Galileo's invention
Galileo invented the first astronomical telescope in 1609. -
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Halley's Comet
Halley's Comet is first discovered by Edmond Halley. -
Scientific Geology
James Hutton combines science and geology. -
Swallowed Matter
Black Holes to swallow matter are first considered. -
Kuiper Belt
Gerard Kuiper discovers the Kuiper Belt. -
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First Man in Space
First man ever in space from Russia named Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. -
First close up image of Mars captured, showing the planet's canals. -
First Spacecraft on the Moon
Being a Russian spacecraft Luna 9 was the first spacecraft to land on the Moon successfully. -
Manned Moon Landing
Being called Apollo 11 th mission to have the first two men land on the moon- Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr. -
First Landing on Venus
The Soviet Venera was the first probe to ever make a successful land on Venus sending back very few pictures. -
Period: to
1981-Present Day
First Venus Soil Samples
The Soviet Venera 13 Spacecraft sends back the first breakdown of Venus' soil. -
First American Woman in Space
Sally K. Ride becomes the first American woman to travel into space on Space Shuttle Challenger mission STS-7. -
First Asteroid Landing
The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous spacecraft wasn't planned to land on the asteroid but as it was running out of fuel, it became a last minute idea bringing us some new pictures of an asteroids surface. -
First Impact with a Comet
The Deep impact slams into a comet after its 174 day mission in space. It had captured images of the impact and analyzed the debris. -
First Spacecraft to Orbit a Comet
European's Rosetta space probe becomes the first space probe to enter orbit around a comet. The spacecraft sends back high-resolution images of the comet's surface showing steep 490-foot (150-meter) cliffs and huge boulders.