Cleveland Freenet account (CWRU)
The cleveland freenet thru case western was my first attempt at 'browsing' online. I remember being fascinated that I could access documents at the library from 2000 miles away. -
Compuserve Account
Prodigy Account
Dialup with a brand new 2400 baud modem -
First Web Access
Using a videotext like system, several of us working from a DOE facility logged onto this thing called the world wide web and accessed a speeach by then vice president al gore...all text. No graphics...no browser! -
First use of Mosaic Web browser
The web browser made everything seem easier. And everyone who'd created a web page (all 4 of them ;-). Blakc type on a gray background...but it worked. -
First web page created
Out with the SGML, in with the HTML...and rainbow borders! Our team was so proud. -
AOL account
eventually got the US Robotics 56K modem for blazing fast access to the walled garden and...AOL chat! -
Yahoo account
Google account
Blogger account
LinkedIn account
MySpace account
Facebook account
Twitter account
Friendfeed account
Establish TimeToast Account
Create First Timeline using TimeToast