1450-1750 CE

  • Apr 3, 1299

    Ottoman Dynasty

    Ottoman Dynasty
    Empire that controled most of the middle east, north africa, and much of eastern Europe
  • Apr 3, 1394

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Prince Henry the Navigator
    Portuguese prince who encouraged naval exploration and innovations
  • Mar 31, 1400

    Beginning of Portuguese Slave Trade

    Beginning of Portuguese Slave Trade
    Portuguese slave trade began in the 1400's when Henry the navigator sailed to Africa and brought back African slaves with him
  • Apr 3, 1451

    reign of mehmed the conqueror

    reign of mehmed the conqueror
    Ottoman sultan who brought an end to the byzantine emperor
  • Apr 3, 1464

    reign of sunni ali

    reign of sunni ali
    first Emperor of the west African, Songhai Empire
  • Apr 3, 1464

    songhai empire

    songhai empire
    Songhai was one of the largest Islamic empires in history, located in western africa
  • Apr 3, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther started the protestant reformation with the 95 theses that e posted on the door of the wittenburg castle church door and founded the lutheran church
  • Apr 3, 1488

    Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean

    Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean
    Bartolemeu Dias sailed to the tip of africa and back to portugal.
    named the tip of Africa the Cape of Storms
  • Mar 28, 1492

    Columbus's first voyage

    Columbus's first voyage
    Columbus asked for ships and funding for a voyage across the pacific to India from Isabella and landed on the island of hispaniola.
  • Apr 3, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Treaty that split the world between portugal and spain for colonizaion and exploration
  • Apr 3, 1501

    Saffavid Dynasty

    Saffavid Dynasty
    the safavid was one of the most significant ruling dynasties of Persia who controlled all of the middle east except arabia
  • Apr 3, 1509

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin was an influential man during the protestant revolution. He founded the Calvinist church
  • Apr 3, 1519

    spanish conquest of mexico

    spanish conquest of mexico
    Cortés defeated the Aztec empire with relative ease because the aztecs were dying of new diseases and feared the guns that the spanish had
  • Apr 3, 1520

    reign of suleiman the magnificent

    reign of suleiman the magnificent
    10th and longest reigning sultan of the ottoman empire
  • Apr 3, 1526

    Mughal Dynasty

    Mughal Dynasty
    an empire that ruled over most of India and some of the middle east
  • Apr 3, 1540

    foundation of the society of jesus

    foundation of the society of jesus
    Ignatius Loyola founded the society of jesus with permission from the papacy. They were devoted to converting people to catholicism
  • Mar 31, 1545

    Council of trent

    Council of trent
    The Catholic church moved to Trent to get away from the protestant heretics
  • Apr 3, 1556

    reign of Akbar

    reign of Akbar
    third ruler of the mughal dynasty
  • Apr 3, 1564

    Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo was an italian physicist, astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher that had a large impact during the scientific revolution.
  • Apr 3, 1572

    reign of emperor wanli

    reign of emperor wanli
    He was the 13th ruler of the ming dynasty and had the longest reign of all the ming emperors. he slowly witnessed the decline of the ming dynasty
  • Spanish armada

    Spanish armada
    The spanish naval fleet that made them the strongest nation of their time
  • Tokugawa Shogunate

    Tokugawa Shogunate
    the last feudal japanese military government, so basically the last empire of samurai
  • 30 years war

    30 years war
    war fought in europe over religioun that pitted the protestant nations against the roman catholic ones
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke was an enlightenment thinker who thought that the people have a right to decide when the government is unjust
  • Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty
    1644-1912 empire controling China, modern mongolia, and tibet
  • peace of westphalia

    peace of westphalia
    a series of peace treaties ending the thirty years war
  • seven years war

    seven years war
    Great Britain competed with both France and Spain over trade and colonies
  • British colonization of Australia

    British colonization of Australia
    the Australian colony was built using the labor of British prisoners instead of slave labor. After the colony was built the prisoners stayed there
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    a slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue