13th Amendment Timeline

  • Slaves Arrive in America

    Slaves Arrive in America
    The first slaves from Africa are brought to Virginia during this year. Other countries had been using Africans as slaves before this. American colonist used Natives at first, but they were useless due to many dying from the diseases brought by Europeans.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory. This was land that was north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi river, south of the Great Lakes and west of Pennsylvania.
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    The Liberator was a radical newspaper founded by William Lloyd Garrison. There were weekly issues published in Boston, and it helped grow worldwide attention towards the abolishinist movement.
  • Republican Party Begins

    Republican Party Begins
    Northern leaders got together to stop the spread of pro-slave people from crossing the Missouri Compromise. They did not want slavery to come to the North. Their first nominating convention was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • American Civil War Starts

    American Civil War Starts
    Eleven southern states seceded from the Union in 1861 after President Lincoln was elected. The war was fought for four years mostly in the southern part of the country. After years of fighting, the South surrendered and slavery was outlawed in America.
  • The Emancipation Proclimation

    The Emancipation Proclimation
    This was an executive order by President Abraham Lincoln that freed 50,000 slaves. It did not outlaw slavery or give them citizenship, though.
  • Senate Passes Amendment

    Senate Passes Amendment
    The U.S. Senate passed the 13th Amendment with a vote of 38 to 6.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    These were laws used by some of the states right after the Civil War to still use blacks as slaves. They would punish blacks for outrageous crimes so they could use them like slaves.
  • House Passes Amendment

    House Passes Amendment
    The U.S. House of Representatives passed this amendment on this date with a vote of 119-56.
  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    13th Amendment Ratified
    The 13th Amendment was ratified by the states on December 6, 1865. Georgia was the last state that ratified it to make slavery legal. This amendment was ratified in 309 days.