Discovery of magnetite in china
Magnetic properties first descirbed in text from before this period around 45AD. The Chinese used to spin a magnetic spoon to make political decisions -
Dujiangyan Irrigation System
Chinese Irrigation system -
The use of horse shoes
The horse shoe allowed the horse to walk for longer and further without cracking their hooves. This created the ability to transport agricultural goods to more markets to sell -
Chinese invent gun powder
accidentally invented while looking for the cure for mortality. Was primarily used as fireworks in religious and other celebrations -
Blast Furnace in China
First reports of a blast furnace in china. This would have contributed to the production of steel in china as well. Both of these technologies and materials were absent in western history until centuries later -
Jan 1, 700
Stirrup introduced to Europe
Jan 1, 700
Advancement of the plough
The addition of a blade, wheels and a curved mouldboard made a plough that was much better suited for hard soils versus the previous methods of using a sharp stick in softer soils -
Jan 1, 1000
Agricultural productivity increased and middle class had more time
peasant had more time to play and not work work. They no longer were practising archery and so there were less skilled soldiers. mass armies were no longer readily available -
Jan 1, 1066
Norman Invasion of Wales
The invasion of Wales was when the Anglo-Normans discovered the long ranged Welsh Longbow -
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
The Normans defeated the Saxons since they had the advantage of horses to use in battle. To stay on these horses they needed stirrups. -
Jan 1, 1187
European compass
Alexander Neckam reported the use of a magnetic compass for the region of the English Channel. Europeans used the compass to conquer the world. -
Jan 1, 1200
Raised the back of the saddle
The back was raised so the rider could spear their opponent without falling off their horse -
Jan 1, 1248
Europeans discover gun powder
first use gun powder to shoot amunition out of bell casings. Most likely acquired gun powder from the Arabs who in turn found it from the Chinese -
Jan 1, 1250
Knights entered the top ranks of the population
Oct 25, 1415
Battle of Agincourt
Henry v was severely outnumbered by the french but his victory during the Hundred Year War against france was credited to his use of the Welsh Longbow -
Jan 1, 1516
Royal Mail service established by Henry VII
postal service allowed for better communication between people -
Discovery of static electricity
William Gilbert first discovered static electricity by rubbing amber with fur -
First Barometer discocered
was first discovered by the Italian Evangelista Torricelli. Idea started when water would not travel farther than 32 ft up a pipe. when Roman Marin Mersenne propsed a vacuum was the cause this was shot down by the church. He was able to mail his findings along with Galeleos work on the findings to a colleague in france by using postal services -
Further discoveries of electricity
In 1791, Luigi Galvani noticed a frog leg twitch when electricity was applied so concluded that animals conduct electricity.
Alessandro Volta's battery, or voltaic pile, of 1800, was a means to transport electricity -
Electromagnetism discovered
Radio and Radar waves used
First mathematically predicted by James Maxwell -
Telephone invented
Alexander Graham Bell was the first to the patent office and is credited with the invention -
Nuclear weapons
from the advancement of hand combat to bow and arrows to gun powder and now to nuclear weapons. The advancement of combat technology is cotinuing to advance at a fast pace and is becoming more destructive with every century -
Factory Farming
New technologies in agriculture lead to high productio and less labour, this has further increased in the 20th century to an extreme and unhealthy level -
First Mobile phone
combing the use of radio waves and the telephone has lead to the invention of the mobile phone which is widely used -
Invention of the horse collar
If you tried to put an oxen collar on a horse the animal would suffocate, this was mitigated with the invention of a horse collar. Agricultural productivity doubled with the use of a horse.