Period: 30,000 BCE to
Beginning to Exploration
10,000 BCE
Bering Land Bring
There are three waves of those that cross the Bering Land Bridge. They (waves) first happened when the Natives were following herds of their main food group across the bridge into North America to where the population started to grow. The Natives began to advance and created the Clovis culture to better hunt their prey. With a more efficient way to hunt, the Natives were able to grow. It was at the cost of the land and its animals. Soon America was filled with many different cultures and people. -
1600 BCE
The Olmecs were one of the oldest societies. They were known for their bloodletting, ballgame, calendars, & pyramids. The pyramids & the bloodletting came to exist in future societies. The pyramids represent the technology & the greatness of one society and soon the bloodletting will lead to sacrifices and mass murder of people to appease the gods. These customs will be seen as foreign & savage to the newcomers from the Old World, because they are more "civilized", monotheistic, & more advanced. -
1096 BCE
The Crusades
The Crusades were a series of religious battles, numbering to 8 major expeditions. It was intended to fight for control of Jerusalem, the religious land of the major religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. The Christians and Muslims were main players of these wars. In the big picture, this mission failed and was more of a series of religious massacre. On the other side, soldiers of the Crusades brought back knowledge, things about science and technology, which will soon spark the Renaissance. -
753 BCE
Rome is one of the greatest empires created in history. They were advanced for their time and grew to be very powerful. They are the basis of many things that exist in the modern world today. For example, the idea of a republican government was derived from Roman. The idea of a Constitution was also from Rome with their multiple documents of Constitutions, and the law in courts, like filibusters, veto, and Quorum. Rome had Latin as its language which is where modern day English is derived from. -
Dark Ages
The Dark Ages was a time where the Catholic Church reigned. Sciences and philosophies and basically the power resides solely upon the priests of the Church. Medicine was banned, and prayers were the new cures for every type of injury. There was no higher learning, thus pushing more people under the Church’s influence. The economy failed as well, and many died early. The culture diminished with everything focused on religion. These days were very backwards, as if it was in the early beginnings. -
The Renaissance
The Renaissance is the rebirth of math, science, and art. Greek and Roman culture were at the center of revival; science and technology advanced. One of the most important inventions that came to be made was the printing press, it allowed the culture to spread even more now that many can be have access to information. Religion strengthened as well now that the Bible is being copied, thus also literacy, as people are getting a chance at education. It was a total turn from the Dark Ages. -
Exploration started with the Portuguese. With technological advancement, especially the new type of boat, caravel, they can efficiently explore far. This inspired many to navigate and become rivals of the sea. Many rushed to the sea to find their own glory. Christopher Columbus was one of the navigators who will soon “discover” the New World. This leads to conquests of the settled Natives, exploitation of both the resources and people, and will create a large connection between both hemispheres. -
Conquest of the Aztecs
The Aztecs were one of the most advanced ancient civilizations. Although it was prosperous in glory and fame, many outsiders had despised the Aztecs. When Cortes came looking for gold, he teamed up with those who opposes and laid siege on the city. Disease eventually wiped most of the population out and the population was stared. Cortez then captured Montezuma and held hostage and eventually killing him. The last attack had came upon the city, but it had long since died. Many were already dead. -
Development of Colonial Differences
The New England colonies were different from Chesapeake.They came over in families and instead of those looking for gold or ways to make money, like those in Virginia. This allowed New England colonies to build a community faster. Not only that, the first settlers that came over into New England were people of middle class, they were used to work, unlike the Jamestown settlers. They built their economy around small jobs, like building ships, having their own farming, and other small services. -
Period: to
English Colonial Societies
Chesapeake Colonies- Virginia
Virginia was where the first official and permanent colony settled. Jamestown, though ultimately successful, had struggled immensely, with only 60 of the 500 original settlers dying before and during the first winter because of the gold-less and poor environment and land, though being free of Native and Spanish occupation. They were eventually saved by the cash crop, tobacco, that John Rolfe brought over with him in 1612, which managed to be planted in the harsh land and was popular in Europe. -
The colonies, especially those in the South, rely on slave labor. This started the Atlantic Slave Trade, where slaves are caught in West Africa to be transported to the Americas to work on plantations. The slaves were used because they were "born" to be working under the sun and have the build for it. Slaves in the Americas was different from the past, this time it had a distinction in race and rarely get to be freed. This trade increased in the 1600s and soon depleted Africa of its people. -
New England Colonies- Plymouth
The first New England colony, Plymouth, was supposed to be part of the Chesapeake Colonies, but since the Mayflower, had landed 100 miles farther than their intended destination, they began their own chain of colonies. The settlers were mainly Puritans who sought to create a model colony for England & Holland, who they considered to be corrupted. They created a settlement with Squanto's help. In exchange, they help the Natives fight their enemy. There will soon be the 1st Thanksgiving in place. -
Caribbean Colonies
These colonies are the most valuable to Europeans. They produced sugar, which was very popular with Europeans. Planting said crop is arduous, dangerous, and pain-staking. Many slaves arrived in the Caribbean colonies, like Barbados, to be put to work or are conditioned and moved to the North American colonies' plantations. These colonies are make a lot of money that even the North American colonies could never amount to, thus many countries of Europe compete for the colonies in the Caribbean -
Triangular Trade
The Triangular trade was a trade that connected Africa, Eurasia, and the Americas. It was an exchange of raw materials, finished products, some goods, and slaves. One of the “legs” of the trade was the horrendous Middle Passage. This part of the trade was a journey the slaves went through. The conditions of the passage was cruel and so horrible that many tried to suicide. Most of those that survived the trip were sent to the Caribbeans to be conditioned or sent into the sugar plantations. -
Navigation Acts
England began to tighten their control on the colonies.The colonies were used to being on their own, and maintaining a distant relationship with the mother country. Because of the inner turmoil of England, they demanded that the colonies are limited to trade with only England. Not only that, but England profited from this trade more as they exploited the colonies of their materials. Colonies had no choice but to buy from the English merchants. Many resulted in smuggling goods from other ships. -
American Enlightenment was like Europe’s. Reasoning and Science were renewed in the people’s interest. Superstition was no longer controlling people’s fears. New theories were made on how the world works, which results in Deism, where people try to find God's existence. Individual rights, the idea that all humans are equal and should be allowed life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness came from John Locke, who believed that humans were born good and therefore deserve these Natural Rights. -
Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution happened when the Parliament was unhappy with the way King James II was ruling.They resolved to appealing to Princess Mary, to get married to Prince William of Orange, where they became the figures that Parliament wanted to put in place of King James II. King James II had wanted to tighten control and ally with France. This made him unpopular with the dissolved Parliament. This revolution was bloodless, James II fled and the King William and Queen Mary rose to the throne. -
Salem Witch Trials
Witches were one of the terrible sins Christians could commit. In a Massachusetts colony, the trials started when the Reverend's daughter started to involve in witchcraft.To take the suspicion away, she blamed others of the crime. Soon neighbors were suspicious of the other. Most of the accusations were pointed towards the lower classes, and it turned out to be more of a political issue rather than religious, because people were pointing out their rivals rather than real suspects. 24 died. -
Colonial Economies
In the South, there was a dependence on slave labor, and thus the population was majority Africans. The slave labor was put towards plantations. In the Upper South, the largest cash crop was tobacco. This crop was what saved the first successful colony, Jamestown, and it continued to allow the colonies in the Upper South region to thrive. In the Lower South the crop was mainly rice, which became the staple of the region. The agriculture was based here in this area because of the environment. -
Period: to
Colonial America to 1763
The Great Awakening
From the Enlightenment, many had delved from their religion and found reasoning and the science behind of why things happened. This caused many Christians and church goers to question their religion. Thus, preachers and devoted Christians tried to end the lack of belief. John Edwards was one of these preachers, who believes the society is too consumerism based. On the bright side, many elite universities were founded in the times of Enlightenment, providing education to those who seek it. -
Seven Years War
The Seven years War was a war mainly between France and Britain over territory in North America.Tension was broke when George Washington decided to attack at Ft. Duquesne. This was the first world war as it also took place in Eurasia and Africa. The Natives of North America were involved too, because it pertains to their rivalry of land, enemies on the other side, and resentment of the British’s treatment. But whatever the case, different tribes were allied on both sides. Eventually Britain won. -
Virtual Representation
Parliament represents all of Britain, including the colonies. Due to the distance, it is difficult to have information updated on time. Parliament disregarded their colonies in their salutary neglect. The colonies were to defend themselves, set up their own militias as they will not receive any reinforcement, and their own government to have the colonies running efficiently. This will soon come to a point where the colonists are angered by the representation that is being deprived from them. -
Britain’s financial situation
After the French and Indian War, Britain was nearly bankrupted. War is really expensive and considering that this war was worldwide, it took a toll on the British. The war was about $14 million back then and that was a huge price in those days. This is the start of where the taxation on the colonies would start. Yet, even though the British helped the colonists gain all the land, they refused to pay any taxes. Colonists were enraged by the taxation without representation, even if it was small. -
Treaty of 1763
The French and Indian War between France and Britain, who were the main opponents, was ended by the Treaty of 1763. This treaty effectively ended the French's rule in the North American continent and Britain gained control over the formerly French territory, New, France. France will only keep the small islands of Canada (St. Pierre and Miquelon) and Haiti and the people of Quebec will still speak French. Maps were altered. The British have tense relation with the Natives in the new territory -
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Boston Massacre
The tensions were high between the colonists and the British soldiers who were stationed in the colonies due to the Townshend Act, which was repealed. The colonists harassed the soldiers, threw stones at the soldiers and basically created tension. Then a shot was fired, and soon the other soldiers began to fire as well. It ended up killing a total of 5 people. The soldiers were put on trial for murder. They were defended by John Adams and had a jury filled with Loyalists, and they were let off. -
Boston Tea Party
The tax on tea had remained in order to collect revenue for Britain's financial situation. Tea was also the drink that was favored in the colonies, so the tax had angered the colonists. The Sons of Liberty were especially mad and decided one night, at a pub where they were all intoxicated, to dress up as their neighboring Natives, the Mohawks, and attack the ships full of tea. They ended up dumping all 340 chests of tea imported from Europe.This act showed that the colonists refused to be taxed. -
1st Continental Congress
The colonial leaders were concerned with the rising tensions. They discussed the Coercive Acts, or rather the Intolerable Acts in their case, and how they feel it was unjust. They denounced that act and proceeded to suggest that they should stray away from the British motherland as there are many grievances against the. Patrick Henry was one of people who foresaw the up and coming conflict between the colonies and the mother country. He said the famous quote “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death!” -
Coercive Acts
These acts were also known as the Intolerable acts by the colonists as they deemed it intolerable. These acts were aimed at Massachusetts, because this colony had held the most resistance to previous acts that was put upon the colonies. The act closed the Boston Harbor, had soldiers stationed in the colonies to where colonists had to house, feed, and basically take care of the soldiers. Eventually this caused the Constitutional Convention to meet and discuss the issue and declare independence. -
Guerilla Warfare
This type of warfare was adopted from the Natives. It consisted of hitting the enemy with a weapon and hiding from possible range of hit. The Americans were able to surprise the British with this tactic style and eventually wear out the British.The British were traditionally trained in the battle tactic where they stand in rows and fire at command by the commander, general, or whoever is leading the particular army.Guerilla warfare has been aimed to shoot these leader and leave the army useless. -
Battle- Lexington and Concord
The tension between the colonies and the British rose. The British heard that there was a storage of arms in the colonies in Concord and went to seize it. The colonies were warned by Paul Revere and the Midnight Riders, some of whom were caught. The message had successfully warned the colonists. They, the British, were met with the militia. Yet, no one wanted to shoot first because they didn't want war, but someone did, and it was the famed “Shot Heard Around the World”. The battle then started. -
Common Sense
Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, who was an anti-British. He argued for independence and wanted a democratic-republic government. He disliked and attacked the monarchical government of the British. The pamphlet appealed to the people's common sense and because it was cheap and popular, it was widely accessible and thus the idea of independence grew. Soon many American colonist had different views of the changing the monarchy government they are living under. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was a list of grievances against the Crown. They wished to become independent and it did not suit well with the Crown. Thomas Jefferson was the leading author of this and was inspired by past philosophical thinkers, like Locke. It was approved July 2nd, 1776 and announced to the public July 4th, 1776. This document was written during the Revolution and it basically deemed the colonists as traitors of Crown. But since the olive branch wan't accepted, this happened. -
Massachusetts Constitution
This constitution that was drafted by John Adams for the state of Massachusetts, was a model for the future Constitution. It consisted of three parts, the first being the preamble, then the rights of the citizens of Massachusetts were listed, and then finally the frame of the government of Massachusetts was outlined. This is similar to what the Constitution is now. The Constitution also included a preamble, an outline of the government, and it listed the powers of the federal government of US. -
Articles of Confederation
This was the initial government set up after the American Revolution. It was run mostly by Congress and the “first president” was John Hanson. Ultimately, it failed because of five reasons: It gave a lot of power to the states, it was a unicameral congress, it had no separate executive, the congress/parliamentary worked part time, and the weakest point was that it had no taxing authority. Considering that America just came out of a war, this inability to tax was detrimental and caused its fall. -
Period: to
Treaty of Paris 1783
This Treaty of Paris ended the Revolution that was won by the United States with Washington's lead. The United States were finally recognized as an independent country and sovereign.The treaty includes borders with the British territories of North America (Canada) and the United States, returned lands to Loyalists (although this part was not kept because colonists didn't like Loyalists), had the Mississippi River accessible to both, and the US receives the frontier land to the Mississippi River. -
Problems with the British
After the Revolutionary War with the British, a treaty was signed. It stated that the Americans were supposed to return lands to the Loyalists that had fled during the war. Since there was still leftover bitterness against the Loyalists,the lands weren't returned and thus the Loyalists were not brought home. Since the Americans didn't hold their promise. the British thus kept forts in the lands promised to the Americans and traded with the Natives, which brought armed raids among the Americans. -
Shay's Rebellion
Under the Articles of Confederation, states hold most power. It was starting to fall apart and Shay's rebellion proved its ineffectiveness in keeping the country together. It was a group of farmers led by Daniel Shay to protest the amount of debt that was put upon them after the Revolutionary War. It was not put down easily because there was no central force to command. The uprising started in Massachusetts and soon spread. Eventually the Massachusetts militia managed to put down the rebellion. -
Constitutional Convention
This convention was called to make the Constitution. There was a disagreement on how the Legislature should be structured. The states with a bigger population wanted to base the representation by population whereas the smaller states with a small population wanted equal votes. Eventually, a combination of the two were created, it is called the Connecticut Plan, proposed by Robert Sherman. Sherman proposed a solution that there be two houses: one for population and the other for equal votes. -
Northwest Ordinance
This is the new system that was created for the admission process into the Union. It rejected slavery in the new territories. The new territories must have their own governors and legislations to manage local and state affairs regardless of the number of the population. Once the territory amounts up to 60, 000 people, the territory can then apply to be a state of the United States. This is the future admission for new states that wish to be part of the growing nation. -
The Great Debate
The Great Debate was between the Anti-Federalist and the Federalist, those who supported a weak central government and those who supported a strong central government, respectively. To this day we still have this type of debate. Federalist wanted the Constitution to be ratified and implemented to keep control. The Anti-Federalists did not want this because it supposedly imposes on the individual rights of the citizens. An important figure of the Federalists was Hamilton and Antis was Jefferson. -
Election of 1788
George Washington, after the Revolution, was seen as a hero. To the people, he seemed like a god-like figure and thus everyone wanted him to be the president of their new government. The country at this point was trying to gain stability under the new Constitution and Washington was the public's favorite to be put on the executive position. George, in reality,had not wanted this position and on the day of his inauguration, it is said that he claimed it was like the day of his execution. -
Period: to
The New Republic
New York was the original "capital" of the United States of America and so was Philadelphia, it has held important conventions there and thus deemed one. In the time of war, it was even captured and made as a base for the British. After the war, the city became really corrupt. The capital was then moved to Washington, D.C. or the District of Columbia. This new site is still the modern day setting of our capital. This is where the White House is located and where the government is centered upon. -
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers in Pennsylvania and Kentucky were outraged by the 25% tax on whiskey, which is their way of getting more profit on their produce. The farmers rebelled against the tax collectors and grew in the size of rebellion. This was considered the first test of the Constitution. It had tested how much control the federal government can execute. George Washington had put together the army and marched towards the rebellion. Once the farmers saw the army, they had all scattered, thus showing strength. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was authored by James Madison. The Bill of Rights was intended to protect the individuals and balance out the power of the Constitution like the Anti-Federalists had wanted. There was originally 12 proposed but only ten had made it to the official document. It was also based on the earlier document of George Mason, the Virginian Declaration of Independence and Virginian Constitution. Its amendments go from protecting individual's rights, accused's rights, and states -
Changes in Agriculture-Cotton Gin
This was an invention that was a technological benefit after the war of 1812. The cotton gin was created by an inventor named Eli Whitney. The cotton gin had reduced the amount of work that the slaves had to put into separating the cotton and its seeds. The machine was designed to reduce the workload, but it had a negative effect. Since there was less means to have slaves in a group for separating cotton, there were more slaves needed in the field. Thus, the was a great increase in slaves. -
Election of 1796
This election happened after the two terms of George Washington. He did not want to run another term. Thus, thus election had its first candidates. The most popular was between John Adams, who represented the Republicans , and Thomas Jefferson, who represented the Republicans. In the end, John Adams had won and there are no running mates. In second place, Thomas Jefferson becomes the vice president of the United States. -
XYZ affair
Because of Adam's rise to presidency, ,the French were mad. They were also mad at Jay's treaty and the overall situation gave a British tilt. Three diplomats were sent to negotiate with the French. Instead, it turned into a conversation where the French wanted the United States to give money to the French. The unknown French diplomats had at first demanded money in order to speak. Then, they further demanded money for France and a public apology from Adams. Many were infuriated at the French. -
Southern Society Classes
The classes of the antebellum were Planters, Yeoman farmers, and Tenant farmers. The planters are the highest class and are considered elites and they own plantations. Yeoman ranks second in the classes and they are in a communal effort. They farm just enough for their families, but are not on the level of plantars. Tenants are the majority of the South where they do most of the labor. THey are almost like slaves and could have associated with them and rebelled, yet white supremacy still reigns. -
Industrial Revolution- city growth
As factories boomed, many came to the city with aspirations to make wealth. They came in masses and thus created slums. With city slums growing, crime rates also soared as no one can tell who is who. Not only that, but many do not achieve their dreams of becoming wealthy from the city's offered occupations. Workers work long hours and are paid very little for the dangerous condition they are put through. Thus, many families have to bring in their children to work as well to help keep a living. -
Period: to
Age of Jefferson
Election of 1800
Adams had messed up in his presidency. This was around the time the naval war had ended and treaties were being negotiated between Napoleon and Adams. But with Napoleon's support against the British, it caused division among the Federalists, and thus the divide party. Adams had lost favor. Jefferson went against Adams in this election. Aaron Burr did run as well and ended up tying with Jefferson. Hamilton tipped his favor towards Jefferson and thus Jefferson won the election and became president -
Railroads were one of the most important inventions of the industrial revolution. Trains were invented along with railroads, which were made for these trains to travel upon. These railroads began to spread across the country and connected the States of America, especially those in the North. Goods were able to travel in bulk, thus, making things cheaper than before as the railroads allowed faster transportation than steamboats. Additionally, people & information were passed on too through usage. -
Louisiana Purchase-Lewis and Clarke
In Jefferson's presidency, Napoleon struck a deal for Jefferson to buy territory for 3 cents an acre. Jefferson bought it, though it contradicted his beliefs as the Constitution does not state that the land can be bought. Nevertheless, after the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clarke were sent by Jefferson to explore the land and tell the people inhabiting it that the US now owns it. Lewis and Clarke traveled the Missouri River and all the way to the Pacific. They had Sacagawea as a translator. -
Hamilton vs Burr
Hamilton and Burr were longtime rivals. Hamilton was the former secretary of treasury and Burr is running for president, but lost because of Hamilton. When Burr ran for state governor, Hamilton interfered. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel, which was illegal. Hamilton thought that since Burr is running politically, he wouldn't want to tarnish his name in murdering Hamilton, so Hamilton missed on purpose. Burr, however, shot and killed Hamilton. The federalists have lost their leader and ideas. -
Embargo Act of 1807
This Act is passed by Thomas Jefferson as a reaction to the issue of impressment on US citizens due to their neutrality in the war between France and Britain. The impressment happened because the merchants traded with both sides. It basically prohibits all American trade in foreign ports.This act deprived Britain and France of American goods but it also hurt the American goods as they can no longer sell to their consumers.Thus, this act was widely unpopular with those at seaports and merchants. -
War of 1812
War initiated because Americans feel like the British were not respecting the American Independence. America declares war on the British because of this harboring resentment. They took on a land based strategy, taking Canada as hostage, because the British were still the most powerful navy. This strategy backfired as the British beats the Americans from Canada. This happened after the Americans burned down York, which is the capital of Canada then. In revenge, the British burned the White House. -
Fort McHenry-Francis Scott Key
In this battle, Francis Scott Key was a lawyer who was sent to make a treaty with the British to release some hostages. But unfortunately, since he knew the location of the British, he was kept hostage during the upcoming battle. Key watched the British bomb Fort McHenry and was so emotional that he wrote a poem about how in the end, he could still see the waving American flag and that America won. This poem was widely published in America. It soon became the national anthem of modern America. -
Period: to
American Industrial Revolution
McCulloch vs Maryland
McCulloch was a banker in a Maryland branch of the Bank of US and recently the bank was taxed by Maryland, to which McCulloch denied to pay. This was brought to the Supreme Court, where the powers of the Constitution was discussed. In the end, due to the Necessary Clause, Congress has power to run the bank and Maryland can't have tax authority over the Bank. It also rules that Congress has power over commerce and has the Supreme Law. This deems that the Constitution is to be loosely interpreted. -
Adams and Onis Treaty
The Spanish were having internal conflicts and could not execute any control over its Florida territory. It thus agreed to sell Florida to the United States and recognize that the Louisiana Territory belongs to the US, as it sold it to the French but it was not in their knowledge that it belonged to the US now. The treaty was conducted between John Quincy Adams, the current secretary of state and the Spanish minister Don Luis de Onis. The treaty set out boundaries as well between US and Mexico. -
Second Great Awakening
The market revolution was booming and it caused many to stray from their religious duties. Thus, many of the devoted considered it bad and wanted religion to dominate again. It started in the 1800, but in 1820 was when it picked up back. This awakening emphasized religious romanticism. Things like emotional and supernatural side of religion and morality over economics was preached. Secularism, politics, and economics were considered the enemies of the people's moral & thus their own doomed fate. -
Temperance Movement
During the 1800's, people had a problem with drinking. There were so many under the influence of this beverage that it is not uncommon to see drunkards out on the streets. This created a problem as alcohol consumption was not only bad for the body but for personal life as well. Most of the drunkards come home and act violently. In fact, women are victim to the abuse of drunkards and many will advocate for temperance along with the state. Some states even banned it while others wna to reduce it. -
The architecture around this time period reflected the greek's architecture back then. The american fascination with the greeks caused a greek revival. Things like the structure of houses were imitated and the towns were also named after Greek cities, for example, Troy, Ithaca, and Syracose. The government also imitated the structure of the Greek democracy into the american government. -
Texas is Mexican territory and they wanted the land to be inhabited my their citizens. Unfortunately, barely anyone came to civilize the land as there were threats of Native American attacks. Yet, with no one occupying the land, Mexico offered to let in Americans as settlers. The deal is through Moses Austin, then Stephen Austin after the death of the first. There were terms that settlers had to become Mexican citizens but the Americans ignored it and thus, they americanized the land. -
Lowell Mills
The Lowell Mills were factories named in honor of the founder F. Lowell. They incorporate the Waltham System in practice. This is where the factories are centralized and employes many young single women. These women stayed in dorms. These dorms are located in centers where there are accommodations around, like shops and stores nearby. Unfortunately, even with the seemingly beneficial aspect of women receiving pay and holding jobs, the work was very taxing due to long hours and bad conditions. -
Period: to
Cultural Changes
Missouri Compromise
Missouri finally met the requirements to become a state, but when it had sent its application to become a state of the US as a slave state, which is where slavery is permitted, it caused an uproar. It tipped a balance where the number of slave states are more than free states. The Missouri Compromise can to be made in order to temporarily settle the conflict. Maine was then made a free state to balance the number and there was then the 36 30 line made; states above are free, south are slave. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was something that President Monroe was very famous for. Although he did not write the speech, his deliverance was popular. The speech declared that the United States was the protector of the Latin American countries after the Spanish Empire has renounced its claim to it due to its crumbling empire. It told the other countries to stay out of the Western hemisphere and to stay in their own hemisphere. Latin America was subjected to be the United States' influence zone. -
Corrupt Bargain
This was a deal between John Q. Adams and Henry Clay in the Election of 1824. In this election, Jackson had ran for president along with 3 other candidates. He wins popular vote, but not the electoral college part. In the end, Adans was chosen for president, with the help of Clay, who bargained with Adams that his voters will belong to Adams, if Adams would place Henry Clay in the seat of the Secretary of State. This made Jackson very bitter,& thus started his revenge by campaigning for 4 years. -
Period: to
Age of Jackson
Election of 1828
This election was what candidate Andrew Jackson was campaigning for since his defeat in the Election of 1824. For the past 4 years, he has been campaigning through door to door methods, where he got his name to be heard throughout the communities. This gained him support during the election when he went against John Q. Adams again. The debate between these two candidates was nasty. Instead of talking about their platforms, there were personal attacks used. In the end, Jackson won this election. -
First Police Force
The first police force was created to deal with problems that came with urbanization. The influx of people crowded the cities, thus creating slums. A lot of tensions spawned in these areas, therefore causing the crime rate in the cities to rise. The first police force was the first trained, urban force to cities. Other forms of keeping order came from militias. But, for cities, a local, not state, police force was needed due to the mass immigration. One of the recognized forces is from New York. -
The Mormons' founder Joseph Smith founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for his followers to devote themselves. Joseph Smith had found golden tablets in 1823 that was written in ancient language. He deciphered it and concluded that the Natives were one of the lost tribes of Israel and therefore people mistreat them right. This religion appealed to farmers and traders and those who does not prosper much in the Industrial revolution. Unfortunately, Mormons are heavily persecuted. -
In this time period, there are a growing number of people who despise and are revolted by the immorality of slavery. These people become abolitionists, who try to abolish slavery. This group has several methods in trying to abolish it. One side demands that slavery should be abolish immediately as possible. These people were called the Immediatists. In contrary to these people are the people who want gradual abolishment of slavery, which is gradualism. This idea wasn't very popular with Africans -
The Telegraph
The telegraph was an invention that was in the works from the 1830s to the 1840s. It is the first type of long distance communication that did not take weeks to travel. The telegraph used Morse Code, which is a series of dots and lines that represents letters which forms words. The code was invented by Samuel Morse. In 1843, Morse received funds from Congress to build a telegraph line from DC to Baltimore in Maryland. On May 24, 1844, Morse managed to send the message "What hath God wrought!" -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner was a preacher who converted to Christianity. He started a slave rebellion because he believed in the Exodus, a mass emigration, for slaves away from bondage. He rallied slaves into killing everyone, including the masters, women, and children. Basically, it was a full slaughter of all whites. In the end, this rebellion failed and Nat Turner was hanged for his actions. This rebellion was viewed as heroic by Northerners whereas it caused panic in the South. Many changes were then made. -
Nullification Crisis
This crisis rose due to import taxes implemented by Congress in 1832. It affects textiles and hurts southern agriculture. South Carolina is the most unhappy and wanted aright where states can determine if acts like the Tariff Act of 1832 are constitutional or not. If not constitutional, states would have the choice to disregard the rules passed down by Congress. This crisis was supported by the vice president of Jackson, John Calhoun. This, overall, made Jackson angry and he went out to end it. -
Election of 1832
In the election of 1832, the issue of the second bank of the united states rose to the platform. Andrew Jackson loathed the existence of the Bank, as he thought it was harming the common people. Seeing that, Henry Clay attempted to use this against him. The charter for the Bank was sent in early for renewal and Jackson vetoed it. Clay wanted to use this as a down side of Jackson, instead it backfired. Jackson made a speech about how the Bank was bad for all but the rich, thus he won the election -
Whig Party
The Whig party is like today's democrats. These people feared a strong central government and defend minority's rights. They also stand against the idea and practice of slavery as it was unjust and inhumane. They demand that the government should have talented specialists in the seats of the government who knows what is best for the everyday lives of commoners of different backgrounds, and encourage minorities to partake in the party. They are anti-masonic, or in other words populist style. -
Election of 1836
In this election, Andrew Jackson hand picked a candidate and his name is Martin Van Buren, nick-named Old Kinderhook. He barely won against the Whigs and had inherited the bad economy. It was overall a very stressing time for him to inherit this position. This term that Van Buren inherited further on gets worse as the Panic of 1837 starts due to the recession caused by the Bank War. Being the president, it was easy to put the blame upon Van Buren and thus he gained the name of "Martin Van Ruin". -
This new idea to connect the people with Nature again was derived from the booming of the industry. Too many are involved with the factories of the industries and forget their natural surroundings. Therefore, this idea was to be a getaway from the fast paced life of the industry. Parks were created to provide space of peace with nature. Cemeteries soon followed this design of parks to have a peaceful resting place. A rural cemetery movement soon followed as it got so popular with the citizens. -
Trail of Tears
Gold was found on Cherokee land and the United States wants the land for themselves. To do that, President Jackson ordered the Natives off their land. The Cherokees attempted to fight this in the Supreme Court but, unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled the case to be of foreign nation and therefore not in their jurisdiction. Thus, the Cherokee were moved off their land at gunpoint, as ordered by Jackson. This move was made in the winter and many died along the way to Oklahoma, the reservation. -
Manifest Destiny-Oregon Trail
Oregon was all the way in the West of US. The road to Oregon was mapped out beforehand so Americans can expand west to achieve Manifest Destiny, which is the belief that the land west belongs to the Americans and that it is their destiny to civilize it. This overland trail took many months to travel. The road takes about half a year or 5 to 6 months to travel it overland. Many still take on this arduous and dangerous journey because it represented the opportunity that can be taken up in the West -
Irish immigration
Ireland was experiencing a famine due to the disease that affected the potato crops. The potato is a staple for the Irish and thus, since the crops were so bad, many died of starvation. Thus, this caused many Irish to emigrate out of their country and into the United States of America in mass numbers. The Irish had already made their way to the Americas, but because of the famine and the opportunities America boasted, many came. Americans did not welcome them well due to them being Catholics. -
Period: to
Westward Expansion
Election of 1844
Texas came to be a subject of debate in this election campaign. The candidates for this election were Henry Clay, who is running for the Whig party, and James K. Polk, who is running for the Democrat party. James K. Polk was known as "Young Hickory", similar to Jackson's Old Hickory. Polk promised that he will get everything done within his terms and that is to annex Texas into US, settle Oregon border and Mexican border, and complete Manifest Destiny. With his promise, he won the presidency. -
Annexation of Texas
After the Texas Revolution, Texas was independent, but it was really deep in debt. This was one of the things that kept Texas from becoming a state as the United States . This was saddening to the Americans as they really had hoped to attain the territories as official states so that they could further their mission in completing Manifest Destiny. Texas became the topic of debate many times, and soon in Election of 1844. President Polk won that election and Texas was soon annexed in his term. -
Mexican American War
The United States was in a period where Manifest Destiny spirit was really strong. They wanted to achieve lands all the way to the West from where they had started. The problem was that Mexico had owned most of the territories in the West at the time. Thus, the Mexican American war came into place to claim these territories for the United States. President Polk provoked the Mexicans after his offer to buy the territories was refused. This war came to take away nearly half of Mexico's territories -
Wilmot Proviso
In the aftereffects of the Mexican - American war, there was a political debate over slavery. This was more of a political firestorm, and it was called the Wilmot Proviso. It was proposed by a Democrat named David Wilmot. He wanted to stop slavery by proposing that the federal government should start prohibiting it in the newly acquired states that America obtains. Unfortunately, this proposal was shot down in Congress and thus did not go into act. It is still remembered though in future debates -
California Gold Rush
Gold was found in California. This spurred the mass migration, in thousands, to the Territory of 1848 i.e. California, it becomes a state in 1850. From beginning of 1849, there were around 14,000 people, then at the end, there were around 100,000. This was because the people had hoped to make quick money and become rich as the gold was easy to find. Because of the influx of migrants, many industries had also popped up, like hotels and shops, to accommodate the gold miners & made their own living -
Period: to
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo settled the border dispute with Mexico and ended the Mexican - American war. The recognized border is officially the Rio Grande. This gave the United States half of Mexico's original territory. But, the United States did not have a lot of be happy about as there are still many problems concerning the issue of slavery's spread to this newly acquired territory. Even so, this newly acquired land contributes towards the American's dreams of completing Manifest Destiny -
Suffrage-Seneca Falls
Industrialization had boomed in the 1800s bringing a lot of wealth to many, but it changed family life as well. Women are now working outside the house and earning their own wages. Because they work for the country, they want a say in what happens in the politics of the US as well. Thus the suffrage movement. One of the biggest beginnings was the Seneca Falls Convention. There a "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolution" was read to prompt security of rights in economics and voting for women. -
Fugitive Slave Act
This act passed by Congress demanded the return of runaway slaves. If the act was not followed, the whites would be fined, or even jailed, for refusing to help return the slaves. There were many commissioners for slavery appointed and the public were not to help slaves in any way of escaping. The fugitives had no rights to trial, this caused many of the free black community to be mistaken as a fugitive and sent to the South as slaves. These people could not defend their rights as a free person. -
Underground Railroad
The underground railroad was not exactly a railroad. It was actually a route that runaway slaves took to escape the slavery in the South. Slaves often go to the North as it was the closest and had the most free black communities and that it banned slavery. Yet, the north was still dangerous as the freed slaves can be captured back. Should they want to be completely free, the slaves would have to go to Canada, which is another nation. To recapture slaves across the border would be a criminal act -
Election of 1852
In this election, the candidates of focus were Franklin Pierce, who ran for the Democrat party, & Winfield Scott, who ran for the Whig party. The Whig party was a mess, it was split between the issue of slavery. Winfield Scott had allied with the anti slavery Whigs and had lost the election to Franklin Pierce. Pierce tried promoted territorial expansion and democracy in his presidency. Slavery is a big topic, as seen in the Kansas-Nebraska issue, and it was the major issue in Pierce's presidency -
Kansas Nebraska Act
The Southerners were afraid of the two new states (Kansas and Nebraska). They wanted to get rid of the Missouri Compromise, which restricted slavery to the states below the 36 30 line. They also wanted the transcontinental railroad to run through the south as well, and not in the North. Thus Stephen Douglas and Franklin Pierce, the president at the time, introduce to Congress to repeal the 36 30 line, have popular sovereignty replaced, and make Kansas a slave state and Nebraska a free state. -
Know Nothings
The Know Nothings is an American Party. It is a secret organization that stands against immigration into the United States. Their sole purpose was to restrict the immigration. This party did not last long as they disappeared by the year of 1860 although they had flourished in the 1850s. The reason behind their party name is due to the fact that when the members are asked questions about their party, they are to reply that they do not know anything.The party fell due to the divisions over slavery -
Election of 1860
This Election had three candidates of focus. One is John Breckinridge, who is the official candidate of Democrats, while the other candidate is John Bell, who is unofficial. Bell is more part of the Constitutional Union Party, which was formerly known as Know-Nothings. The Democrats were more divided than ever whereas in the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln ran and had few political enemies. Thus, the election of 1860 resulted in the win of Lincoln as president & Southerners aren't too happy. -
Fort Sumter
The Confederate States of America had formed from the secession of the Southern states from the Union. They are not coming back. Yet, Lincoln wants to keep the Union and thus tried to get them back. Lincoln told the South of the ships being sent to Fort Sumter, which is in the South, but considered a Union landmark. The South wanted to show their power and bombarded the fort. This was a trap set by Lincoln to where he declared the South in state of insurrection and declared war, the Civil War. -
The North
The north had a higher population and a high functioning industry. From railroads to an abundance of supplies, the North was in good conditions to win the civil war, yet in the duration of the war, the North was falling behind in many battles. This is because of the poor leadership that the North had. The armies were slaughtered by the smaller armies of the South due to bad commands. They were not organized at all and suffered the consequences. They were also playing offense which is much harder -
The South
The South were small in numbers, not so advanced in their industries, nor were they well supplied as the North. Yet, in duration of the war, the South won a lot of battles due to good leadership, but they still needed help. Since the South was a major exporter of cotton, they tried to plea with their consumers, just the British actually, to help them with the war. But, the British cannot go to war as the South also stands for slavery, which the British had banned. Thus, they were left alone. -
Neutral States
The neutral states were the border states. They were heavily needed by the South, as it would tip the scale towards their favor. But, these states: Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware, remained neutral. Both sides try to gain their favor and influence over these states. The south had half their population in these states with most of the industry, whereas the north want to deprive the South of supplies. This made the North ignore the border states' slavery, as they want them on their side -
Trent Affair
The Confederates send diplomats to Europe but they were arrested by the North. The diplomats were trying to gain favor of the European for the Confederates.The capture was illegal, as it was on neutral waters. The British demanded an apology from the United States, or else they might go to war. President Lincoln knew that the United states cannot handle the upcoming civil war and a war with Great Britain again and thus released the two diplomats. This secured neutrality of the Europeans from war -
The Battle of Bull Run (1st)
This was the first major battle of the Civil War. 30,000 Union Troops from the Army of the Potomac march South to battle. They were very unorganized thus were humiliated and defeated by the South. The troops had to retreat to the capitol in D.C. This made Lincoln authorized the enlistment of 1 million men and find new generals as the current do not qualify. George McClellan was who President Lincoln sought out as he was good at training troops, but, sadly, he was horrible at commanding an army -
Period: to
Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
Before the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln offered the South a last chance to surrender & rejoin by January 1, 1863, they refused. Thus, he declared all slaves of the South to be free. This changed the notion of the war, it brought in the issue of slavery to the original notion of keeping the Union together. This proclamation stops Britain from joining the Confederates in the civil war. The Border States were allowed to keep slavery, because taking it away might cause them to side with South. -
Lincoln's 10% Plan
During the war. President Abraham Lincoln was already setting up a plan on how the United States should re-accept the rebelling Southern states. It was called the Amnesty and Reconstruction Plan of 1863. This plan pardoned all Southerners, except officials and officers, and required Southerners to take oath of loyalty to the US. States must apply for federal recognition and form a new government; once 10% of the population of the state takes the oath, they can be readmitted to the United States. -
Election of 1864
Abraham Lincoln was running again in the election of 1864 against George McClellan. He is genuinely afraid that he would lose the election. The Northerners were tired of the war and the Democrats of the North attack Lincoln's wartime setbacks. They actually favor McClellan, and had nominated him to run. Luckily for Lincoln, Sherman's March to the Sea gave Lincoln a boost in the election and thus Lincoln won the election easily over McClellan.This made the South lose hope in winning the Civil War -
Wade Davis Bill
In opposition to Lincoln's idea of Reconstruction, there was a more "radical" plan made. This plan punished the Confederate leaders, with officers being stripped of their United States citizenship. Southerners, on the hand, would have to declare that they had never supported nor aided the Confederacy to become part of the United States again. States can only be readmitted to the United States after a long period of punishment that proves their clear commitment to the Union. Slavery was destroyed -
Period: to
The Lost Cause
The Southerners needed a way to justify their loss in the Civil War. They made themselves out to be brave and virtuous.They blamed it on Northerners as they had more supplies, men, industry, all while the South had scrambled upon its numbers of supplies. Thus there was a lot of propaganda that glorifies the South that exists today. From songs, poems, to statues, all tried to rewrite history with them as victims of Yankee aggression and they justify their way of life of oppressing the blacks. -
Election of 1866
Johnson was Lincoln's vice president and became the president after the assassination. He was very lenient in the Reconstruction process and this caused many Southerners to go back to their own ways of oppressing. In this "election", new reconstruction by the Republicans overrides Johnson's plan for reconstruction. This reconstruction divides the South up into 5 military districts. Federal troops are stationed there to help with the reconstruction through assisting freedmen. All men can now vote -
Panic of 1873
The economy fell again and it was set back until 1877. This is 4 years of economic struggles, many lost their jobs. This made many people focus on the own economic affairs as they need to survive and feed their own families. The African Americans were forgotten and thus Reconstruction fails. This allowed the Democrats to win big in the 1874. President Grant reduces the efforts in policing the South as he is afraid of further political losses, due to a previous intervention. Many Africans die. -
Election of 1876
The two candidates that were running in this election was Samuel Tilden, who is running for the Democrats, and Rutherford Hayes, who is running for the Republicans. This election was during the time of many issues, like corruption, reconstruction, and economy problems and thus the the election had an unclear answer as to who really won the election. Technically, the popular vote went to the Democrat candidate, Tilden, and he would have been the president if not for the Compromise of 1877. -
Compromise of 1877
The reason why candidate Rutherford Hayes managed to win the Election of 1876 was because of a corrupt bargain made between him and the other candidate, Samuel Tilden. Hayes would be given all the electoral votes, as it was unclear, if he agreed to end the Reconstruction of the South by removing all the federal troops from the South, that was placed there for effective Reconstruction. This was the beginning of long period of total suppression for Southern blacks as they were no longer protected.