15.3 Events leading to the End of WW2

  • German defeat at Stalingrad

    German forces pushed out of Stalingrad by Soviets, after this battle Germans were continusly pushed back on the eastern front
  • D-Day

    Allies land in Normandy France. Marks the beginning of the end of the war as Allies now have a foothold in Europe
  • Battle of the bulge

    German forces decided to make one last ditch effort to win the war, they put all there troops into one and created a bulge in the front. eventually the allies pushed back the Germans.
  • Invasion of Iwo Jima

    Allies landed on heavily fortified Japanese Island. Japanese fought with there lives but eventually the Japanese had to surrender the Island.
  • Adolf Hitler kills himself

    Hitler knowing the war was coming to an end in a German defeat shoots himself and poisioned his wife in his secret bunker
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle between German and Soviet forces for German capital. Germans end up surrendering
  • War ends in Europe

    Nazi Germany surrenders to Allied forces. Mainland Germany is split into two with allies taking the western half and Soviets taking the Eastern side
  • Invasion of Okinawa

    Allied invasion of Japanese held island. Japanese fought tooth and nail and suffered over 100,000 deaths. Allies suffered more than 65,000
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    United States drops 2 nuclear bombs on heavily populated Japanese citys. The bombs were dropped to force Japanese to surrender.
  • World War 2 ends

    Japan finally surrenders to allies following the dropping of the 2 atomic bombs. This signifies the end of the second world war bringing the World to peace.