Civil War
Launce of Bell Atlantic- First telephone company
AT&T Forms
Carnegie Steel Co. Founded
Ramson-Olds paents fist Motor Vehicle assemly line
Wright brothers first flight,-The invention of the airplane
Henry Ford perfects the Motor Vehicle Assembly line
The Panama Canal Opens
The roaring Twenties -Rise of american corporations
NBC is Formed
The Great Depression
Stock Market Crash-Black Tuesday
Fair Labor Standards Act- Sets First US Minimum Wadge $0.25
The First Comercial Television Broadcast
Korean War
First mass produced electric computer- IBM
Vietnam War
Explorer 1 -Americas First Satalite
Bank of America launches First Credit Card
The Rise of the Service Economy
Bay of Pigs Invasion
The First Wal-Mart Opens
The Cuban Missial Crisis
The First Cell Phone- Motarola
Launch of the Internet-NFSNET
Black Monday Crash
Bomb in basement of Twin Towers
The Internet was Comercialized
The rise of Green Energy
Apple released first IPhone
Wal-Mart takes over as largest retailer