15 "Firsts" in space exploration

By tc19651
  • First Telescope

    Hans Lippershey built the first telescope.
  • Period: to

    Space Exploration

  • First nebula Discovery

    Charles Messier discovered the first nebula. It sis named Dumbbell Nebula M27.
  • Discovery of another planet

    Discovery of another planet
    Sir William Herschel discovered the first planet other than us, Uranus.
  • Discovery of Spectroscopy concept

    Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen figured out the concept of Spectroscopy.
  • The Oort cloud is Discovered

    The Oort cloud is Discovered
    Dutch astronomer Jan Oort discovers the Oort cloud.
  • Sputnik is launched

    Soviet Union launched “Sputnik” the first artificial satellite.
  • First Person in space

    First Person in space
    Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space.
  • First probe on another plantet

    First probe on another plantet
    The Soviet probe Venera 3 lands on the surface of another planet,Venus.
  • First men on the moon

    Apollo 11-Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men on the moon.
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10- Engineers from Glenn launched Pioneer 10. It was the first spacecraft to travel to the asteroid belt and leave the solar system.
  • First space shuttle

    First space shuttle
    NASA launched the first space shuttle, “Columbia”.
  • Hunnle telescope

    Hunnle telescope
    The first telescope was launched into space, the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • Kuiper Belt discovered

    Astronomers discover the Kuiper Belt.
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1 enters interstellar space.
  • Philae lander

    Philae lander
    The European Space Agency’s Philae lander lands on the comet 67P.