send troops to Irag. It might not have been the best one, but deffinetly the most important.
  • Commander and Chief

    Commander and Chief
    George W. Bush sends troops to Irag shortly after 9/11. As Cammander and Chief(aka head of armed forces) Bush had the power to send troops to Iraq.
  • Executive Order

    George W. Bush made adjustments to certain rates of pay. As chief executive he has the power to make executive orders.
  • Head of Political Party

    Head of Political Party
    George W. Bush endorses John McCain at the 2008 republican convention in Minneapolis, MN. By head of political party(the rupublican party) George W. Bush could endorse who ever he wanted.
  • Chief Executive

    Chief Executive
    George W. Bush pardoned 155 people during his presidential term.