1301 Timeline Project

  • 30,000 BCE

    Bering Land Bridge

    Bering Land Bridge
    The Bering Land Bridge was a big land bridge connecting two continents together, North America and Asia. Native Americans would use this land bridge to migrate into North America to settle somewhere, look for new foods, or wanted to try something new. There were three waves, first wave- 50,000 years ago, used Clovis points to mark their tracks, 2nd wave- 8,000 years ago, 3rd wave- 5,000 years ago
  • Period: 30,000 BCE to

    Beginnings to Exploration

  • 2000 BCE

    Mesoamaerican Civilizations

    Mesoamaerican Civilizations
    The Aztecs, Mayans, and the Olmecs all lived in present day Mexico. They were all very advanced civilizations but the first civilization were the Mayans, they eventually died off by 1500 AD and settled in modern day Mexico. The Olmecs were next, eventually declined by 350 BC, and were very widespread and prosperous. Next were the Aztecs, they had the largest population with 20 million people, located in Tenochtitlan.
  • 1400 BCE

    Mesoamerican Ballgame

    Mesoamerican Ballgame
    This game was played by mostly everyone in Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, the Olmecs and the Mayans, mostly all the well known civilizations. Sometimes they played for fun, but most of the time it was for religious reasons or sacrifice. Mostly this game was for a life or death situation and if you lost, you were killed, either by sacrifice or some other type of death, for example having your head cut off, or more worse deaths.
  • 1100 BCE

    Native American Societies

    Native American Societies
    There were a variety of societies in America, the Eastern Woodlands People, Mississippi Valley, in the East. In the Southwest of North America there were the Pueblo's and Anasazi. In the Arctic there was the Eskimo's and Inuit's which lived in cold weather and lived on sea life. In the Pacific Northwest they were densely populated, also lived on sea life. In Central North America/ Great Plains, they were nomadic hunters, hunted on foot, and lived in the Great Tribes.
  • 1100 BCE


    It was a structure that most Northeastern Woodlands tribes, they used this for their housing. It was used by the Mohawk, Oneida, and Onondaga tribes. Also the Iroquois people used these and other various of North American tribes. It was a long and proportionally narrow single room building. Many were built out of wood (timber). Many were represented as permanent structures and that it showed their culture and much more about their tribes.
  • 753 BCE

    Classical Europe

    Classical Europe
    This was the first European society that popped up in Europe also known as Rome. It united Europe for the first time in history. It was ruled by Roman Law. Rome eventually fell in 476. Their main religion was Catholicism. Originally controlled all the destiny of Europe and was the stronghold of Europe. Eventually fell into a deep despair and was very weak after they did. Classical Europe was the first significant presence of humans in Europe.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a cultural movement, it also imported technology and new ideas. The revival of classical ideas was another result, lasted for 3000 years from 1300-1600. Artistry was on the rise, for sculptures and art they used classical realism. The Printing Press was created by John Gutenberg in 1440, which is another thing that resulted from this era quickly spread literary works, transformed Europe and the world. Science and medicine advanced also, An extension of the Middle Ages.
  • Indentured Servants

    Indentured Servants
    It was contract work, anyone could do it not just slaves. If you owed somebody something, people would sign a contract for however long the person in charge would want them to work in order for them to be paid off. Mostly it was from 4 to 7 years, and it was a hard life for those who were serving. The employer fed and clothed servants, once they were done serving, employer gave them tool and clothes when done. Men and women would do this. Worked for transportation to Virginia for a better life.
  • The Chesapeake Colonies

    The Chesapeake Colonies
    One of the first colonies to be established in British America, the first Chesapeake Colonies were Jamestown, Virginia. It was hard for the settlers to live and adapt to the environment, most of the settlers died and, a third of their population made it through the first winter. Later on whenever Britain started to add more colonies Maryland was another colony that was settled. The Chesapeake colonies were founded so their society and economy can boost, tobacco was the main cash crop for them.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • Tobacco

    John Rolfe, a colonist that was from Jamestown arrived in Virginia with Tobacco seeds and planted the seeds and after that his crop started to grow in popularity, as a result of this tobacco was a major cash crop and a major American export. It was mainly in Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and parts of North Carolina. They used indentured servants to do the work. Tobacco saved Virginia economically because it was looking bad for them and tobacco popped up saving Virginia and the other colonies.
  • Quakers

    Originally founded by George Fox in England. They were very friendly, known as society of friends, or Religious society of Friends, They eventually moved to the thirteen colonies to break away from the Church of England. Pennsylvania was the place to go for Quakers because it was a religious refuge for them. William Penn was a famous Quaker who fought for them to have religious freedom and to live in Pennsylvania. They were all mostly Christian but accepted anyone no matter their faith.
  • Caribbean Colonies

    Caribbean Colonies
    These colonies were made up of Barbados, Jamaica, and other English held Islands.These colonies mainly depended on sugar because this was their lifeline and they loved it a lot. The only thing that was very confusing about these colonies was that Spain, France, England, Holland, all had stakes on the Caribbean Colonies. This was the most important region out of every other one because of sugar. In the colonies slaves would outnumber whites and there was no legal recourse for slaves.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    It was the overthrow of James II, he wanted a Spanish style colonial government because he was Catholic, also wanted to ally England and France. The English did not like that so they start to get angry and eventually he himself dissolved.parliament. Then Parliament gets his daughter and his husband to invade New England, but the invasion was bloodless. At the end James II lost and was kicked out as the king and his daughter took over as queen and William of Orange next to her.
  • Act of Union (1707)

    Act of Union (1707)
    This act brought Scotland and England together because Scotland was very weak so they decided to give in, which made the United Kingdom of Great Britain. New Britain becomes an empire, also parliament becomes head of the empire. However, the colonies still had local countries to go to. Their government eventually sets up how the U.S. government is run with a federal system with central authority and local governments.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • The Age of Enlightenment (American)

    The Age of Enlightenment (American)
    The whole point of the Enlightenment was reason and science not superstition. Everyone would question all pre-conceived notions, for example the bible. Sir Isaac Newton, and John Locke were very important, John Locke was all about natural rights and Isaac Newton was on the scientific side. Benjamin Franklin was the complete symbol of American Enlightenment. Philanthropists would come from this who had many talents and Deism, evil resulted from ignorance
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was a reaction to Enlightenment Secularism (religious). This movement lasted for about twenty years from 1730-1750. This movement was a religious movement, everyone would come up with their own religions and just preach and preach, some just stayed inside their church while trying to get the word out there. During this time period everyone rushed to join a religion. Many elite American universities were founded off of this movement also.
  • Georgia

    Founded by several colonists and James Oglethorpe. Georgia was a Penal Colony which meant it was a reformed colony for prisoners, for the prisoners and poor. It was a pure environment and debtors would thrive off of this state. It was named for King George the second. Also, it was a buffer colony and the Enlightenment would affect Georgia making people think as individuals. Georgia would change, brought slaves and staged the point to attack Florida. Had a lot of administrative problems.
  • George Whitfield

    George Whitfield
    George Whitfield played a major role in the Great Awakening. He would preach the gospel, and choose his own congregations. He also believed that ordinary people or regular people were given a voice and had the right to speak their opinions. This fractured religious order. He was also one of the founders of Methodism, and evangelical movement. He would preach a series of revivals from his gospel all across North America trying to influence people to join him.
  • The Middle Passage

    The Middle Passage
    The demand for slaves increased drastically in the 1700s. It was a direct route from Africa to America, it was right in the middle of other slave trading routes also. During the voyage approximately 10% of the slaves would die on the ship. It was horrible for the slaves on the ship, they were cramped and would usually die because of disease. First they would have to be conditioned and then they were shipped but only 10% did not do that called Saltwater Slaves, they were directly shipped there.
  • Atlantic Slave Trade

    Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave Trade lasted from the sixteenth century to the nineteenth century. It was the transportation of slaves by slave traders. The routes that were mainly used for the Atlantic Slave Trade were the Middle Passage, and the Triangular Trade Route. It transported over 10-12 million slaves throughout the time it existed. This was bad for Africa though because everyone in Africa like warlords and tribes would use violence to get slaves in order to get certain luxury goods.
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    The Seven Years war was fought by England, France, and Spain and they all fought for territory. It was fought across five continents and lasted from 1756-1763. There was two conflicts that erupted the war and it was because of Britain and its colonial enemies and the second one was the conflict between Frederick II of Prussia and his opponents. Britain and the colonists wanted more land Westward, but Spain wanted more land South. It eventually turned out to be bad resulting in the 7 years war.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War 1763-1783

  • Acts of Parliament

    Acts of Parliament
    After the 7 years war Great Britain was nearly bankrupt, so they had to find a way to get the money back somehow. So they started to place acts in the 13 colonies. For example the Revenue Act which seized properties without a warrant, also the Stamp Act which placed a tax on all stamps and that it was required on all paper . Another act they put was the Townshend Acts, which placed a tax on all common goods. The colonists didn't like the acts so they would rebel and led to Revolutionary War.
  • Non-Importation Movement

    Non-Importation Movement
    Colonies would come together to boycott British goods because they had enough of Great Britain and the acts that they were putting. During the Boycott women would make their own clothes and for their families in order to show Britain that they did not need their product, The colonists would also boycott tea. It led to the British moving into Colonial America to keep an eye on them. They tried to let Britain lose profit because colonial America was their most important.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    In Boston a group of Bostonian's gathered together and decided to harass British Soldiers. They were throwing snowballs some with rocks inside of them and the Redcoats were warning them to back off, but they didn't listen and a Redcoat fired into the crowd killing 5 people and 6 people being injured. Those soldiers were taken to court in Britain but found innocent. Paul Revere fictionalized this account and made it into a big deal, eventually other colonies heard about it and were enraged.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    50 drunk Bostonian's dressed up as Indians by using feathers and coal dust to make them seem like Indians and dumped 340 chests of tea out of a ship and 342 crates of tea. Britain was very furious from this and they knew that Massachusetts was the most rebellious so they sent troops there to put them in check. They restricted or eliminated Massachusetts political institutions and they would quarter troops there in Boston limiting their rights. This event was led by the Sons of Liberty also,
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The first Continental Congress was held at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1774. The reason why it was held was because colonial leaders were concerned of Great Britain. They denounced the Intolerable Acts, and recommended boycotting British goods. Only twelve of the thirteen colonies met here and Georgia wasn't the one that did not participate in this one because they did't want to. The idea for independence grew even stronger because of what Britain was doing
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The idea of independence grew so they came up with the Declaration of Independence in order to break away from Britain. This was the only choice, or to belong to Britain forever which they did not want. Colonies declared that they were united and independent states. Thomas Jefferson came up with it all by himself and it was a list of Grievances on why they wanted to break up from Britain. Completed on July 2nd, 1776 and it was signed on July 4th, 1776. Also it looked for European allies.
  • The Treaty of Paris 1783

    The Treaty of Paris 1783
    This treaty ended the Revolutionary War. United States was finally independent and recognized as a sovereign state. They were supposed to restore Loyalist properties but they never did. Also allowed Mississippi River access to both Nations, and that United States would receive all the frontier land to the Mississippi River. Another thing was that Britain had no control over America anymore and that the Colonial Empire was not a thing anymore also. It was signed in Paris, France
  • Articles of Confederation (The Constitution time span)

    Articles of Confederation (The Constitution time span)
    Whenever America got their independence from Britain they came up with the articles of Confederation for their type of government. It was wrote in 1778 and it got ratified in 1781 but the thing that was wrong was that it was weak. It could not force taxation, relied on requisitions which meant to lay claim on land or property. Also states didn't comply with this at all. Congress couldn't get anything done, and there was no central government authority, and led USA to a lot of debt.
  • Debt

    From the Articles of Confederation a lot of debt resulted from that because it could not enforce taxation at all so they could not get any money at all. There was a lack of luxury goods so they had to buy goods on credit which meant even more debt. Another thing that popped up was recession. Recession was when trade was restricted and Britain would block the U.S from trading also. Also when there was too much crops, in result agricultural prices were falling. Debt just kept adding up.
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's rebellion happened after the war because of recession. Times were tough and hard for everyone especially farmers. Farmers had their properties and farms seized and farmers were enraged from this. Daniel Shay a farmer in Western Massachusetts led a rebellion with revolutionary war veterans. At first it was small then it started to spread everywhere else. Eventually it was put down but it created a sense of urgency because the Articles of Confederation was weak to enforce authority.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    The Virginia Plan was led by the largely populated states and wanted it to be led by a single executive (president). Wanted a two house legislature which was a lower house and upper house. It meant lower house would choose its members and the upper house, lower house chose for them. They wanted a separate judiciary which was the court, and everyone would have equal power. Representation based on population and all the states would be equal. Also to get rid of the Articles of Confederation.
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey Plan
    This plan was for the smaller states, wanted a modified version of the Articles of Confederation. Also wanted a single legislature which meant one state would vote and that would count as the whole thing. Wanted to have the legislature as the supreme law of the land. Executive would be elected by the congress, and wanted the judicial branch to have minimal power. It was proposed by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention. Proposed by New Jersey, Delaware and other small states.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This was for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Minnesota. It was a new system of admission to get into the Union. It was selected by Governors and it had legislatures also. To be admitted into the Union your state had to have a population of sixty-thousand people or more to be recognized as a state. It was for the Northern States also and they rejected slavery, and it was the heartland for agriculture. This was the future admission for New States. It was a government chartered thing.
  • Connecticut Plan

    Connecticut Plan
    This was the Great Compromise between the New Jersey and Virginia Plan. The congress is like modern Day congress today. There was a Bi-Cameral Legislature which meant two houses which were the House of Representatives, and Senate. Also it stated that every state would get the same amount of representatives no matter how big or small the state was. It was also named the Sherman Compromise. Proposed by Roger Sherman and Olivier Ellsworth in the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
  • Election of 1788

    Election of 1788
    This was the first election under the new Constitution. Basically Washington was the one who was going to win and every body knew that. He was a God like figure and everyone chose him because they knew he deserved it because he did a lot for U.S.A. The Vice President was John Adams. During this time era there was no running mates, if you finished second place for presidency you would automatically be the vice president. The election was held through 1788-1789.
  • Period: to

    New Republic

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    This was the first real test of the Constitution. Hamilton placed a twenty-five percent tax on whiskey. When farmers found out about this they were mad and took action targeting tax collectors either killing them or dressing them up as chickens with tar and feathers. Took place in Pennsylvania and Kentucky, whiskey was economically important to them. 6,000 farmers threatened to attack Pittsburgh. Washington sent a army of 12,000-13,000 men to put an end to this and they ended it successfully.
  • 1st Bank of the United States

    1st Bank of the United States
    This was the First Bank of the United States and Alexander Hamilton cared for it so much like as if it was his own family. It was chartered making it official. It would take deposits and you could get loans from the bank. It was to stabilize currency and the economy, it would be invested by private investors. The downside was that it would set off Constitutionality issues, because it wasn't in the constitution so people got mad from this. Washington sided with Hamilton and it got chartered.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments listed on the Constitution which is. freedom of speech, right to bear arms, no quartering of soldiers, no unreasonable searches or seizures, no self incrimination, right to a speedy trial, suits by common law trial by jury, no cruel or unusual punishment, right to the people, and right to the states. These are the Natural rights that everyone is born with and no one can take it away at all. It was ratified in 1791.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    Invented by John Jay, Britain would vacate their forts and leave the U.S. alone. They would also get back to trading back with the British. Republicans were outraged once they heard this deal going on and they saw Federalists as followers of Britain. This treaty was Amity, Commerce, and Navigation. It would avert war with the United States and resolved all the issues from the Treaty of Paris 1783, like the loyalists not getting their land back, so they got it back and Britain left the U.S alone.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Pinckney's Treaty
    Another name for the treaty was the Treaty of San Lorenzo or the Treaty of Madrid. This treaty was between the U.S. and Spain, and what it did was that the U.S. gained access to the Mississippi River. Received New Orleans as a port and they finally set the boundary dispute with Florida. Also this meant that trade was Favorable with the Spanish. This made U.S.A and Spain become friends. Granted Americans of tax-free deposit money in New Orleans. Thomas Pinckney negotiated this treaty with Spain.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    Jay's Treaty caused problems with Britain and the French. It limited trade with the French also, so the French seized American ships. America would send three Diplomats to France called X,Y and Z. France would demand three concessions which were, in order for France to meet with the Diplomats they'd like $250k for each one, the second one was for the United States to give France 10 million dollars, and wanted an apology from John Adams himself. Word got out so it didn't happen, Quasi War starts.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson bought this land because he wanted a Nation of farmers. It was originally occupied by France because France got it from Spain, Napoleon threatened to close the New Orleans Port, so Jefferson bought it. It doubled the size of the country, was a factor of Westward Expansion. Napoleon would sell it for less than 3 cents an acre so in total it was around $15 million dollars. They secured the Mississippi River, this purchase contradicted Jefferson's point of view of the Constitution.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Jefferson wanted to find out what was in the lands of the West since they just bought the land from the Louisiana Purchase so he sent Mariwether Lewis and his best buddy William Clark to go explore with him. It lasted 3 years, found St. Louis, sailed up the Mississippi River on keel boats, and they would negotiate treaties with the Natives to get their land and in return they'd get money. Sacagawea was a big help with them to help them survive and explore everything, which made it a success.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Many wanted war with Britain because of all the problems they were causing, and eventually USA declared war with Britain in 1812. America would take on land-based strategy but it did not work and so the British pushed the Americans back from Canada to the capitol which was Washington D.C. The British blockaded American Ports also. Battle of New Orleans happened with Andrew Jackson leading the Americans in that battle. This was the second war for independence, was a draw, Natives were big losers.
  • Changes in Agriculture (Industrial Revolution era)

    Changes in Agriculture (Industrial Revolution era)
    During the Industrial Revolution, the Southern states, Midwest States, & Eastern States also got revolutionized but agriculturally. Inventions like the steel plow which was invented by John Deere, Crank churns for butter, and the Cotton Gin which was invented by Eli Whitney but got more improved & increased slavery. All these inventions/improvements really helped out those part of the states, South for cotton, Midwest for Grain/wheat, and East for livestock, and other forms of agriculture.
  • Transportation (the American Industrial Revolution)

    Transportation (the American Industrial Revolution)
    During the Industrial Revolution modern roads were starting to be built and turnpikes (toll roads). Also the Steamboat was big and increases efficiency of shipping things faster from one place to another. Canals were starting to be built and a famous thing like the Erie Canal, and also another efficient way to get stuff from place to place easier. Railroads were starting to be built and made trade and goods cheaper. All these innovations made the North so advanced and it was a good thing.
  • Immigration (The American Revolution Industry)

    Immigration (The American Revolution Industry)
    The population would explode from all the migrants that come from all over the place for various reasons. There was rural migration & European migration. Farmers would move into the city looking for jobs because they didn't have any business agriculturally, so they moved in the city. The Irish were very hated but they migrated because of a potato famine, Germans had poor harvests & political turmoil, Scandinavians and British wanted economic opportunity, living in various places across America.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This battle was fought in January 8th, 1815, in New Orleans. During this battle the Treaty of Ghent was signed but no one knew about it so they just kept fighting because they were not informed about the treaty. Andrew Jackson led the army to a major victory, he defeated the British Army with a bi-racial ragtag army. The war was technically over when it was fought, but when the Americans won Andrew Jackson was a household name. Andrew Jackson was a hero in everyone's eyes from this victory.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This was a result of the Missouri Crisis, because the South wanted slaves to be free, but the North wanted them to be free. This was a balance between slave states and free states. They drew an imaginary line at 36 degrees and 30 degrees latitude, the states above the line would be free states and the states below would be slave states. This was a temporary solution, but everyone was happy with this for now, but problems would rise in the future. Slavery needed to be dealt with somehow.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    This was a result of the war in 1819, economic doomed after the war. Majorly caused from the second bank of the United States. Agricultural prices fell drastically in 1819 and eventually the banks would fail and so would manufacturing. Economy went into tailspin, this was one of the worst depressions ever to happen in U.S. history. It forced people out their homes and farms, also triggered widespread unemployment, and mortgages were foreclosed. People were panicking because it affected everyone.
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    Began around 1800 but people really started to use it in 1820. This Great Awakening emphasized the importance of religion and romanticism. It was very emotional and supernatural compared to the first Great Awakening, the thing was that it rejected secularism and Deism. Everyone's morale was taken over by economics and politics. It was also a protestant religious revival trying to bring Protestantism back. The second Great Awakening led to reform movements and Women's Suffrage movement.
  • Prisons

    Another name for prisons was penitentiaries/correctional facilities. Prisoners that would go to any prison would typically be isolated from society. A famous jail like Sing Sing in New York, would be working during the day and housed in their cells at night. Another one would be Eastern State Penitentiary, prisoners would think about their actions and constantly watched. Mental Institutions would also be created after trying to fit in with general population didn't go so well.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Spanish Empire is crumbling, so the United States took advantage, and they wanted influence over these areas and they got it. Declared to Europe that they cannot have no interaction with the United States, so no more British America, America is completely free from the British. Also they could not intervene with Latin America or any part of the Western Hemisphere. This was America's influence zone. Also the U.S.A would not intervene with intervene with European affairs based off war.
  • Corrupt Bargain

    Corrupt Bargain
    The Corrupt Bargain was one of the dirtiest moves in Presidential history. It was between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. John Adams and Andrew Jackson were deadlocked so Adams went to Clay striking a deal that would land him in the White House and not Andrew Jackson. It happened because Clay was with the House of Representatives so Adams took advantage of it and used him for the Electoral College to win the major vote and be the next president. They both hated Andrew Jackson too.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    During the election of 1824 there was no picked successor but there were four candidates running for president. They were John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson who was the most popular one, William Crawford, & Henry Clay. During this election Andrew Jackson won the popular vote by a lot because everyone loved him but the thing was is that he didn't win the electoral college. Jackson and Adams were both head to head but the Corrupt Bargain happened and Jackson lost because of it, he was very angry.
  • Period: to

    Age of Jackson

  • Adams Presidency

    Adams Presidency
    John Quincy Adams presidency was just one term and his Vice President was John C. Calhoun. His term was from March 4, 1825- March 4, 1829. He used the American System by using industry and placing tariffs. He created a new National Bank, and he wanted to focus on internal improvements. He created a new national university, and observatory. He was above politics also, by using merits but later on he realized that he had many gaffes during his presidency and he was unaware of popular democracy.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    During this election it was Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams again but it was different. Andrew Jackson was going to use a new strategy that will attack Adams. Jackson uses his humble origins, military career, democratic values to propel his campaign forward. The Democrat-Republican party faded and he set up the modern Democratic party during this election. It was now a two party system. This election was very nasty attacking each other and even their wives, and each other as womanizers.
  • Abolitionists- issue of slavery

    Abolitionists- issue of slavery
    One of the issues in this time span was slavery, the abolitionists who were in for the end of slavery and wanted to end it, but the only thing in their way was the anti-abolitionists. Abolitionists believed in gradualism, by freeing slaves slowly to Africa and Liberia. They said Liberia because it was free over there and Liberia meant "free". They weren't really popular with African Americans. Also believed in immediation, which meant to put an end to slavery no matter what.
  • Southern Farmers (planters, Yeoman, Tenant farmers)+ (Industrial revolution era), (I do not know the exact date of this at all or year)

    Southern Farmers (planters, Yeoman, Tenant farmers)+ (Industrial revolution era), (I do not know the exact date of this at all or year)
    In the South they had 3 farming classes each by rank, Planters, Yeoman Farmers, and tenant farmers. Planters didn't really own slaves but if they did they had like 1-9 , very few had more, & were the ruling class of the South. Yeoman Farmers, were a communal effort, they would help each other out, & 75% didn't own slaves. Some relied on planters, others hated them, & they also formed militias to catch runaway slaves & return them. Tenant farmers were rented farms, & encouraged white supremacy.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The Temperance Movement started in the 1830's and 1840's. It was a abstain from alcohol, and women hated it the most because everywhere people would be drinking alcohol like there was no tomorrow. During this time period alcohol consumption was really bad, people would drink all day. This would lead to reduced alcohol consumption and some stated would ban alcohol. It was a social movement against alcohol and anyone could join. The movement was successful and drinking would come down a lot.
  • Mormons

    The Mormons were created in April 6, 1830 by Joseph Smith. They were the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Joseph Smith claimed to have found Golden Tablets in 1823 that was written in ancient language and somehow he understood. He would go on to tell everyone about it that God had sent the golden tablets for a reason and would tell everyone. He claimed that the Native Americans were one of the lost tribes of Israel. Appealed to farmers and traders and people who did bad in Ind. Rev.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    The rebellion lasted for a couple of days with Nat Turner being the leader of this massacre convinced other slaves to join him. Nat Turner led about 60-80 slaves & he got guns from the plantation owners. They killed every slave owner they saw & they killed anyone in sight (slave owners). It also happened on a lunar eclipse, when it ended most slaves were either sold or killed. Northerners viewed it as heroic, but the Southerners were terrified. Resulted in outlawing slave preaching & etc.
  • Slave Codes

    Slave Codes
    Slave Codes came to be a thing because of Nat Turners Rebellion well one of the result. Southern States passed new laws which affected every slave living in the South. They limited the travel of slaves and they were property of their masters meaning their masters can do whatever to the slaves without punishment. Slaves could not receive any education at all, no reading nor writing, could not testify in court. Also, planters could serve as judge and jury if there was a case against a slave.
  • Cherokee Nation Vs. Georgia

    Cherokee Nation Vs. Georgia
    This was when Georgia was trying to and other states were trying to take their lands because they found gold in there and because they were trying to force them out their lands and the Cherokees didn't like that. This case was taken to the Supreme Court and they eventually dropped the case because it did not have any jurisdiction. The result, since the Cherokee Nation was just a tribe they had no control in who would take their land because they were not a state as explained by John Marshall..
  • Bank Veto Speech

    Bank Veto Speech
    Jackson would explain why he vetoed the bank charter renewal from Henry Clay in the election of 1832 in this speech. He would lay out the vision for American Democracy and it was so motivational that everyone would join him even his enemies and the opposition joined him. The speech appealed to the Common Man which was very important. Also he stated in his essay that courts had no authority on the Constitution. He also said that it was unfair because it gave the bank too much power.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The cause of the Nullification Crisis is because Congress raised import taxes and by placing the act of 1832. Mostly on textiles which was also clothing, South Carolina was most affected, and it would hurt Southern agriculture. John Calhoun would fight for South Carolina, by advocating the nullifying law. He would resign from Vice President over this issue. There was a convention in S.C called and the crisis ended because of Henry Clay, so the Congress scaled back the tariffs.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    On April 21, 1836 Sam Houston would surprise Santa Anna and his army because Santa Ana and his army wanted to take a siesta and they did so Sam Houston got them. The battle would last less than 20 minutes, 600 Mexicans died and only 7 Texians died throughout the whole battle. Sam Houston was wounded but still lived. Santa Anna would be captured and forced to sign the Treaty of Velasco which ended the Texas Revolution. Texas will be an independent nation for 10 years after that.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was a journey where settlers wanted to expand America West from all the territory gained from the Louisiana Purchase and wanted to get more land especially from the Natives. Fur trade was very dominant made huge profits at first but declined because beavers would almost be extinct. Ran by Andrew Jackson because he wanted a white future in the West. He also believed in Native American's Extinction. People would migrate everywhere west from the Manifest Destiny.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    In the Lowell Mills woman would start to work here and they would run under the Waltham System. They would run the textile industry for the most part. The Lowell Mills were centralized factories (Mills), the women working here were a large working force. Mostly all the women that worked here were dormatized. Women would earn a good amount of money working here. The only bad thing was that they had long hours and the working conditions were horrible. They did make a lot of clothes though.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • James K. Polk

    James K. Polk
    James K. Polk was the 11th President of the United States born in November 2, 1795. He was a very promising president and played a huge part in Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion. He made three promises, the first one was to annex Texas which happened before he became President, second was to settle the Oregon border between Great Britain, the third and final one was to settle the Mexican border which he did which was the Rio Grande & Nueces River. He did all of this in one term.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    During James K. Polk's presidency he wanted to get land West so he thought war with Mexico was going to secure it. He wanted California so so he went to go get through war. He sent Zachary Taylor to go cause some noise in order for Congress to issue war with Mexico. Whenever a Mexican dispatch attacked him, Polk took action and asked Congress and it worked so he declared war with Mexico. USA would win the war, going from Kansas to California resulting in gaining California, over in 2 years
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    Bear Flag Revolt
    During this revolt a small group of American settlers in California also called Los Osos rebelled against the Mexican Government and claimed California independent. It lasted a month going from June to July 1846. This resulted in America gaining California because it overwhelmed Mexico. John C. Freemont arrived in California to encourage them to start a revolt. Under control of William Ide and Ezekiel Merritt, the settlers invaded Mexican outposts that was defenseless and gained independence.
  • Shakers

    The Shakers were created in 1747 from a group of dissenting Quakers and there is barely any shakers in today's society. They were celibate which meant that they couldn't have sex, and they were communistic. The genders were both equal to each other, and they rejected domesticity, and had no private property. They never believed in marriage and pro creation. This meant that they went out quickly as a religion because they couldn't reproduce because that was against their religion.
  • Mormon Migration

    Mormon Migration
    The Mormons were hated by everyone where they originally lived at. Whenever Joseph Smith went to jail an angry mob killed him and everyone pushed the Mormons out of their town, they were ostracized and ignored. Brigham Young stepped up for the Mormons and decided to get away. He led them to Salt Valley Lake, Utah. They were relocated from the Federal government, some would also practice polygamy. Salt Lake to them was a very peaceful place and finally had their freedom.
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  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo would settle the border dispute with Mexico about California and the Mexican-American war would end because Mexico was overwhelmed and surrendered. America would seize over half of Mexico's land. America got California, parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and gave up all claims of Texas. The result from this treaty would be all about slavery causing the balance between slave states and free states being unbalanced.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's' rights convention in the United States. It was held in New York and it was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. Three hundred men and women both attended this convention. Came up with the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, which meant women could be able to engage their rights in economics and voting, the media was mostly negative about this coverage wise. This convention was a cornerstone for future suffrage.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold was found in California in 1849, by the end of the year California was very populated went from 14,000-200,000 people at the end of the year. Thousands would migrate, it was a territory in 1848 became a state in 1850. California became rich and gold would be easy to find in California. Mining would begin in 1852, people would set up camp there and companies in parts of California. There was supporting industries like housing, clothing, prostitutes, and other stuff that would benefit them.
  • Popular Will

    Popular Will
    Popular Sovereignty was between New Mexico and California because of slavery because they were both free states and the Southerners would hate that and Zachary Taylor sided with Popular Sovereignty. Fire-eaters were southerners angry that the North was too aggressive and they were urgently having the idea of secession. The Senate would be equally divided of this issue between free and slave states. The House of Representatives was more free states and both the sides will blame each other.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was sent in five separate bills by the American Congress. The compromise said that California will enter as a free state. New Mexico and Utah will decide on their own about slavery if they were free or not. Texas would relinquish their Western lands and the Federal government will pay for their debt. Slave trade will also be banned in Washington D.C. Also they put the Fugitive Slave Act for the South. Technically the South won this because mostly everything went their way.
  • Henry Clay's Compromise

    Henry Clay's Compromise
    He proposed a series of solutions that he thought everyone could agree on and everyone could be happy with it. He proposed that California should be a free state, and that New Mexico should be divided into two. Also that the issue of slavery could be decided on later and to settle the Texas Border. He also wanted to enforce new, stronger fugitive slave laws. Before this could go through Zachary Taylor would die, Henry Clay wanted to avoid a crisis with the North and South.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act came from the Compromise of 1850, the law passed which meant that if a slave were to run away they could be returned back no matter if they went to the North. It could happen to any African-American if a southerner claimed to be your slave they would take you away no matter what. There was commissioners for returning slaves, fugitives had no right to trial, other whites could be jailed or fined if they did not want to help others to find their runaway slaves.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Southerners were afraid that there would be two new free states which would make the balance between the slave states and free states unbalanced. Southerners wanted to abolish the Missouri Compromise and wanted Transcontinental Railroad to run through the South not the North. Stephen Douglas and Franklin Pierce came up with it and 36 and 30 was repealed. Kansas would be admitted as a slave state and Nebraska as a free state, act would pass. Weakened Popular Sovereignty.
  • Dred Scott Vs. Sandford (Scotland)

    Dred Scott Vs. Sandford (Scotland)
    This was a Supreme Court case between Dred Scott and his master Dr. John Emerson and his wife. He sued his master because he was not a slave but his master's wife thought otherwise so he sued her ans took it to court. SCOTUS ruled that Scott was not free, also ruled that slaves are not citizens and that they can not sue anyone. Also said that Congress had no authority to regulate slavery in North and South. The decision came in 1827 and this just raised tensions between North and South.
  • A glance at the North

    A glance at the North
    During the beginning of the civil war the North was very heavily populated with 22 million as their population. They were also very industrialized, they had 110,000 factories and would have way more when they capture the South's factories. They had a $1.5 billion industry and had 95% of weapons manufacturing, 94% of clothing, and 90% of shoes and boots that were made. They also had 30,000 miles of railroad track. They were fighting to uphold the Constitution as the Union.
  • A Look at the South Before the War

    A Look at the South Before the War
    The South were not as big as the North compared to them population wise with just 9 million people, and 3.5-4 million of them were slaves. They were not as industrialized, they only had 18,000 factories, had a $155 million industry, and had 3% of weapons manufacturing. They also only had 9,000 miles of track, but they did have Military leadership which kept them in the war for a long time. They hoped to gain Britain as an ally and compared themselves as Patriots
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    The Civil War

  • The Battle of Bull Run I (1st Manasses )

    The Battle of Bull Run I (1st Manasses )
    This was the first major battle, the Union troops thought that marching South and trying to take them out early would be a good idea. It did not go that way at all, so the Union troops (Army of the Potomac) marched South with 30,000 troops and got completely humiliated, the North was not ready for them because they had bad leadership military wise. The surviving Union troops fled to D.C. It took place in Manasses, Virginia on July 21, 1861. They did it because of Fort Sumter.
  • Trent Affair

    Trent Affair
    This was whenever the Confederates would send Diplomats to Europe to work something out with Britain to gain them as an ally. The USS San Jacinto intercepted the RMS Trent and Britain would get very furious from this because it was their ship. Britain immediately demanded an apology from Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln would eventually release the Confederate Diplomats. When he did he secured the French and British Neutrality so they could not interfere with the Civil War at all.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and when he finished it he declared that slaves were free unless the Civil War would end by January 1st, 1863 but it did not so slaves were free. The slaves were so happy when they heard this and the North also. The Civil War will become about slavery from this. This would also stop Britain from entering the war but the only thing was that the neutral states were allowed to keep their slaves just so they can't interfere in the war.
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    Reconstruction Era

  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Vicksburg was fought in Mississippi and the Union won this war and it was a very key victory for them. General Grant was in charge and he cut the South in two and now the Union had control of the Mississippi River. They also captured New Orleans and they deprived the South of largest City and financing. The war starts to wind down after this, and the Union starts to overwhelm the South. After this battle it was basically over for the Confederacy.
  • Lincoln's 10% Plan

    Lincoln's 10% Plan
    The plan for Reconstruction for Lincoln was very lenient after the Civil War. His plan was that we would pardon all Southerners except Confederate Officials and officers who played a big part in the Civil War. All the South had to do was some things as listed and also that 10% of the states voters swore an allegiance to the Union, which was an oath of loyalty. Also that they would have to apply for federal recognition. Also the South will have to apply for new state governments.
  • Wade-Davis Bill

    Wade-Davis Bill
    The Wade-Davis Bill was proposed by Senator Benjamin F. Wade and Representative Henry Winter Davis. Also the Radical Republicans, they wanted to punish Confederate leaders, and destroy slave society. Also they wanted an oath declaring they never aided the Confederacy and wanted Confederate officers stripped of citizenship. Another thing that they proposed was that states should be readmitted into the Union after a long punishment and wanted a clear commitment to the Union.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    General Sherman started his march to the sea in Atlanta, then he starts from there to Savannah. He would cut the Confederacy into thirds, he marched all the way to the ocean. Along the way he would destroy everything in sight, he brought war to civilians because they were making weapons so he had to destroy it. He authorized Special Order 15 which meant that each slave could get 40,000 acres of planters land & one mule. General Sherman was a very destructive person and just what Lincoln needed.
  • 40 Acres and a Mule

    40 Acres and a Mule
    It was a promise from General William Tecumseh Sherman from the Union because they had extra land leftover from the Union conquering the Southern lands and farms and a mule also to help them out. It was also from the planters when they abandoned their land taken by Union forces. Slaves were allowed to own or rent a land to farm. They were entitled to a mule and the slaves saw this as their sign of independence and freedom, eventually the land was given back to the original owners.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    The Freedmen's Bureau was a relief agency for African-Americans in war torn south. The Freedmen's Bureau provided food, schools and education for former slaves to get them jump started in life and they also provided emergency services for them. They also confiscated lands who were previously owned by planters and were given to the African-Americans. This was the main institution for Reconstruction. They also helped out the poor whites and established by Congress.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    Andrew Johnson was the Vice President of Abraham Lincoln before Lincoln got assassinated but whenever he did Andrew Johnson became president. He opposed secession and hated planters, he was very racist especially to African-Americans and he wanted them at the bottom of the social ladder. He promoted the lenient readmission policy by taking an oath and once you did the farmers got all their land returned and they had to renounce secession also. Also ratified 13th amendment, and officers pardoned.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    During the Panic of 1873 the economy was set back until four years later in 1877. The population would tend to focus on their own economic affairs and not African Americans because the white race did not like them at all. Democrats would eventually win big in 1874 during the Panic of 1873 and this was the major reason and he could not do anything in the South at all. It was a financial crisis that triggered a major depression in North America and Europe.
  • The Lost Cause

    The Lost Cause
    The South needed a way to justify losing the Civil War, so they came up with false advertisements which made them feel better about loosing the war. They thought they were victorious and brave and that the Union had unfair advantages with all the advanced technology and other things. They also engaged in propaganda which still lasts today and made songs about brave Confederate soldiers and made statues of of politicians and generals. They were trying to re-write history.