15 events

By m1234
  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated on his way to the hospital in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina along with his wife Sophie, who was pregnant during that time. A terrorist group called The Black Hand planned out an attack as they perceived Archduke was a threat to Serbia. Along with their success in assassinating him came two other deaths. His wife and his soon to be born baby.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war!

    Austria-Hungary declares war!
    After gaining information behind the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary had one option and took it. They declared war on Serbia! World War I begins now and its in order to avenge and take control of whats been taken. The black hand was ordered to assassinate him while also ending up murdering his wife along with him. They paid for their crimes in jail, But that doesn't just make the consequences disappear.
  • Austria-Hungary invades Russia

    Austria-Hungary invades Russia
    The spark of assassination just leading onto more and more problems. After Austria- Hungarys accusation on Serbia more conflicts/ wars came along with it. Germany helped assist and prep Austria-Hungary for battle against Russia. However, Russia wasn't alone either. Considering the support of France being involved as well just made things a lot more serious. There was no backing down.
  • The first Battle of Ypres

    The first Battle of Ypres
    There was much destruction during the battle. Poison gas was involved and later after became an extremely common tactic/tool to use on the field. Germany came out with more than 130,000 casualties along with France having around 50,000. Germany didn't end up executing their mission very well although they had pretty good supplies/tools, and allies on their side.
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    Gallipoli Campaign
    Allied forces landed successfully while later making out a plan on how to conquer the Ottoman Empire. However, the campaign didn't really go exactly as planned though. Allied forces ended up with around 200,000 casualties while the homeland had around 170,000. The point was to stop the Ottoman Empire from being involved in the war but the result of the war was just utter chaos and failure.
  • Sinking Of RMS Lusitania

    Sinking Of RMS Lusitania
    During the time of the RMS Lusitania sinking, More than half of the people on it during the time passed away. An estimated amount of around 1,000 people died while there was around 2,000 on board in total. It sank very quickly due to complicated circumstances having to do with Germany. Though that wasn't the intention, many lives were lost and that couldn't be ignored.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
    Italy resigned from the triple alliance not long before declaring the war. A new front was opened up along Italy's outer area. (The Italian front) Italy suffered from many casualties during the battle against Austria-Hungary but was not giving in at any time. Austria-Hungary even called in neighboring allied forces from that point. The Germans arrival ensured Austria-Hungary's safety, Although Italy was already in a pretty bad position.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was one of the darkest occurrences during both the development, and ending of WWI. It was extremely bloody along with many lives being lost. As France had the upper hand and ensured success, Germany was just in a really bad position considering the amount of casualties they've suffered as well.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The battle of Jutland helped develop territorial rules during the war in order for people not to get involved in things they "shouldn't" be involved with in the first place. Germany claimed their victory because of the amount of casualties and destruction being caused to the British. But even then, Germany wasn't as strategic during the time and was declined for them to be allowed to have some type of grasp of the seas control anyway.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Allied forces left Germans with tarnished hope. Although that was the case though, they suffered from 200,000 casualties while German soldiers suffered 500,000. It's not as bad but still worse than what was intended. The battle of Somme has one of the biggest impacts on WWI and that is both because of how dark it got, and who was involved.
  • US declares war on Germany

    US declares war on Germany
    Due to past events involving Germany, the US decided to get involved. The Lusitania, Germany invading Belgium, etc. During the raid around the beginning of the war, many casualties were suffered and so was the risk of getting involved with more alliances. Although Germany does have allies, After all thats happened, It was hard to make it all die down.
  • Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany

    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany
    Russia (along with Germany) had their special reasons on why they signed the treaty. For instance, the strength of neighboring countries, the war not making it any better, etc. After WWI began, It was extremely difficult to just back down from it completely. And if you as an individual DID do that, there still wouldn't be anyone there to support your decision during the time.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    This conflict didn't last very long but it shows significance in how far in WWI its come down to. It was around 10 German attacks siding it with around 400 casualties. Gas attacks were becoming a norm along with air strikes becoming a big problem as well. However, peace treaties were being signed all the sudden. Some countries didn't want to involve themselves in it anymore. Many just didn't find significance in it anymore but that all it was to them was mass destruction.
  • Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne (end of WWI)

    Germany signs the Armistice at Compiègne (end of WWI)
    Countries grew sick of ongoing battles that had no significance to them anymore whatsoever. Especially after losing many allies just for things to not go their way. All of it was upsetting. The allied powers agreed and signed at Compiègne, France where it was all decided. They wanted to not only nullify, but to end the chaos as well.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    After Germany and Allied powers agreed to put an end to things, They decided to make things official. Much burden was brought upon Germany and there was nothing to do but bear along with it. Not only did the treaty of Versailles change daily life for the better, but it also changed Europe as a whole. Around 9 new countries were added and it was finally official that things involving WWI would be stopped.