476 BCE
Dark Ages ( Catholic Church)
The Dark Ages was a time of religious struggle for a lot of people, mainly the people who were Orthodox Christian, saw this time period as the time of Catholic corruption.They did not want accept the ways of the Catholic Church with it's hierarchy and papal doctrine. The Christians viewed this time as the "dark ages". they wanted to recreate the pure ways of Christianity. Catholics did not view this period as "dark" like the Christians had, they view it as a productive religious era. -
350 BCE
Human Sacrifices (Aztecs)
To the Aztecs human sacrifices were a part of life. It was natural to them, and was necessary to keep the world balanced and to keep it moving. The sacrifices and blood was what made the sun rise and move in the sky. That without it, their world would be over. To die as a sacrifices was the most honorable death to the Aztecs. A person who died as a sacrifices would be sent to live in paradise with the gods. -
Black Death (Rates/Fleas)
The Black Death had spread around Europe in the late 1340's. It got to Europe from ships that had been docked bringing in new goods. When people gathered to help unload the ship they found that some of the ships crew members had died. Unbeknownst to them rats and fleas were getting off of the ship with the boxed goods. and started to spread the plague around the whole country. Blood and pus had started to seep from swells in both men and women. Then the had a number of symptoms before death. -
The Renaissance ( Printing Press)
The very first printing press was invented in the Renaissance in the 1440-50. The invention of the printing press was a major leap from hand writing the text one by one to a mass production of the text at once. The man who invented to printing press in this era was a German man named Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenberg was a man who worked with metal who was able to create movement with the metal. His printing helped to spread many literature all around Europe pushing it into an informational age. -
Period: 1492 to
Beginnings to Exploration
Period: 1492 to
English Colonial Societies
Aug 3, 1492
The Year 1492 ( Christopher Columbus )
Christopher Columbus was a talented navigator in his time. He had only made four trips across the Atlantic ocean from Spain:in 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502. He was determine to find the fastest way to Asia, he believed it to be west. He never made it to Asia, instead he stumbled upon the Americas. In his second voyage he returned with a thousand men and disease wiped out the natives. In his third voyage he mismanaged his colony and was sent home a criminal. In his fourth he reached Asia and died. -
Columbian Exchange (Disease)
Before the Europeans had initiated the Columbian Exchange the Americas didn't suffer from from any type of disease. Some of the diseases that spread from the old world to the new include smallpox, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, bubonic plague, typhus, and malaria. due to the fact that the natives in the Americas did not have contact with the diseases they were defenseless against disease brought from the old world. The diseases thrived so much that about 90% of native population died. -
English Colonization ( Roanoke)
Roanoke was one of the very first English colonies here in the Americas. It is also known as the lost society, it was the English first attempt at at founding a permanent foundation in North America. The settlement was founded in 1585 on Roanoke Island, which is modern North Carolina, sponsored by Walter Raleigh even though he himself never actual stepped foot in the colony himself. But for some unknown reason 115 men, women, and children some how disappeared and so did the colony. -
Chesapeake Colonies ( John Smith )
John Smith was a solider and an adventurer. He played a very important role in the establishment of the Jamestown colony in the early 17th century. He train many of the settler in farming and work and this saved the colony from early devastation. He publicized " He that will not work, shall not eat ". The natives in the area had tried the attack the colony from time to time as well. With Smith's leadership however, and hard work from all of the colonist Jamestown had survived and flourished. -
New England Colonies ( Mayflower)
The Mayflower was a English ship that transported the first English puritans, which are known today as the Pilgrims, from England, to the new world in 1620. There was about a hundred passengers on board along with about thirty crew members. The Mayflower when it reached land hand actually landed hundreds of miles north of where they were actually trying to land. -
New England Colonies ( Quakers )
The Quakers were members of a group with a lot of christian roots the had originally began in England in the 1650's. Though the name Quaker was not the original name of this English christian group, its original name was the Society of friends of the religious society of friends. In totally all across the world there was about 210,000 but only 17,000 were in Britain and about 400 meetings were held every week for the christian group. -
Navigation Acts ( Limiting of foreign trade )
The navigation acts was a long series of laws that England developed, promoted, and regulated for English ships, shipping, trade and commerce between a lot of the other countries and with all of it's own colonies. The acts were made so that the government had a stronger hold on all of the trade between England, their colonies, and the other foreign countries. -
English colonial societies Issues ( Nathaniel Bacon )
Nathaniel Bacon was a colonist in the Virginia colony, but this is not all he was famous for. He was the many antagonist is Bacon's rebellion that was in 1676. When Nathaniel was a planter in the Virginia colony, and was the leader of the insurrection against a man named William Berkeley who was the govern in the Virginia colony which had in turn cause the Bacon Rebellion. But the rebellion had subsequently collapsed and ended when Bacon fell ill and died in 1679 due to dysentery. -
Glorious Revolution (English bill of rights )
The English bill of rights is an act that the parliament of England had put in to effect in December of 1689. What the bill did was it had created a separation of powers, and it limited the power of the king and the queen. It is a list of civil right and it decides who is to inherit the crown. But the is not the only thing that it does, it also enhances the democratic election and boast the freedom of speech. One thing it does not do is protects the rights of people. They claim it is only paper. -
Salem Witch Trials ( causes )
This famous event erupted in the spring of 1692, when a group of young girls in the village of Salem had claimed that they were being possessed by the devil, and they started to accuse many local women in the village of witchcraft.A wave of hysteria had began to spread though out out not only Salem, but all of the Massachusetts area. It all began when two young girls began to have violent fits and the doctor concluded that it was bewitchment, and from there the girls had begun to accuse others. -
Salem Witch Trials ( results )
In the course of one year the Salem Witch trials had claimed the lives of 200 men, women,and children who had been accused of witchcraft. Later in the year 1697, Massachusetts general court declared that a day of fasting shall be held for the tragedy that was the Salem Witch trials, the court later deemed the trials unlawful and the man who was in charge Samuel Sewall had apologized for his part. They later restored the names of the good people who were condemned as witches during the trial. -
Slave codes
The slave codes were slave laws. These laws are what were going to determine what status the slaves had, and what rights their owners had over them. These code were very harsh on the slaves due to the fact that they had very little to no freedom at this point in time. Theses codes were put in place to try and stop runaway slaves and slave rebellions that were happening at this time as well. Another thing that slave codes did was gave absolute power over the slaves to the owners. -
Seven years war ( George Washington's role )
George Washington's military experience began in the seven years war with a commission to be a major in a militia called the British Providence of Virginia. Though he gained a lot of valuable military skills during the war such as tactical , strategic, and logistic experience in the military. -
seven years war (great Britain )
In the seven years war Britain was one of the main participants that had lasted from 1754 to 1763. The war did not start out very well for the British. Many of their troops died from the plague and scurvy. They also died at the hands of french troops early on in the war in 1754-55. Though that very same year Britain's major ally Austria switched sides to be on the same side as France. but the were very quick to find some new allies in Fredrick the Great of Persia. -
seven years war ( Fort William Henry )
The Siege of Fort William Henry happened in August of the 1757, and was being lead by a French general by the name of Louis-Joseph de Montcalm against the fort that was at the time being held by Britain at the time. The fort was being protected by poorly supported British regulars a militia that was being lead by Lieutenant colonel George Monro. -
triangular trade ( colonial america to 1763 )
Triangular trade, also known t some as triangle trade, is the historical term that is used to signify trade between three ports or three regions. This trade usually evolves when a regions has to export goods that are not needed in the regions from which the major imports are coming from. This form of trade there for provides a way to fix the trade imbalances that are happening between the regions. Way before this there was a similar method used by the Portuguese before Christopher Columbus. -
seven years war ( treaty of Paris 1763 )
The Treaty of Paris of 1763 is what had ended the French and Indian War / The Seven Years War between the French and the British. But also between their respective allies as well. In the treaty it states that France had to give up all of the territory in mainland North America, this ended all foreign military threats to the British colonies that had been settled there. The territory that once belonged to France had been split up among the others Louisiana to Spain, and Britain received the rest. -
Period: to
Colonial American to 1763
Period: to
The Revolutionary War
Revenue Act/ Sugar Act
This act was also known as the American Revenue act, an act the was passed by the British Parliament of Great Britain in 1765. This act was a modified version of an earlier act that had been replied called the Molasses act. This act reduced the tax from six pence to three pence per gallon. But it also put more taxes on foreign goods as well like sugar, coffee, and wine. This hurt the colonist economy because it lessened what they could sell in their markets and also how much the could sell for. -
Free Black Communities
Free black communities were very common in areas such as Philadelphia and the areas that surrounded Philadelphia. They communities in this area were the most influential, and lively in the whole United States. In the communities they had relied on each other for comfort over the persistence of slavery and the rise of white supremacy. They could be who they were in these communities and express their thoughts. There were even churches for worship. They would keep their culture alive there. -
Stamp Act
The act was passed by the British Parliament in 1765, it was an act that put a tax on all printed paper. It was an act that was directly placed upon the thirteen colonies. It mainly affected those who were scholars because they were the ones who used the most paper at the this time. It caused an uproar with colonists and a major reason for the revolution: taxation without representation. The act cause the colonist to pay tax on every British stamp for all of the official documentation they got. -
Townshend Act
This act was passed by the British Parliament in the year 1767. It put a tax on goods the were being imported to the American colonists who at the time had no representation in Parliament,so the saw this as the king abusing his power. Though with the help of the Sons of Liberty they came up with " Taxation without Representation". Soon there after many of the town had started to boycott the British goods the following year. By 1769 the act had been replied, and the British tried to restore order -
Boston Massacre
It was a very deadly riot the happened in 1770 on King Street in Boston. It had started out as a brawl between British soldiers and American colonists, which soon turned violent and bloody. A soldier struck a colonist, and the angry crowd then started to pelt the soldier with snow balls that had ice and stone in them. The when one shot had rung out, the rest started to fire into the crowd as well. This killed five colonists and had also wounded six others. Within hours the soldier were arrested. -
Boston Tea Party
It was a political protest that involved very angry colonist that dumped about 350 cases of tea in to the harbor in the middle of the night, they dressed as Native Americans to do so. They were angry because the British were opposing " taxation without representation". This event was the very first act of defiance that the colonists had pull on the British. They were trying to show the British that would not sit back and let taxation and tyranny happen. They rallied the other colonists as well. -
Guerrilla Warfare
Guerrilla warfare is a type of fighting military tactic that was used mainly for ambushes, raids, sabotages. It was also a hit-and-run tactic that allowed people to fight a larger and less mobile military force. It is a very different type of war tactic because it is an irregular military act that is carried out by a small group of people. It does not need to b military personality either. It could be used by many people who were trying to get the jump on another group who were a threat. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was a state that had been adapted at a meeting at Independence hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. This document was announcing that the original thirteen colonies who were at the time at war with great Britain were now becoming thirteen independent states away from the British. They were no longer under the British rule, this document was also the first steps made towards making the United States of America. It was signed by representatives from every state. -
Massachusetts Constitution
The Constitution of Massachusetts was a government document of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.It was one of the 50 state governments that was going to make up the Untied States of America. The original and current document was first adapted in October of 1780, thought the current document has been amended nearly 120 time to date. Unlike other states this document was not made as a list but rather as a well organized book of chapters and articles. It had been the model of the us Constitution. -
Period: to
The Constitution
Article of Confederation
Continental Congress had first adapted the Articles of Confederation, which had been the first constitution in November of 1777, but not all of the states had originally agreed to all that had been placed in the document so ratification of the thirteen colonies did not happen until the middle of 1781 when all of the thirteen colonies agreed on this document serving as the first United States Constitution. But it had soon failed because it did not give congress and the government enough power. -
Slavery ( middle passage )
The middle passage was a stage in the triangular trade were millions of African Americans were forcibly take to the new world and sold as part of the Atlantic slave trade. This went on from the early 1500's to the early 1800's. The ships were very densely packed with little to no room for the slaves to move around. The trip that they took many months and nearly 10 to 15 percent of the slaves had died on the journey. When the dead had been found they were then thrown over the aide of the boat. -
The Three Branches
In the government there are three main branches of the government. There is Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Legislative is the branch of the government that makes the laws. But some laws can always get vetoed. The second branch of the government is the Executive, this branch is there to enforce the laws made by Legislative. The Judicial is the most powerful branch that applies the laws and makes sure that they are implied properly in the name of the state in some of the state cases. -
Northwest Ordinance
The northwest ordinance was something that was going to rely on a strong central government. Mainly because as they were going to expand the country from the thirteen colony. They didn't want to add new states from the already existing states but they wanted to carve out new states from the new territory that was west of the Appalachian Mountains. But for this to happen they need to have a strong central government which at the time they did not have. but the expansion was starting to happen. -
Shay's Rebellion
This rebellion was a number of violent attacks that happened to
many of the government properties in the Massachusetts area from the beginning of 1786. The people who were involved with the attacks were people who had been in the revolutionary war and had become farmers after the war had ended. Named after Daniel Shay who fought in Bunker Hill, and had been started after former soldiers received little pay back for the war. They had demanded higher payment for the war. Soon rebellion started. -
Virginia Plan
This was the plan that had been made up for the bigger states in the newly former country. It had been brought up and arranged by a representative from the state of Virginia at the meeting of the Constitutional Congress in may of 1787. This plan was proposing that they needed a strong central government: Legislative, Executive, and Judaical. This plan had been opposed the next month by a New jersey representative who had come up with the New Jersey plan, which they disagreed about at the time. -
New Jersey Plan
The New Jersey Plan was the Plan for the small states in the new country. It had been thought up by the New Jersey representative William Paterson at the Constitutional convention in June 1787,it was the response the the Virginia plan,plan for the larger states that happened at that Constitutional Convention in May of that same year. New Jersey plan made it so that the smaller states in the plan had equal vote as the larger states in the Virginia plan. Smaller states were equal to bigger states. -
The Enlightenment ( Benjamin Franklin )
The Enlightenment period was a time of intelligence. It was also an intellectual movement as well at this time. It had put a giant emphasis on reason and science. Benjamin Franklin was a man of polymath. He was a man with a wide knowledge of many things. He also did not agree with many of the rules and doctrines of the church at this time. So during this time he had taken his writings to the Pennsylvania Chronicle. His writings contributed to the US constitution, reflecting the Enlightenment. -
Period: to
New Republic
Whiskey Rebellion
This rebellion was an uprising of farmers for Pennsylvania who were starting a protest a tax that was being put on whiskey by the government. Obvious this had angered the colonists after the unfair taxes that they had faced with the British the past few years.This was one of the only times that a president went into the field to stop a rebellion themselves. George Washington took some of this troops and went down to Pennsylvania to put this rebellion to an end. When he got there it was put down. -
Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was a invention that was made so that the people who worked on the cotton plantations could separate the cotton and the seed easier and quicker than before. This was they could produce a larger number of products in a day. Its had also increased that level of productivity then when they were trying to separate the cotton and the seeds by hand. But this meant that the plantations would now need more slaves to work since they could now produce more of the cotton than before. -
Election of 1796
After President George Washington had refused to be president for a third term in the office,there needed to be a election for a new president.This election was the first election that had elected a president and a vice president for the opposing parties. In this election John Adams had won as the president, he was a federalist. and Thomas Jefferson, became the vice president and he was a Democratic- Republican. Adams had 71 electoral vote and Jefferson had 68 Electoral votes. It was very close. -
XYZ Affair
The XYZ affair was a diplomatic problem Between representatives form both France and United States, and as a result of this problem the undeclared war known as the Quasi war had begun. It was during that early administration of Adams that this confrontation had happened had happened. XYZ was the names given to the French diplomats who had had demanded a bribe and loan from the US before the negotiation would even start. Offend the Americans left before it could happen. -
Alien and Sedition Act
The Alien and Sedition acts were numerous laws that had been passed by the Federalist congress in 1798. Which were then signed by John Adams making then a new law. These laws had included a new power that could deport foreigners from the country not only that but it also made it harder for foreigners who were immigrants to vote. It had also put some restrictions on foreign resident such as their activities, freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press. This had violated the Constitution. -
Election of 1800
This presidential election was called the "Revolution of 1800". It was called this because the vice president Thomas Jefferson had won the election to become the new president over the, now former, president John Adams. Jefferson with 73 votes, and Adams with about 65 votes. Winning the vice president spot was a man named Aaron Burr,but he also had 73 votes for the place as president. But in case of a tied the constitution states that it would go to the House of Representative to chose a winner. -
Period: to
The Age of Jefferson
Midnight Judges
The midnight judges were a group of people who had been selected by President John Adams because Adams wanted to try to persevere Federalist influence in the government. He did this just before he succeeded from the office. He wanted Federalist to still have some type of power in government. One of the Midnight Judges was William Marbury. He had been appointed Justice of the Peace for the Distract of Columbia. This made many republicans and Jefferson very angry when the Judiciary Act of 1801. -
12th Amendment
The 12th amendment had been ratified in the constitution in 1804 stating that the President and the vice President would be elected by the electoral college, instead of by the people. But should it come to a tie then it would go to the House of representatives to decide who would become the president of the united state and who would be the vice president. -
Lewis and Clarke
Lewis and Clark were the names of two men who were leading this expedition. This expedition lasted from the spring time of 1804 to about autumn of 1806. This was also known as the Corps of Discovery, this had been first american expedition across the west part of the Untied States of America. Thomas Jefferson had put this together so that they would know about the westward territory bought from the Louisiana Purchase. He wanted them to find the best route in the west half of the new country. -
Sacagawea who is mainly known for helping Lewis and Clarke during on of their expeditions. She had traveled over a thousand miles with the expedition. From about North Dakota to The pacific Ocean. She had helped them with form contact with other Native Americans, she helped the communicate with them. She had also helped them by telling them what plants the could and could not eat. During this time she was also expecting her first child, and when the child had been born she still continued on. -
Francis Scott Key
Francis Scott Key was an American who in his time was a amateur poet, a lawyer and a author. He was best known for writing the notional anthem for the United States of America "the star spangled banner" In his time as a lawyer his words had been ridiculed because he had owned slaves in 1800. But in the year 1830 set them free and gave free legal representation to slaves in need. In that time it had also been speculated that the US motto "in god we trust" came from the star spangled banner. -
Battle of New Orleans
The battle of New Orleans had taken place after The Treaty Of Ghent had been signed in late 1814. This happened before the news that the war had ended could reach the United States. The British had launched an assault of the New Orleans area in early 1815, but the Americans were able to pull a big victory over the British in the battle. That was not the only thing that had happened, this battle had effectively marked the end of the war of 1812. And soon the Era of good feelings had started. -
Era of Good Feelings
The Era of good feelings was set to mark a period in which the political history of the United States of America. It had showed that the nation now had this sense of purpose, and that it also had a strong desire to be united in the aftermath of 1812. It had started in 1815 at the of the war of 1812 and good feelings had started to wash over the new country. It had come to and end many years later when the political divide between the north and the south had started to come further into play. -
Panic of 1819
The panic of 1819 was the after war economy. It had started to go way down since that war of 1812 had come to an end only a few years earlier. People were being forced to leave their homes and off farms. Prices in the agricultural business was falling as well as in the manufacturing industry too. This had started to cause people to lose their jobs. This was the first major financial crisis that the United States had faced. Banks were closing, Business were closing. This continued until 1821. -
Missouri Crisis
The Missouri Crisis was a step that the members of congress had taken to try and ease the political rivalries that were going on because of Missouri making a request to join the New Country as a state were slavery would be allowed. This did not go down well because at this point in time the United States had twenty-two states that had been evenly divided between slave states and non-slave states. But the Maine had decide to join Missouri to join the States as a free state to make it even. -
Corrupt Bargain
In this year something that had surprised everyone who when John Quincy Adams had won the election over the man running against him, This mans name was Andrew Jackson. Many people who had gave their support to Andrew Jackson had believed that a man named Henry clay who at this time was a speaker for the house had convinced them to elect Adams. they called this the "corrupt bargain". Neither side had the majority of votes in the election, so they picked Adams with the influence of Henry Clay. -
Sing Sing (prison)
Sing Sing prison started it's construction in the year 1826, and did not complete until the year 1828 two years later. In November of that year the first set of convicts had come to occupy the prison for the very first time. This prison was home to both men and women over the years. But in the later years there had been many executions of the prison convicts just over six hundred. At least 10 of these executions had been women. But the convicts had to mine Sing Sing's marble over the years. -
Before there were any type of mental institutions they used to keep the mentally ill in the same prisons as the criminals because they did not think that anything was wrong with them. But soon after the completion of the Sing Sing prison they had figured out that they could not keep them there, and that they need somewhere for them to go. So they had built to Asylums. The first asylum was built in the same year that sing sing had been completed and the mentally ill had been sent there instead. -
Period: to
Age of Jackson
Indian Removal Act of 1830
The Indian Removal act was a law that had been signed by President Andrew Jackson. It had been signed in the year 1830. It had stated that Native Americans could have land west of the Mississippi in exchange for their land. A lot of the tribes had gone peacefully and with out any type of fight about it. But with that said many other tribes had resisted the relocation of their homes and family. And since they had been resisting the move they were then forcibly moved off of their land to new land. -
Indian Territory
After the Indians had been forced to leave their homes with their families due to the Indian Removal Act they were told that there was new territory for them to relocate in. the territory was in modern day Oklahoma. All of the Native American tribes had to go there and stay there. The Native Americans had stayed in their territory because the Americans had said so.They had stayed on their territory like they had been told to do. They stayed until may years later when they had found more minerals -
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is also known as the LDS church. Not only that but also the Mormon church. It is located in Utah. They had moved to Utah because they had face religious prosecution in other parts of the new country. So the Mormons had migrated to the Utah area had had opened up the church of LDS. Many people in that time some of the people had not shared some often same beliefs as the LDS. The church was found by a Mormon man named Joseph Smith in the year 1830. -
Nat Turners Rebellion
Nat Turner's Rebellion was one of the most famous slave rebellions in history. It had taken place Southampton Virginia, in the summer of 1831, and was lead by a man by the man of Nat Turner. The slaves who had joined the rebellion as rebels had killed between 55 and 65 people. The majority of those who had been killed had been whites. But the rebellion did not last very long as it had been shut down within days of it starting up. Nat turner survived for only two months in hiding afterwards. -
Battle of San Jacinto
In April of 1836 when Texas was trying to gain it independence from Mexico, the army that had been under the command of Sam Houston had attacked the Mexican forces that were under the order of Santa Anna taking them by surprise. The Battle of San Jacinto had begun at this time. Many had been killed in this battle, the battle had only lasted for eighteen minutes in total. When the battle was over hundreds were taken as prisoners, including Santa Anna. He signed a treaty giving them Independence. -
Siege of Bexar (Alamo)
The Siege of Bexar, the Alamo, happened in the early days of the Texas Revolution. Some of the Texas volunteers had defended against some of the Mexican Army and laid siege on them. In this 13 days the battle of the Alamo had happened. The Alamo at the time was being defended by only a small force that include David Bowie, and Davy Crockett, compared to the Mexican forces. When Santa Anna told them to surrender they replied by opening fire. Most of those who defended the Alamo had fallen dead. -
Trail of Tears
The trail of tears was part of the Indian Removal Act that had been put in place by the President at the time Andrew Jackson. It was forcing many of the Native American tribes off of their land and out of their homes. They were being forced to go to present day Oklahoma. The trail was 2,200 miles long and along the way of this trail around four thousand Native Americans had died trying to make the trip after being forced from their homes.The trip had taken from 1838 to about 1839 to complete it -
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith was the main leader and the founder of the Mormons and was also the founder of the LDS church. Early in his life he had published the Book of Mormon. This book had brought over ten thousand more follower to the Mormon religion. After facing prosecution for their religious ways, he and Brigham Young had taken there Mormon followers to the Salt Lake Valley which in the present day in Salt Lake City in Utah. Where they had settled and lived their lives with out prosecution in religion. -
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was a soldier and politician.In addition to this he was also the seventh president of the United States of America. And his vice president was John C. Calhoun during his time in office as the president of the United States of America. Before this though he was a general in the United States Army, and also had served in both of the houses of congress. Though as president wanted to try to keep the rights of the common man and to try to preserve the side of the union as best he could -
Manifest Destiny
In 1845, Manifest Destiny was a belief that was widely known in the United States. It was that the settlers had to expand the country across North America. They were meant to go west to continue to build the country. Expanding the country was something that they were destined by god to continue expansion westward, expansion was justifiable in their eyes. There were up's and down's to this though. The good side was everyone was enthusiastic about it. Bad side the they destroyed all in their way. -
Mormon Migration
The Mormon had migrated to Salt Lake Valley. In other parts of the country they at the time had faced prosecution in Illinois so they had left and made their way to Utah. The trip to The Salt Lake Valley had taken about 17 months to complete and many miles. When the Mormons had reached the Salt Lake Valley a man named Brigham Young. He and all of his follower had settled there and had started their new lives in Utah. A life where they would not face prosecution for their religious beliefs. -
Election of 1848
The election of 1848 had been the 16th presidential election. It had happened after the ending of the Mexican American War. The two who were running were Zachary Taylor from the Whig Party and Martin Van Buren from free soil party. Thought Zachary Taylor was not clearly committed to the Whig party, he had been very popular because of his effort in leading a war. With Taylor winning the election this had made Zachary Taylor the second man to win the election who was from the Whig Party. -
An abolitionist in this time was someone who wanted to put an end to slavery. They wanted to end this practices that they have had for over one hundred years.Thought there were only a small number of abolitionist in this time there were some very famous ones like Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, and even though he did not start out an abolitionist Abraham Lincoln had become on when he was in office as the President. They wanted an end to slavery, the civil war had taken care of it and ended it. -
Mexican American War
The Mexican american war was a armed conflict between the United States of America and mexico that had lasted only two years. Santa Anna had still considered Texas to be the northeast part of mexico and never recognized Texas as independent even thought they had seceded nearly one decade before. James Polk who was the new president sent people to talk to the Mexicans. But when the Mexicans had started to attack those who Polk had sent there. So Polk had sent a request to congress to start a war. -
California Gold rush
The California Gold Rush had begun in 1848 when a man by the name of James Marshall had found gold in Shutter Mill. With the news of gold being found in California it had brought a wave of over 100,000 people to the area in search of gold in the year 1849. They had come from all over the United States and even from other countries. But by the year of 1855 the gold rush had gone down, most all of the gold in California had been found. They were make less than from when they had started. -
Runaway ( Slaves)
In the time when it was legal to own slaves, they had made it illegal for slaves to runaway from their masters. There were laws such as the "fugitive slave law" that had been passed that stated that if a slave had runaway then their master could go and retrieve them. Even if the slave had run to the north . Their master could still go and get them,or have officials go and get them. The North had called this fugitive law the "bloodhound law" because they would use dogs to track down runaways. -
Compromise of 1850
Henry Clay who was the senator at the time had put into act in 1850 to try and seek middle ground and stop a problem between the north and the south before it had even started. In the compromise of 1850 it had included the fugitive slave acts, not only that but slavery had been abolished in Washington D.C. Thought the compromise had put an end to a four year confrontation between slave and free states to see what territory after the Mexican - American war would be a slave or free state. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The fugitive slave act was a series of laws that had been passed by the Untied States Congress in the year of 1850. It had been part of the Compromise of 1850.It had stated that if a slave had runaway then their master had the right to go and retrieve them form were they had runaway to.Even if it had been the North because it was not illegal to do this at the time.They had also used dogs to try and track down slaves who had run away from their masters. The northerners call it the bloodhound law. -
Period: to
Cultural Changes
Henry Clay
Henry Clay was an American lawyer, statesman, and he was also a planter. He was the representative for Kentucky in the United States senate and in the House of Representatives. Though in 1824 he had run for president and he was unsuccessful in doing so. After his lose at trying to be president he had helped Adams win the election in the House of representatives. Jackson had said that clay had a part in Adams win, not only that but Clay's win in becoming the Secretary of state,"corrupt bargain" -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a anti-slavery novel that had been written in 1852 by a woman by the name of Harriet Breecher Stowe.This book was one of the foundations for the civil war.This book had also helped by fueling the abolitionist cause during the 1850's. Its had helped to popularize some of the stereotypes about African Americans.That they would follow their masters without question. It had given some insight into there lives.There was also book written in response to this. Aunt Phillis' cabin. -
Election of 1852
The election of 1852 was the seventeenth Presidential election in that United States of America.The nominees in the election were Franklin Pierce for the Democratic party and Winfield Scott for the Whig party. In the election Scott's anti-slavery reputation and hurt his campaign in the Southern part of the country. Towards the end of the election a vast majority of people had vote for Pierce.In the end it was Pierce and his running mate who had won the election. 27 of 31 states carried the vote -
The telegraph was invented by a man named Samuel Morse thus the name for this secret language conveyed through the telegraph, Morse Code. They put up telegraph lines that were kind of like phone, and they would carry these messages that were waiting to received in a telegraph office many mile away. This was a very popular way of communication during the civil war. Visiting the telegraph office was something that President Lincoln had done very regularly during this time to get the latest news. -
John Brown's Raid
John Brown's Raid was a effort that had been made by John brown who in this time was and abolitionist to try and arm salves so that they could try and revolt in 1859. To do this they had tried to take over the arsenal at Harper's ferry in Virginia. His small group of around twenty had been stopped by the U.S marines. Though he asked two abolitionist to join, Harriett Tubman And Fredrick Douglas. Tubman could not join due to an illness,Douglas did not join the raid because he knew it would fail. -
Period: to
Westward Expansion
Army of the Potomac
The Army of the Potomac was a small part of the Union Army in the east during the civil war.It had been established in 1861, this army had fought in the first battle of bull run and had lost the battle.It was originally going to be under the command of George McClellan who had been the founder of the Army of the Potomac.The army had been formed of all units of the military that there had been at this point in time.The army had gonna under many changes in its time. In 1929 it had its last reunion -
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The Civil War
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Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation had been issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1,1863 as the civil war had been going on now for about three years. The emancipation proclamation stated that all of the slave that were in the rebelling states in the south were now from that day on free. But it was only limited to the states that had seceded from the union and were in rebellion, it did not end slavery everywhere. it had also accepted black men into the Union army and into the US navy as well -
Sam Houston
Sam Houston was an American soldier and he was also a politician. Houston was the main leader during the Texas Revolution. He had also in his time served as President of the Republic of Texas twice. Though he was most famous for his role in the Mexican American War, he lead the army yo a victory at San Jacinto. He also played a part in Texas' annexation by the United States of America in 1845 and in 1846, he had been elected to represent the Texas area in the United States Senate meeting. -
George McClellan
George McClellan was a Major for the union army during the civil war. He was also had been the leader of the army of the Potomac two times as well. How he had chose to run his army though had put him at odds with President Abraham Lincoln. The two men did not get along very well, and because of this it upset his political and military fortune . George McClellan had been the leader of the union army until Lincoln had removed him in 1862 and replaced him. Ulysses S. Grant had become the leader. -
Battle of Vicksburg
The Battle of Vicksburg was the final major military movement in the american civil war. Grant and his army had crossed the Mississippi river and had driven the confederate army to the fortress in Vicksburg, Mississippi. This fortress was the confederacy's last big stronghold. Grant had decided to besiege the city, they had held out for about forty days before their reinforcements and their supplies had started to run out. They had finally surrender on July 4th. Lee had also surrendered as well. -
Gettysburg Address
The Gettysburg Address was a speech that was delivered by Abraham Lincoln during the civil war. This speech was not very long nearly 300 words in total in the speech. His speech had only take about two or three minutes to make. It had been one of the shortest speech he had every made in his time as the President of the United States The speech had been dedicated to the new soldier national cemetery. It was a cemetery for all of he Union soldiers that had been killed in the Battle of Gettysburg. -
Women at Work
During the civil war women's ways of work had changed. Jobs that would have gone to men went to women due to the fact that men were fighting the war. Many women had also disguised themselves men to fight in the war with the men. Some women had even become nurses for the hurt soldiers. Thus creating the American Red Cross. It was started by Clara Barton During this time to help to wounded soldiers and with her medical help less soldiers were dying from disease and going back to the fighting. -
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Sherman’s March to the Sea
Sherman's March to the Sea, which had also been know as the Savannah Campaign, he been a military move that had been made during the civil war.The had went through Georgia on a path to Atlanta. They were wanting to capture Atlanta and that is what they did, and it also had ended with them capturing the Savannah Port. They followed the "scorched earth" tactic by destroying all in their path. Houses and Railroads.This had eventually lead to the Confederacy surrendering to the union. Ending to war. -
Lincoln's 10% Plan
Lincoln's 10 percent was his blueprints for the southern reconstruction.It had states that they could rejoin the union once ten percent of their votes had sworn an oath of allegiance and loyalty to the Union.It would take immediate effect on the several states that were now under the control of the union.Though the plan had not been received well by all.The radical Republicans didn't like the plan because they believed it had been to lenient for the southern states.They want more punishment. -
The KKK otherwise know as the Ku Klux Klan is a group of white supremacist who hold the view point that they are superior to African Americans solely based on their skin color. The first Klan had popped up during the 1860's. It had tried to force out the governments in the south during the Reconstruction, mainly with violence against Blacks. Thought it had died out in the 1870's due to law enforcement shutting it down. This did not stop them from forming together in the years to come later on. -
Abraham Lincoln (Assassination)
The assassination of Lincoln happened the night of April 14 at the Ford theatre. He had been shot in the back off the head in a murderous attack by John Wilkes Booth. Booth was a Confederate sympathizer, it had been easy for Booth to get into were Lincoln was because he had worked at the theatre. Linocln had been taken to a near by home were they were trying to save him, but there was nothing the could do, He died the next day. After shooting Lincoln he fled to a barn where he was later killed. -
13th Amendment
The 13th Amendment was added to the United States Constitution in 1865 after the American civil war had ended. In the 13th Amendment it had stated that slavery had been abolished as had indentured servitude in ALL areas of the United States of America. Thought this did not this thought, the amendment had been passed it did not stop white southerners from trying to used different ways to keep slavery around without calling it slavery. Such as making the sign contacts to live and work on the land. -
14th Amendment
The 14th amendment had been added to the United States constitution in 1868, this amendment stated that all of those who were born in the Untied States of America would automatically be citizens of the country without applying to be. Which includes the former slaves who had been freed from slavery. This amendment had also give the citizens all the same equal rights under the law and of the law. Though this law had made them citizens they did not make the all as equal at this pint in time. -
Black Friday Scandal
The black Friday gold panic had been caused by two men by the names of Jay Gould and James Fisk who were trying to corner the market of gold during the new York gold exchange. When the scandal had taken place Ulysses S, Grant had been in office as president. He had been trying to better the countries economy since it had gone down during the civil war. Due to Fisk and Gould the price of gold had fallen and this had caused an uproar of panic to spread very quickly. Many were financial ruined. -
15th Amendment
The 15th amendment had been put into place in 1870 giving the right to vote to all African American men, saying that they as citizens of the United States of American had the right to vote for anyone whom they so chose. That their race and the fact that the once had been slaves did not matter. Though it gave rights to African American men the right to vote no woman in the United States of America had the right to vote at this time. It would not be until much later that they could vote as equals. -
Period: to
The American Industrial Revolution
Election of 1876
The election of 1876 had been the most controversial and the most disputed election out of all of the election so far. The nominees had been Rutherford B. Hayes from the republican party and Samuel J. Tilden for the democratic party. It had sparked the end of reconstruction in the South.Though Tilden won the electoral vote with 180 to Hayes who had 165 electoral votes. There still have been 40 votes that were still not resolved due to the compromise of 1877 all 20 votes had gone to Hayes who won -
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana was a Mexican war general and politician. He had a great deal of influence over the Mexican politics and in the government. He had also fought Spain for the independence of Mexico, and had been apart of the Mexican American War. Though during the last battle of the war he had been taken prisoner in soldiers cloths, Americans did not know it was him til the Mexican soldiers greeted him. After capture he had been forced to sign a treaty and give Texas it's Independence. -
Jim Crow
Jim Crow was a racist laws, for both state and local, that had been but into place that were meant to segregate the African Americans from the whites at this time in the southern part of the Untied States of America.The laws had been made in the years after the civil war, the slaves had gained their freedom and were now having to face different problems. Even thought they were free they were not being treated equal, then Jim crow had come into play. They wanted to separate the blacks and whites -
Brigham Young
Brigham Young was the religious leader of the Mormons and was also the settler who settled the Mormons in Utah. Not only that but he was also the founder of Salt Lake City and had become the first Governor of Utah at this time. After settling in the Salt Lake Valley and the LDS church had been built back up,he had also become the second leader of the LDS church during this time .Because he was Mormon this had meant that he had believed in polygamy, Brigham Young had fifty-five wives in his life. -
Frederick Douglas
Fredrick Douglas was a American abolitionist, writer, and statesman who had been born a slave.He had escaped slavery in Maryland and soon after had become a national known leader for the abolitionists during a movement that was happening in Massachusetts and also New York. During his time he had been described by other as a living counter argument to the slaveholders arguments. When the slave holders had anything to say he had a counter for it.He also wrote many books about his time as a slave. -
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was an american abolitionist and politician. She was born into slavery, but she had been able to make an escape After she had escaped she had made about thirteen trips back to the south to rescue over fifty more slaves who had been her friends and her family. She had did this by using the system of underground anti slavery activists and their safe houses. This system was called the underground railroad. She had done this knowing she could be caught and forced to be a slave again.