germany invades poland
Hitler broke his promise from Munich Conference that he would not ask for anymore land but he did and ends up invading polan. -
The battle of Britain
Germans bombed England including at night when the Germans couldn't see what they were bombing.Hitler called of attacks. -
Germany invades Soviet Union
Hitler then broke another promise,when he ordered Nazis to attack Soviet Union.Hitler couldn't be trusted. -
Japan attacks U.S. navy at Pearl Harbor
japan surprise attacks the US navy and more than 3000 sailors died and dozen of ships were destroyed. -
Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943
Soviets eventually pushed Germans back across Poland and back into Germany because Germany was heavily winning until battle of Stalingrad. -
D-day (Invasion of Normady)
The British, Canadians, and Americans were prepared to attack Germans in Europe.Planned to cross English channel and and attack the german army on the North coast of france called normady.It was difficult and risky as Dwight D Eisenhower led the attack.French pushed out germans and were happy they werent controlled by the nazis. -
Island Hopping
Island hopping was the idea that US military move across pacific ocean from island to island until it they could reach and attack japan. -
Victory in Europe day
Germany had surrendered to Nations of England,France,US and the Soviet Union. On May 8,1945 Hitler killed himself so he wouldn't be captured by allied nations and especially didn't want to be captured by the soviet union.And the war in Europe was over. -
Nurember trials
After the war ended the allie powers agreed to put Nazi leaders and soldiers for war crimes. -
US drops atomic bombs on Japan
The US preparing to invade Japan in 1945.
Japan finally surrendered after we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them. -
united nations
united nations would have an authority to enforce its decisions.Only 5 founding members can veto any decision made by general assembly. -
Yalta and Potsdam conference (feb and July 1945)
As war in Europe was coming to a close the leaders of the US,England and the Soviet Union met in town of Yalta in Soviet Union.They wanted to plan how Europe would be shaped after the war.
Leaders met again in Potsdam Germany. Germany surrendered.Roosevelt died and was replaced.Stalin broke promise from Yalta.Stalin now would not allow democratic elections in eastern Europe and no communist government. Not trusting Stalin led to the cold war. -
Division of Germany
After Germany surrenders,the Victorious nations divided into 4 zones and each nations would govern a zone.They were trying to remove Nazism. 1/4 of Germany was becoming a democracy and the other 1/4 were communists. -
rebuilding japan
japan becomes a democracy,gains court system similar to the US,Women gain equality, they ended up with no army or navy, Us will defend japan