Battle of Bull Run
Also called Manassas or Manassas Junction. They realized that this war was going to be a long bloody war. -
The corwin Amendment
Thomas Corwin a Republican from Ohio. Corwin was introduced for a considered measure by congress, an attempt to attract states into their state.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corwin_Amendment -
Emancipation Proclamation
All slaves that are in the territories that are still fighting will forever be free on January 1, 1863
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Slaves Freed
Date that Lincoln declared slaves in territory outside of Union free.
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Union Victory at the Battle of Anietam
Proclamation was issued and would go into effect three monthes later.
civilwar.org -
Creation of the united states colored troops
Made over ten percent of the Northern Army. One percent was African American out of the 25 percent that they comprised of the Union Navy.
www.afroamcivilwar.org -
The Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg adress was a bloody battle. Abraham Lincoln wrote a speech about the Gettysburg Address and rememberic
of all the people who had died there.
http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org www.historynet.com -
Congress Debates Amendement Propsal and Passed
Senate Judiciary Committee used some language from the Northwest Ordinance in 1787 where slavery was forbidden North of the Ohio River.
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Lincoln Elected President
The Republican plateform of "utter and complete destruction" of slavery ensured the ratification of the amendment.
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13th ratified
On December 6, 1865 it was the end of slavery, this happened eight months after the war. Georgia ratified to offcially end slavery in the U.S.
[http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/13th-amendment-ratified] [project pass]