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15 important events from 1700 to 1918

  • Period: to


  • First dictionary published by Samuel Johnson

    First dictionary published by Samuel Johnson
  • James cook maps New Zealand and Australia

    James cook maps New Zealand and Australia
  • Ludwig van Beethoven is Baptised

    Ludwig van Beethoven is Baptised
  • Signed the declaration of Independence

    Signed the declaration of Independence
  • The steamboat invented by Claude De Joffrey

     The steamboat invented by Claude De Joffrey
  • The first Fleet arrived at Botany Bay

    The first Fleet arrived at Botany Bay
  • World population reaches 1 billion

    World population reaches 1 billion
  • Morphine first isolated

    Morphine first isolated
  • The trumpet gets different valves

    The trumpet gets different valves
  • Discovery of antartica

    Discovery of antartica
  • Slavery is abolished in the British Empire

    Slavery is abolished in the British Empire
  • Start of the Victorian gold rush

    Start of the Victorian gold rush
  • The Victorian gold rush ends

    The Victorian gold rush ends
  • Winstone Churchill is born

    Winstone Churchill is born
  • Thomas Edison Test his first lightbulb

    Thomas Edison Test his first lightbulb
  • The first power grid and power plant

    The first power grid and power plant
  • Adolf Hitler is born

    Adolf Hitler is born
  • World War 1 begins

    World War 1 begins