1301 Timeline Project

  • 7000 BCE

    Beginning of New World Agriculture

    Beginning of New World Agriculture
    Mesoamerica societies were at first a more hunter and gathering society and were very nomadic travelers. However, over time, Mesoamerica societies began to grow into more agricultural societies growing certain crops. This custom would eventually become an important party of living to sustain a healthy food supply. This change of life style would become the start of a more closer society and a better sustained form of living.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to

    Beginnings to Exploration

  • 1000 BCE

    Eastern Woodland Culture

    Eastern Woodland Culture
    The Eastern Woodland Natives lived in moderate climate areas and had wigwarm houses. They had also lived near areas with water such as rivers or the Great Lakes, and had used these waters for transportation. Villages had created a class system from the top, Chief, to nobility, commoner, and lastly children. For food, there was mix between deer hunters and farmers for corn, beans, squash, etc.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire was a large, widespread nation that eventually covered all the land around the Mediterranean Sea. Rome had gained this land through battling and conquering, As a result of this, these nations that are now conquered will assimilate to Roman culture.
  • Oct 12, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a deadly epidemic that was able to kill approximately 33% of European population during the time. It was able to spread at a rapid pace due to it being airborne and spread through flee bites. The disease first arrived in Europe through a ship with people that had black oil on themselves. This event would cause people to believe that the disease was "God's Punishment" and take a religious approach. As a result, people would then kill off people who were deemed "troublemakers".
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    After Columbus had arrived into the New World, there was an exchange of animals, plants, technology, and even disease that was occurring between the New World and Old World. As a result of this exchange, there were many benefits/changes made into the New World way of living. However, because of this exchange, it had also caused a large amount of death for people in the New World due to them not being yet immune to Old World diseases such as smallpox.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Columbus was a explorer from Spain that made 4 trips across the Atlantic Ocean (1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502). His original goal in mind was to find a direct water route passage from Europe to Asia by travelling West. However, what Columbus ended up finding was the New World, now known as North America. Columbus however, believed that he had made it to India and he accomplished his goal for the rest of his life. His contribution would then lead to the eventual colonization of European colonies.
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    Treaty of Tordesillas was a re-negotiation of their land agreement between Spain and Portugal. Pope Alexander VI issued an imaginary division line separating the land (current day South America) between Spain and Portugal. Spain was given exclusive rights to land 100 leagues (about 320 miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands and east of the line belonged to Portugal. The treaty re-established the division line to now be 370 leagues (about 1,185 miles west) of the Cape Verde Islands.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

  • James Town

    James Town
    James Town was located in Virginia with a group of 100 settlers. At first the town had many issues to deal with, such as famine, disease, and attacks from native american tribes. These issues are what had caused the almost ruin of James Town. However, John Rolfe had brought tobacco in order to benefit and sell. This along with the assistance of other friendly native americans are what helped saved James Town and grow into a successful colony.
  • Plymouth

    100 men and women had traveled on the Mayflower to the shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts and created the Plymouth colony. These people had traveled here in order to receive religious freedom and a better life. The first year there was a filled with a harsh winter and disease spread throughout the people. However, later meeting with Native Americans they were able to better adapt to their environment by learning from Native American farming techniques and etc.
  • Maryland (History)

    Maryland (History)
    As one of the 13 colonies, Maryland (Which was named after the Queen consort of Charles I) was a safe haven for Catholics who were persecuted back in England as well as a concentration of religious conflict between those seeking religious freedom and the American Puritans. During the conflicts Maryland Governor William Stone passed an act ensuring religious liberty to all. This 'Toleration Act' was quickly repealed after Puritans seized control of the colony lead to a small civil war.
  • Roger Williams

    Roger Williams
    Roger Williams was the founder of the Rhode Island colony. He had previously been exiled from a colony due to his views of religious tolerance and the actions against Native Americans done by the colony. He then started his own colony of Rhode Island with the idea of separation of church and state from each other His ideas would then become one of the founding ideas of government today, which is the freedom of religion.
  • Caribbean Colonies

    Caribbean Colonies
    Sugar was a large produce of the Caribbean Colonies and the main cash crop there. Europeans had used this sugar to make a monopoly and grow economically. They had set up plantations there which had suitable soil that made sugar cane easy to grow in. As a result of this large export, Europeans needed a larger amount of labor workers. To supply their labor needs, they would then set up the triangle trade that would transports slaves and place them into labor work.
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    Nathaniel Bacon
    Nathaniel Bacon was a rebellion leader during the England colonist time period. Bacon had endorsed a policy of wanting to remove Indians from their land in order to greater expand the colony's land area. Berkeley however, disagreed with Bacon's viewpoint and didn't allow this. Bacon would then rebel and take a group of 60 colonist to raid Native American people.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, a follower of the Quaker religion. The purpose of this colonization was to provide religious freedom to those who might seek it. This colony would turn to be very religiously tolerable of other religions. Pennsylvania was a very diverse area in that there were many immigrants from different parts of Europe and were also friendly with Native Americans around them.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    These trials had started as a result of young girls who were supposedly cursed by the devil and acting in strange ways. This would then cause a large amount of conflict between people over who was deemed a witch. Colonist in the Massachusetts area would then go to courts and ultimately decide whether the accused colonist gets to live or die.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    The Triangular Trade was the trade between the New World, Old World, and Africa. This trade would send Africans from Africa to the New World in order to provide labor, raw goods from the New World to the Old World to produce, and lastly, the Old World would create manufactured good and send it to Africa. This trade would then help create economic gains for the New and Old World, but also cause many deaths for the African people and become the start to a division in the Americas.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America to 1763

  • John Locke

    John Locke
    Locke was a philosopher and a political theorist who was a part of the enlightenment period. He had believed in that the duty of the government was to protect the rights of life, liberty, and property that people had. He was also a religious tolerance believer. These two ideas of his would then contribute to the separation of religion and government, as well as the rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
  • New England Economy

    Economy in the North was more generalized towards industry and ship building. They were heavily focused on industry due to the fact that they had poor farming soil and much colder winters. As a result of relying more on industry, they would not have to rely so much on using slavery to keep up their economic efficiency. They were also more economically involved with trading goods with other each other/other countries such as Britain.
  • Cultural Heritage

    Cultural heritage was different comparing the North from the South. In the South, cultural heritage for slaves were kept separately. As a result of being far away from their owners, slaves weren't able to take in white culture and practiced their own. While looking at the North, slaves were more involved and were able to interact with each other more frequently. As a result, culture in the North would become more diverse and mixed between white culture and African American culture.
  • George Whitfield

    George Whitfield
    Whitfield was a very known figure during the Great Awakening being known as a preacher. Whitfield would go to different places in the America in order to preach about his beliefs. He would preach to inspire people to achieve personal salvation and promote democratic religion. His preacher would also cause the reformation of churches and further spread the Great Awakening. He would become very popular and attractive through the his use of emotional/dramatic speaking.
  • Treaty of Paris (1763)

    Treaty of Paris (1763)
    The Treaty of Paris of 1763 had ended the French and Indian War (Seven Year War) between Britain and France. This treaty had forced France to give up their land in North America and give it to Britain. This war would end up being very costly for the British and would tax the colonies in order to repay British dept. As a result, this would then anger the Americans and eventually lead to the American Revolution.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was one of the first of many taxes applied on the American colonists by the British government in order to repay their dept. This was a tax on general paper goods such newspaper, legal documents, and printing paper. Colonist outraged, formed mobs against stamp collectors and cause parliament to repeal this act. This event would be the start to the issues between the colonies and parliament regarding "taxation without representation".
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere was a member of the Sons of Liberty which was a political group who advocated and started the movement towards American independence from Great Britain. Revere had played a major role in that he created propaganda pictures, such as the "Boston Massacre", that showed British troops brutally murdering innocence people. As a result of this picture, it had gained a large supporting of people to the independence movement and greatly increase tensions between the colonies and Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    British Parliament had recently implemented the Tea Act, which put a tax on tea to help the East India Company. This act would then cause the Boston Tea Party which was an act of defiance against British taxation without representation. Samuel Adams and other people from the Sons of Liberty will board British ships and throw 342 chest of tea into the sea. As a result of this event, it would then cause the Intolerable Acts of 1774 which greatly punished colonist and grew tensions for both sides.
  • Shakers

    A group of religious followers that believed in the second coming of Christ into the world. Shakers had first appeared in North America in 1774 when a handful had immigrated there. This group was founded by a woman by the name of Ann Lee who had broken off from the Quaker religion. Shakers believe in that they receive messages from the spirit of God during their religious revivals. They are also generally characterized as ecstatic due to the behavior when they hold their worship services.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The Coercive Acts were a series of acts that had the goal of punishing the people of Massachusetts for their actions against Britain (Boston Tea Party). These acts would include closure of the Boston Port, restriction of town meetings, and the Quartering Act which allowed troops to stay in colonist housing and be provided with food. In response to these acts, colonist would be furious and lead to the first Continental Congress that would plot to go against British Rule.
  • Lexington

    The first shot was fired which is now known as "The Shot Heard 'Round The World" which then started the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The battle lasted around 4 hours, For the Americans, only 49 colonist were killed, 39 were wounded and 5 were missing. For the British, 73 were killed, 174 were wounded, and 26 were missing. The Battle was won by the Americans.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine was a major political philosopher in that he had help create some of the main ideas of the Revolution. One of his writings, Common Sense, was the first writing that helped advocate colonist towards the independence movement. Ideas such as, equal rights and a republican government system instead of a monarchy, were spoken about through this pamphlet. As a result of the simplicity of his writing, many people were able to understand and follow the independence movement.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith was a philosopher during the Enlightenment period. He was most known for being into economics and from his influential economic book called "Wealth of Nations". This book would then talk about the political economy, how it functions, and how it should function. He also ultimately supported a more limited role of government inside of economy. Adams wished that the government would only enforce a person to be able practice their economy but not get involved within it.
  • Henry Clay

    Henry Clay
    Henry Clay was both a successful and an unsuccessful politician that helped shaped American politics which made it what it is today. Henry was a 5 times unsuccessful presidential candidate. He was the leader of the Whig party which after his death the Whig party disappeared and was succeeded by the Republican Party that we know today. Clay was called ‘the Great Compromiser’ because he played a major role in formulating the three compromises of 1820, 1833, and 1850.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    This document was the first constitution of the United States of America. However, this document had given the government no real power or control over the nation. It was not able to collect taxes (causing the government to have very low funds) and it was very difficult to make decisions since most states did not agree or comply with each other. Eventually, after Shay's Rebellion, people had eventually questioned the effectiveness of the government and ultimately created a new constitution.
  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

     Treaty of Paris (1783)
    The Treaty of Paris of 1783 is what had ultimately ended the Revolution war granting the colonies their acknowledgement. Negotiates there include John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens. This treaty had signified that Britain would formally acknowledge the United States as a free and independent nation and also settle previous border disputes regarding in areas west of Mississippi and southern region (Florida).
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

  • Problems with the British

    Problems with the British
    After the revolutionary war, there were still some issues that were going on between the new nation of American and Great Britain. British forces and forts were still upheld in the Ohio Valley due to the Americans not keeping the deals made within the Treaty of Paris-1783 and giving back the loyalist their land. Along with this, the British had been trading with Native Americans by giving them firearms which as a result, puts the American people in more danger against Indian attacks.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    This rebellion was a protest made by American southern farmers against the government's taxation. Most of this anger derived from the Massachusetts state where there were more poor farmers who were at the brinks of losing their land. As a result, Daniel Shay had started a rebellion and head towards the Springfield Armory to capture the arsenal there, This rebellion would then cause political leaders to question the effectiveness of the Article of Confederation and reconstruct it.
  • Connecticut Plan

    Connecticut Plan
    The Connecticut Plan also known as the Great Compromise, was a plan created to help benefit small states and large states regarding the issue over representation. This compromise would combine both the Virginia and New Jersey plan and decide upon a two house system consisting the House of Representatives (that have a proportional based system) and the Senate that consisted 2 representatives from each state. This compromise would also deal the issue with slavery by providing the 3/5 compromise.
  • The Great Debate

    The Great Debate was a series of argument and discussion about the overall weaknesses and issues with Article of Confederation. They would also discuss how to deal with these weaknesses. The two sides that had very different opinionated views were the anti-federalist and the federalist political party.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance was the structuring system created to help establish new nations that join the nation. The purpose of this system was to help resolve the issues of competing states wanting western territorial land. However these joining territories cannot allow slavery within their lands and also had to meet certain population goals in order to fully gain their statehood into the United States of America.
  • Constitutional convention

    The Constitutional Convention's purpose was to ultimately decide how the United States was going to be handled politically. It would be at this convention that they would decide on important decisions and topics that made up a great deal of their beliefs and functions. Such as slavery and how they would be represented. They had also discussed the form of government they should implement and the branches in order to make it a strong but not too strong government.
  • 1788 Presidential Election

    1788 Presidential Election
    This was the very first presidential election under the new constitution and would elect George Washington as the new president of the United States of America. This election, like our today's election system, uses the Electoral College System which is based on votes from chosen electors. However, unlike our today's system, only white men with owned property were able to vote.
  • Period: to

    The Republic

  • Bank of the United States

    Bank of the United States
    The Bank of the United States was created in 1791 as the U.S. central bank to serve as a repository for federal funds. The Bank provided an easier means of currency exchange for the U.S. Banks would lend to their borrowers and in return would receive a bank note. The over-extension of credit was not a problem since revenue collected through notes were offset by the redemption of gold and silver. Effort from state banks deemed the First bank unconstitutional.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights were ten inalienable rights given to people to prevent the government from having too much power over citizens and making sure that the people are still protected by something. This idea was created from James Madison, a member of the republican party. These ten rights would still hold effective today and become the one of the basis that our country functions off of. Containing the same rights as before such as freedom of speech, right to bear arms, etc.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    This rebellion was a protest made by people who were involved with the liquor economy. These people were upset and outraged over the taxation that was placed upon alcohol. This rebellion would considered later on as the first test against the effectiveness of the new constitutional document. President George Washington would display then display the effectiveness and power of the government by sending troops to stop this rebellion.
  • Pickney's Treaty

    Pickney's Treaty
    This treaty was what helped settle the border dispute issues between Spain and the United States in the south. The treaty was negotiated by Thomas Pickney of the United States and Manuel de Godoy of Spain. This treaty would decide that the boundary be at the 31 degree north latitude and the Mississippi. The treaty would also make Spain give Americans a right to deposit goods for shipment to New Orleans.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident between France and America that led to an undeclared war at sea. France seized a number of American merchant ships. John Adams sent 3 member delegation to Paris to bring peace between the two countries. France foreign minister said they would only meet if they pay a hefty fee. Calls for war emerged and the diplomats' reports replaced their names with X, Y and Z. America ships were authorized to attack French vessels starting the undeclared naval war.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    An amendment of the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1804. Where the elections of the president and vice president will be on separate ballots. The constitution stated that whoever won the electoral college was president and whoever was 2nd was vice president this caused conflict, which lead us to amend the constitution and put separate ballots.
  • Sacajawea

    Sacajawea was an important asset that greatly influenced the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition. She was able to communicate with other native american tribes in Hidasta and shoshone. As a result, she was able to convince other tribes to trade for goods or horses. Sacajawea was also able to provide other forms of knowledge and assistance by telling the colonist of medicine and areas to avoid because of Native Americans.
  • Hamilton VS Burr

    Hamilton VS Burr
    This was a duel to the death between Hamilton and Burr. Both men had grown to detest each other. Burr had suggested to duel Hamilton in order to restore his reputation for the attacks made by Hamilton towards Burr during the campaign. Hamilton agrees and on July 11, both men meet at Weehawken, New Jersey. Hamilton. Burr kills Hamilton after Hamilton supposedly shoots in the air, but Burr however forever has his political career ruined being labeled as a murderer.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    This was the second war once again against Great Britain the most powerful nation at the time. This war was caused due to the British actions against United States such as impressment of US citizens, the western forts that the British never left, etc. After winning this war was considered by many the second war for independence. The American victory of this war had also caused a large increase in patriotism for American culture and away from British culture.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton was a machine created by Eli Whitney that was able to remove the seeds from cotton at a vastly quicker pace. This invention would not only greatly help the southern American economy, but also cause the need for slaves to grow again. With the creation of more cotton at a quicker pace, plantation owners would then need more farmer to pick the cotton and produce more. This increase would also caused the overall harshness/ working intensity to increase.
  • Iron Plow

    The Iron plow was a tool created to assist with farming. It was first invented by a man named Jethro Wood. This tool would allow for easier cultivation of soil/break up of soil and allowing seeds to loosen/sprout at a easier and quicker speed. It would also be used to help bury crop residues and to help control weeds. This tool would more likely be used to help assist those living in the Middle-West of the Nation.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was a machine that was able to create energy. This invention would be a great help to the overall economy for the United States both in the south and in the north. The steam engine would help function certain machinery such as, the steam boat, trains, or eventually steam locomotives. The creators of the steam engine were a series of people that were working to create the most efficient and effect way to produce energy.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

  • McCulloch VS Maryland

    In 1819 the Supreme Court case, it was deemed that Congress held "implied powers". Chief Justice John Marshal argued that the Constitution gave Congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper and that Congress had the power to carry out the express power that was stated by the Constitution.The court deemed the law of Maryland imposing a tax on the Bank of the United States as unconstitutional and void.
  • Onís-Adams Treaty

    Onís-Adams Treaty
    The Onís-Adams Treaty of 1819 divided North American claims between the United States and Spain. American settled in Florida and eventually declared independence from Spain. President James Madison used the incident to claim the region. Andrew Jackson seized Spanish forts and defended against Indians and escaped slaves coming from Florida. Demanding that Spain take action, they agreed to hand ceded claims to Florida at the cost of $5 million done in damages that American citizens caused.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

  • Missouri Compromise

    During this time period, a growing conflict occurred between slave states versus free states over what to do with joining states into the Union. Later on, Missouri would request to join the Union as a slave state. As a result, people would become upset because it would then ruin the balanced they once had of equal number of slave and free states. Thus the compromise was created in order to solve this issue by once again creating an balance proportion and using the 36,30 latitude line.
  • Stephen F. Austin

    Stephen F. Austin
    Stephen F Austin was an American empresario that led the succuessful colonization of Texas. He was given a permit from the Spanish to have 300 families settle into Texas. Austin was able to bring in a total of 300 settlers by persuading them a deal. The first 300 settlers would receive a considerable large land grant. This would be the start to what would eventually lead to the Texas Revolution against the Spanish after Austin was sent to prison.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jackson

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    This election was mostly between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. Both sides would neither obtain the majority electoral votes, and as a result would let the House of Representatives make the final decision. Although this system what used to make it fair for both sides, Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House during this election, had given his influence onto the House in order to get John Quincy Adams elected. Afterwards, in agreement, Adams would then appoint Clay as the Secretary of State.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    This election would be Andrew Jackson versus John Quincy Adams once again. This time, Jackson would come into the election with a new form of strategy. Both sides would spread rumors and negative comments about each other in order to make their side look better. This election would then be considered the "dirtiest" election ever. However, Jackson would eventually win this election with a large landslide of the popular vote.
  • Spoils System

    Spoils System
    Upon Jackson's election into presidency, he implemented the Spoils System. This system would consist of Jackson putting people who he trust (typically those within his political party) into office even if they did not meet the requirements for the position. This system was used to ensure that Jackson's political party would have an advantage in making decisions and also helped making executive decisions more cooperative.
  • Slavery in the Industrial Revolution

    Slavery in the Industrial Revolution
    Slavery was still a large growing practice in the south with the invention of the cotton gin being added. More so in the lower south, there tended to be a harsher, brutal treatment towards slaves. While the upper south, still was harsh, but not to the greater extent like the lower south. However, there were occasional slave rebellions, but none made a real issue except the Nat Turner slave rebellion. Afterwards, slaves would be threatened by being sent to the lower south as punishment or killed.
  • Changes in Communication

    Changes in Communication
    Communication had been a growing asset during the Industrial Revolution thanks to inventions such as the telegraph and printing press. The telegraph had greatly allowed people to communicate over long distances to communicate in instances. They would create a code called Morse Code to understand each other. Now, the printing press had helped increased the process of spreading knowledge and information to people by allowing more news or other information to be created at a quicker pace.
  • Mormons

    This was a religious group founded by Joseph Smith. Smith had believed that God himself was speaking to him and asking of Smith to help fix the Christian church. Smith then had supposedly seen angles that would then take him to golden tablets that only he could see in New York. These tablets were also supposedly written in another language that Smith knew how to speak. Afterwards, people had come to believe in Smith, but those who did not questioned him and became skeptical of him.
  • Railroads

    Created by George Stephenson, railroads were another great source of faster transportation of goods from one location to another. Railroads be used as an alternative to canals and would go from the Northeast east regions to the Midwest regions. As a result of these railroads and the trains with it, the industrial revolution would grow even further as people would have economic opportunity in creating these railroads. Goods would also be sent quicker giving a much greater deal of efficiency.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    This rebellion was a slave rebellion made by a group of slaves lead by Nathaniel Turner. Turner was under a more tolerable slave owner that allowed him the change to read and learn about religion. As a result, this causes Turner to realize the horribleness to this event and believed that he spoken to by God to put an end to this. He then starts to get a growing number of slaves in order to rebel and hopefully reach the north where slavery wasn't used as much.
  • Election of 1832

    Election of 1832
    This election would mostly be Andrew Jackson versus Henry Clay. Jackson would win an election once again receiving a large majority of the popular votes and electoral college votes (219 votes). Originally Clay's plan to ruin Jackson, Jackson would receive so much support from his speech regarding the national bank and the reasoning for his veto against the rechartering of the bank. This speech would be more geared towards the common man and inspire many people to vote for Jackson.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society

    American Anti-Slavery Society
    The American Anti-Slavery Society is a group of people with people such as William Lloyd Garrison and Fredrick Douglas who were for the action of putting an end to slavery. They had wanted to firmly put and end to slavery but also give African Americans the same equality we have socially, economically, and politically. The AASS would go to both the south and north for their support and eventually gain up to about 100,000 supporters.
  • Whig Party

    In 1834 a new party named the Whig party formed to combat Andrew Jackson Democrats. Their leader was Henry Clay and the name came from the English anti monarchist party, as an attempt to taunt Jackson as a king. They were labeled as the party of wealth and aristocracy by the Democrats. During 1840 and 1848 they managed to get their candidate elected as president. The Whigs declined in support during 1852 when the issue of slavery's expansion became the centered topic.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The Temperance movement was a movement towards stopping alcohol beverages. This movement was mostly encouraged by women, since most of them would receive beatings and abuse from men who would drink too much. However, they were also groups of men that would also join this movement. The Temperance movement would promote the negative and immoral characteristics regarding alcohol in the hopes of having others join their cause against alcohol.
  • Transcendentalism

    Transcendentalism was a group of American philosophers who believe in becoming truly independent and self-reliant. They believed that this was the only way to create a well organized or just community since they had particularly thought the organized religions and political parties were corrupted. This group had also heavily focused on the importance of nature and how it symbolizes pureness. Lastly, they also thought to believe what they wish to believe in without disrespecting other's belief.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    In 1838 and 1839, as a part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, a Indian tribe called the Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their land at Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida and move to present day Oklahoma. Jackson had created this policy in order to create more farming land for the US. However, along the way about 4,000 Indians died from exposure, diseases, and starvation while on route to their relocation.
  • Nature

    During the industrial period, the Northern states had come to build parks. These parks were built in order to help benefit those around the urban areas. By being closer to nature, it was most believed that i would help people relax and take a break from stress that may have piled up through the industrial, busy area and live style.
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • Election of 1844

    Election of 1844
    This election was mainly between James K Polk and Henry Clay. During this period in time, two main topics were about expansion of the nation as well as slavery. After Polk winning the election, he had set the large idea of Manifest Destiny and making America reach from the east coast all the way west coast touching the Pacific Ocean. Polk was also a strong supporter of slavery and encourage expansion to further increase slavery.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny was the large belief by most Americans that God himself had destined the United States to reach from the west coast to the east coast. This belief had greatly inspired many and encouraged them to keep expanding towards the west. This event had received its name from a man named John O'Sullivan who had stronger believed in this idea. As a result of this, America would then end up in a war with Mexico and implement the removal of Native Americans from their lands.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    This was the pioneer journey that started from Missouri and ultimately ended at Oregon. This event had occurred due to the large and growing belief of Manifest Destiny. Most people who went to travel were farmers or people looking for some kind of economic opportunity else where. However, this journey towards Oregon would prove to be difficult as many died from Indian attacks on the Great Plains or died from the horrible terrain of the Rocky Mountains.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Texas had at first been under the property of Mexico. However, until Mexican government started to make regulations on settlers there, people would then decide to rebel and form the Republic of Texas. After winning, Sam Houston, the president at the time, had wanted Texas to join the Union. Members of Congress were at first skeptical on whether or not to let Texas join the Union being a slave state, but after much discussion they had let Texas into the Union as the 28th state.
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    This election was between Zachary Taylor, Martin Van Buren, and Lewis Cass. The main topic of this election would be about slavery once again and what to do with it. Zachary Taylor, being a part of the Whig party, had gave a moderate approach to slavery with no real input about it. Taylor would also go on to win the election with 1,360,099 popular votes and 163 electoral votes.
  • Period: to


  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Signed on February 2, 1848, this was the treaty that would officially end the Mexican-American War giving the United States the victory. This war was caused as a result of border dispute in regards to Texas. The end result of this treaty will add 525,000 miles to the United States. It would also state that Mexico give up ownership and give the ownership of Texas to the US and set the border along the Rio Grande River.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls Convention was the first convention towards the goal of granting women voting rights within the United States. This would be the great start of what would be known as the women's suffrage movement. Some key women that helped organize this convention and this movement are Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and Jane Hunt. At the convention, they would discuss the grievances they faced and the demands they would ask for in hopes of ultimately getting their voting rights.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    When news of gold being found in California, people from all over had flocked over hoping to make a quick living. This finding would cause the population of California to skyrocket into one hundred thousand people. Although the selling price for gold was extreme, so was the journey that it took to get there. There were many who would travel across land, but unfortunately lose their life in the process.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a series of laws that dealt with the issue of states joining the Union, and whether they were for or against slavery. The reason for this compromise was when California wanted to join as a free state and upset the balance between the number of free to slave states. As a result, Henry Clay came up the solution of creating the Fugitive Slave Act and abolishing the slave trade in DC. Thus allowing California to join as a free state.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a series of connections between people that would help fugitive slaves from the South escape into the slave-free. These people would be just regular people such as a farmer, who believed in the same cause of giving slaves their freedom. Although saving many African American lives, this action of harboring slaves within a white person's home would cause both groups to be punished due to the Fugitive Slave Act which forced slaves to go back their owners if captured.
  • Election of 1852

    Election of 1852
    This election would be between Franklin Piece of the democratic party, John Hale of the Whig party, and Winfield Scott of the Whig Party. Once again, the main topic/issue of this occurring during the election was over slavery. Looking at the Whig party, we can see a large amount of disunity because of the disagreement and worries over choosing Scott as their nomination due to his viewpoints. As a result, the Whig party becomes scattered, falls, and lets Franklin Pierce win the election.
  • Industrialization in the North

    Industrialization in the North
    In the North, there was a larger amount of industry as the main source of economy. The main source of labor was through immigrants from Europe that had came over. There was also the use of the steam engine for different functions within the factories and also for railroads. Trains would play a major role in the economy of the North by providing quick transportation of goods and allowing the northern states to be very connected with each other.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    This election was between Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John C. Breckingridge, and John Bell. Lincoln, being a part of the Republican party was technically for slave-free states, but ultimately only really cared about keeping the unity of the nation together. After voting, Lincoln had greatly won the election, receiving 1,766,442 popular votes and 180 electoral college votes. This election outcome would lead to the start of what eventually be the Civil War.
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    Clara Barton was a efficient organizer that helped by working with distribute food and medical supplies to troops at war. She was an American nurse, suffragist, and humanitarian who also founded/organized the Red Cross foundation. Her work was tireless and grueling throughout the period of the war. Post-war she was still working by setting up marked graves of solider and setting up office for missing men.
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    The Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Located on Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, it was constructed to act as a coastal garrison. This location is generally known as the first place that the war would take place with the first shots taken. It was first controlled by the Union but would be later taken by the Confederate army after they had repeatedly bombarded the fort with artillery. However, later on in the war, after 4 years William T. Sherman would be the one to take back the fort in February 1865.
  • Robert E. Lee

    Robert E. Lee was the commander and chief of the Confederate army. He had attended West Point and had gained a reputation to become the leader of the Confederate army. Lee would have a number of very success battles against the Union. However, over time the weather and inefficient supplies had ruined the health and status of his army. This as a result, would eventually cause his army to lose and ultimately lose the war by surrendering to general Grant.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    This was an address/speech given by Abraham Lincoln regarding the death of soldiers who had fought in the Battle of Gettysburg. This would later become one of the most memorable and important speech in our today's history starting with the famous words "Four score and seven years ago". He also had made remarks about the difficulty of abolishing slavery and the dedication they need to put into this war to stop it once and for all.
  • Shermans's March to Sea

    Sherman's March, also known as the Savannah Campaign was a event that took union Soldiers through Georgia and destroyed the houses and land that they walked through. The overall purpose of this walk/campaign was to strike fear in Georgian people and make them leave the Confederate cause. This walk would leave a large impact on the Confederate army both morally and materialistically.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant had eventually became the commander of the Union army during the American Civil War. He was a brilliant commander graduating from West Point and having fought in the Mexican-American War. During the Civil War, his tactics would usually be more aggressive and up front and would eventually gain enough reputation to become the leader of all of the Union army being appointed by Lincoln. On April 9, 1865 General Robert Lee would surrender to Grant thus ending the war.
  • Election of 1864

    Election of 1864
    This election was between Abraham Lincoln and George McClellan. Northerners had greatly endorsed the leadership of Abraham Lincoln and had elected him once again. He had won 55 percent of the popular vote and 212 electoral votes. He had gained much support directly because of letting soldiers go home to vote. Lincoln would face the great problem that is the Civil War and whether or not they can beat the Confederate army.
  • Carpetbaggers

    Carpetbaggers was a term used to describe Northerners who went South during Reconstruction, usually with on a satchel (or carpetbag), in pursuit of profits or political power. They were met with scorn and portrayed as lower-class schemer with little education. However, many Reconstruction-era carpetbaggers were well-educated members of the middle class desiring southern reform and civil and political rights of freed blacks.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Just after the Civil War which had freed the African American slaves, white Southerners who had established civil authority had enacted a series of laws that attempted to restrict the activities of blacks. These were known as 'Black Codes' which had also ensured the availability of blacks as a labor force. Many states at the time also required blacks to sign yearly labor contracts to which if they refused, they risked being arrested, fined, and or forced into unpaid labor.
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  • Abraham's Assassination

    Abraham's Assassination
    During a play at the Ford's Theater, Lincoln had attended with his wife on the day of April 14. However, John Wilkes Booth, an actor there, had decided to plan an assassination against Lincoln. Booth would then to proceed and kill Lincoln in the back of his head with a pistol. This tragic event would take place only 4 days after the surrender of General Robert E Lee of the Confederate Army to the Union.
  • Election of 1868

    Election of 1868
    This president election was between Ulysses S Grant and Horace Greeley. This election was viewed as an anti group not wanting to vote for one candidate. Greeley had received much backlash and attacks due to his inconsistent records and support of a utopian socialism as well as dietary restrictions. As a result, more people were greatly willing to vote for Grant based on the sole idea of not wanting to vote for Greeley. Grant had received 3,597,132 popular votes and 286 electoral college votes.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment was ratified on July 9,1868 and addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of laws, it was placed in response to to conflicts related to former slaves following the Civil War. The amendment states that all people born in the United States are subject to it's law. No state shall make laws that will take away the privileges of citizens. No state shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law. No state shall deprive a person's rights.
  • Black Friday Scandal

    Black Friday Scandal
    Black Friday scandal began with Jay Gould and Jim Frisk plan to corner the gold market. The gold standard has ceased and government-backed greenbacks were in circulation. Frisk used Ulysses Grant's brother-in-law, to convince Grant to not use gold to buy back greenbacks. Afterwards Gould used brokers to buy all the gold they could to grow the price of gold. Grant eventually discovered the conspiracy and bought back greenbacks to drive the price of gold back down causing many sudden bankruptcies.
  • Sharecroppers

    Sharecropping was a system used by free African American slaves to receive housing. African Americans labor workers would work on a owner's property to produce crops. These workers would then be allowed to live on the owner's property with housing, as long as they give a portion of their crops to the property owner. This exchange would instead fulfill what would have been a workers payment.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    This compromise was created with the purpose of helping resolve the issue between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden. The end result of the compromise would make Hayes in the lead of the election by giving Hayes an extra 20 electoral college votes. This of course outraged the Democratic party and had stated that the Republicans were cheating. This compromise would also be the cause that formally ends the Reconstruction era.