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14 years of cool

  • Born

    I am grateful for this.
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    I bet it was fun but, I don't know because I don't remember.
  • Went to the zoo for the first time

    Went to the zoo for the first time
    My favorite animals were the lions.
  • made a cool mother's day painting thing

    made a cool mother's day painting thing
    She liked it
  • I saw my mom hang it up

    I saw my mom hang it up
    She was proud.
  • Went to Pre-k

    Went to Pre-k
    I wasn't used to being around kids my age back then. not anymore
  • Learned my birthday

    Learned my birthday
    I was surprised.
  • learned about the internet

    learned about the internet
    It was a very exciting day.
  • I learned that a tomato is not a fruit

    I learned that a tomato is not a fruit
    It surprised me a lot D:
  • found 20 dollars in a parking lot

    found 20 dollars in a parking lot
    I forgot what I spent it on.
  • My first phone

    My first phone
    it was white and small.
  • Recieved a trumpet

    Recieved a trumpet
    I still use said trumpet in band for the past 3 years
  • My first guitar

    My first guitar
    It's a Black Epiphone SG-Special
  • Started reading webcomics

    Started reading webcomics
    My first webcomic was Homestuck.
  • Watched "The Outsiders"

    Watched "The Outsiders"
    The movie was good.
  • Read "The Outsiders"

    Read "The Outsiders"
    One of my favorte books.
  • Found out i'm lactose intolerant

    Found out i'm lactose intolerant
    I didn't find out the best way possible, though.
  • Held my cousin for the first time

    Held my cousin for the first time
    he's so small and soft.
  • Recieved a citizenship award

    Recieved a citizenship award
    It was actually two awards, but they're still cool.
  • Got my red belt

    Got my red belt
    It's a dark shade of red.