Period: 1000 BCE to
Beginnings to Exploration
476 BCE
The decline of Rome
The decline of military strength is a factor that led to the downfall of the empire. Internal struggles such economical power, new religious reforms play also role. In its struggle to hold the power of its vast land, Rome was being faced with the invasion of barbarian groups. The last of the Roman emperors was Romulus Augustulus, was overthrown by Odoacer. The 1000 year of Roman order had come to an end and the western power was now rule by the Barbarian Kingdom -
Jan 1, 1091
The Knights Templar
The knight Templar was organization form by Catholics as a military order. There first original duties was to protect pilgrims in there travel but later on there duties expanded to protect the crusades in the holy land. In 1129 the catholic church became an official endorser of the Knights Templar.In 1139 the pope allowed the organization to have special rights. The fall of the Knights Templar began when the Muslim armies took control of holy city of Jerusalem, forcing the Templar to relocate -
Jan 1, 1300
The Renaissance
Leonardo Da Vinci was an accomplish designer, artist, and architect during period of The Renaissance. In a world were superstition was a force behind events, Leonardo thought with reason and logic. In his journey of vast inventions and art he made the point that science and art should work together. One of his most well known pieces of art include the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, and The Baptism of Christ. With the creative genius that Leonardo Da Vinci he earned the name as the "Renaissance Men" -
Sep 11, 1340
The Black Death
With the death toll of The Black Death being an estimated 25 million victims the workforce decline. This scarce of workers increase the demand for labor which gave new opportunity for peasants who survive in Europe. As peasants were being more in demand they as well demanded for higher wages. European rulers try to keep the wages from becoming higher, so they pass English laws such the law in 1349 which force workers to accept the same wages they receive before 1346. -
Jan 1, 1492
The Colombian Exchange
The exchange between the new and the old world brought plants, culture, animals, and disease. The exchanges impacted the social, economical, and culture of both sides of the world. The exchanged of new world foods to old world largely is to blame for the population expansion in European, Africans, and Asians. Potatoes, maize, squashes became essentials in everyday life. Foods that were introduced from the old world to the new world include bananas, coffee, chickens, rice, barley, and daises. -
Jan 1, 1493
Caribbean Colonies
Sugar was main cash crop of the Caribbean and cultivated nearly eighty percent of the economic profit. The Caribbean islands met the require conditions for the growing of sugar, Barbados later became the riches island in the region as it grew the most profitable sugar As the years went on, the ratio of slaves to free men was greater, slave plantations grew exponentially and the nearly most of the lands of the islands were being harvested for sugar. The blame the western world demand for sugar -
Jan 1, 1500
Slavery (Middle Passage)
The middle passage was the a twenty or ninety day voyage of enslaved Africans to the New World. The passage was part of the Triangular trade route and the conditioned that the slaves had to endured were tightly packed rows on floor as the way they had to be position in the travel. The death was pretty high on transport ships, many died from disease and their bodies were thrown overboard. Most slave ships would carry approximately over six hundred slave which included men, women and children. -
Jul 24, 1534
New France
Jacques Cartier was an experience french navigator sent by the King of France to the new world in search of rich resources such as gold and silver. In his twenty one day journey he discovered the the new found lands of Canada and became the first European sailor to discover the saint Lawrence river.He later discovered what is now Quebec and made a short lived settlement that was abandoned due to the harsh winter. Jacques made a total of three expeditions one 1534, second in 1535, and final 1541 -
Jan 1, 1535
New Spain
The seven cities of Cibola was myth that consisted of gold cities throughout the New Mexico territory. The Spanish had heard the tale and led an expedition under Francisco Vasquez de Coronada. With three hundred fifty Spanish solders and one thousand natives that went along the expedition, Coronada swept through the land destroying many native settlements. With little gold found the two year expedition came at an end. The expedition was an utter failure leaving Vasquez and his men empty handed. -
Chesapeake Colonies
The Chesapeake colonies were the settlements of Virginia and Maryland. Many of the settlers consisted of white indenture servants as nearly of the three fourths of the population were indenture servants. To escape poverty in England, Indenture servants sign a contract requiring them to work four to seven years for Chesapeake masters as a way to pay them back for the Atlantic trip. After they finish there duty of work they would be granted land and set of clothing, tools, and some essentials. -
Period: to
English Colonial Societies
Colonial Economies (Lower South)
The southerners deeply depended on slaves for there economy. The economic power from slaves that were own by wealthy plantations owners affected the yeomen farmers in a negative way as they are only to produce a small amount of crops. The rise in cotton would gravitated in the rise of slaves in the lower south. Due to high demand of slaves in the lower south it would affect the prizing of the slave purchasing. -
New England Colonies
Plymouth became the first New England colony when it was first settle in 1620 by a group of Puritan Separatists who sailed on the mayflower and who have signed the mayflower compact which agreed that Plymouth would be self govern. Emigrants who first settle there seek to find religious freedom to separate themselves from the church of England. The first winter was devastating as the colony struggle to grow crops and nearly half of its first settlers died from disease or from the hash winter -
Navigation Act
Passed by the English parliament the navigation act was a series of acts that regulated and limited the colonial trade between other powers like the French and the Dutch. The colonies would only be allowed to import goods from Britain and export colonial goods such as tobacco and sugar to Britain alone. This would limit the dependency on imported foreign goods. These acts also inhibited taxes on the colonies that the parliament would collect. Many colonial merchants resulted in smuggling goods. -
The Glorious Revolution
The Glorious Revolution took place in England and was the overthrowing of King James II because of the fear of catholic tyranny and was replaced by his Protestant daughter and her husband. King James II was a Catholic himself and favor Catholics, he passed the Declaration of indulgence which penal laws didn't account to Catholics.With him having conflict with the parliament he went of his way in attempting to create a new parliament that would unconditionally support his ruling. -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem witch trials began in 1692 Massachusetts and were a series of witchcraft trials were nearly two hundred people were accused and ninety people were executed. Puritans had strongly believed in the supernatural and view misfortunes to be cause by witchcraft as they associated them with the devil. When little girls started to exhibit signs of screaming and violent outburst in the community, people were blame for witchcraft including devoted member of the church and mass hysteria spread -
Visual Representations
Salutary Neglect is the unofficial british policy that Colonial America follow for many decades. It regarded as the colonies following loose trading regulations and relax on enforcing of parliamentary laws including loose supervision of colonial internal affairs. The colonies would be allowed to self govern but remained loyal to the British government. The period of salutary neglect all changed after the French and Indian war when the British began to enforced taxation to pay for war dept. -
Triangular Trade
The triangular trade was route of trade between the Americas, England and Africa. England would trade with Africa, Africa trade with the Americas, and The Americas back to England. Trade from he Americas would include raw resources and materials likesugar, cotton, Tobacco. England would export manufactured goods such as guns and textiles. Africa would sent slave, many of whom were exported to the Caribbean islands to work in the slave plantations such as Barbados where sugar was cash crop. -
Act of Union
The act of union was Two acts of parliament passed. Scotland passed the Parliament of England and Britain passed the parliament of Scotland. Following the negotiations England and Scotland would have the same legislature and continue be under the same monarch. This would create the United kingdom of Great Britain. Scotland would have been allowed to keep its Scottish rule but its parliament would have dissolve along with the English parliament to form the Parliament of Great Britain. -
Period: to
Colonial America
The Great Awakening
In the 1730's to 1740's a religious revival led by leaders such as Johnathan Edwards, John Wesley, George Whitefield swept through thirteen colonies. The movement started as the because of religious attending was in a decline. The movement included the conversion of native american to follow Christianity. Christian missionaries began a campaign where they went on a journey to forcefully convert the natives into Christians. They used brutal tactics in the effort of converting them. -
The Enlightenment (Georgia)
The colony of Georgia was founded under the guided principles of The Enlightenment movement. Led James Oglethorpe and twenty liked minded individuals who were granted charter by George II name the colony Georgia in honer of him. He envision the colony as a new beginning for the worthy poor. In his encouragement of industrialization he gave male immigrants plots of land along with tools and supplies. James Oglethorpe called for the banned of alcohol and slavery but was later disregarded. -
The Seven Year war
The French and Indian war a conflict between Great Britain and France in North America. The war began in 1754 and ended in 1763 when the Treaty of Paris was signed by Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal which recognized Britain with the Victory . Under the treaty terms, France had to give up its mainland Territory and gave ease to the military threat to the English colonies. Britain would gain the control of Canada including land east of the Mississippi river and new Orlean. -
The Townshend Act
As an effort to pay for the cost of the french and Indian war the British parliament passed a series acts that will force the colonies to pay a tax on tea, paper, paints, lead, and glass. The result of this was a resistance from the colonies who felt the taxes where against there representation this later led to what will be known as the Boston Teas party of 1770. The Townsend act was implemented due to the unsuccessful stamp act. The act will be one of the reasons for the Revolutionary war. -
Repeal of the Townshend Act
Protest of the Townshend act voice the saying "No Taxation without Representation". Colonist were anger with the act and boycott the importation of goods from Britain. The events will later lead to the Boston Massacre of 1770 where colonist where killed under the fire of British soldiers. The boycotts and violence that asserted after the event of eventually lead the repeal of the Townsend act . The British parliament would have agreed to remove any act of the Townshend besides tea -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Battle of Lexington and Concord best known as "the shot heard around the world" would be the first military confrontation between the colonies and the British in the America Revolutionary war. The British would attack the courthouse located in concord as tactic to captures the ammunition stored there. A few colonist would have been killed and one injured British soldier. The battle would result in a American victory and the British retreating. -
Period: to
The Revolutionary War 1763-1783
Olive Branch Petition
The Olive Branch petition was submitted to King George as proposal that stated the colonist where to be asserted their rights while maintaining loyal to the crown. It was the final attempt by the colonist to prevent going to war in the American Revolution. When the olive branch petition was delivered to the king himself, he refuse to read the petition. This will invoked a rage between the colonies , this will be considered on the major causes of the American Revolutionary war. -
Dunmores Proclamation
The Dunmores Proclamation was document signed by John Murray which declare martial law which gave freedom to slaves of the american colonies, under the condition they left there masters and join the British forces. This will result in nearly eighty thousand to one hundred thousand slaves to leave their plantation with the mindset to fight for the cause of earning there freedom. It was the believe that the slaves will revolt and rebel against there formal slaves in huge numbers during the war. -
The Declaration of Independence
Adopted by the Continental congress, the declaration was written to explain there decision on why they choose to separate themselves from the British crown and the complaints the colonies had on the British king . Drafted by the principle author, the founding father Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence along with changes made by founding fathers John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. Days later of the draft members will have signed the Declaration of independence. -
State Constitution
After the events of the united states declaring independence from the British the called for a democratic form of government was called for. As the colonies change from colonies to states, a state constitution was formatted in which it would allow the american people to govern there states under a thinking that revolved around revolutionary ideals. The state constitution will protect the natural right of American. It constituted separation of power a legislature, executive, and judiciary. -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation was first institutes as the first constitution of the United states. The Articles would represent it self as a weak central government and would have laid most of its power to the states. Under the articles the economy weakened due the lack of power to implement tax laws or regulate commerce. The articles of confederation was truly tested in the event of shays rebellion when the government lack in controlling the problem, it called for a new constitution -
Enlightenment Ideas of the 18 Century
The age of enlightenment was a movement that consisted of a thinking of reason, individualism, and skepticism and challenge traditional views. Many of the founding fathers such Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin follow the views and ideas of the enlightenment, they adopted a great emphasis on the thinking of liberty, republicanism and religious tolerance. These depiction of enlightened ideas help mold how the constitutions was writing with the separation of power with check and balance. -
Battle of Yorktown
With the command of George of Washington and his fleet of French and continental troops, the siege against the British forces led by general Charles Cornwallis. This considered one of the last major battles of the American Revolutionary war. The British general was forced to surrender after the British troops were outnumber and surrounded by George Washington army. The long battle will effectively the war for independence in 1781 -
Period: to
New Republic
Treaty of Paris
Singed in Paris by the representatives of the unites states and the representatives of great Britain. The treaty concludes America war for independence. It formally ended the war and British would have to acknowledge the United states as independent. The border of the united states determine to be extending to the great lakes to the parallel latitude from the Atlantic to the Mississippi . The U.S would have to agreed to return any property belonging to loyalist and free prisoners of war -
Shays Rebellion
Shays rebellion was an uprising in Massachusetts led by Daniel shays was protest of the massive dept and lack or money after the american revolution. The event will had challenge and showed the true weakness of the article of confederation as the government lack central authority to control the violent protest. The articles could not keep a law and order, this called for a central constitution. This will influence the fathers to create a strong constitution balance by liberty and order -
The Constitutional Convention
The constitutional convention in Philadelphia was was convention in which the founding fathers discuss the problems of the weak central government of the articles of confederation. Several plans were introduced. The Virginia Plan proposed by James Madison a joint legislative branch, lower house elected people, upper by the lower. The New Jersey plan called for each state to have one vote in congress. The Connecticut plan stated that the states had equal representation and fair representation. -
Northwest Ordinance
Adopted by the confederation congress, the Northwest ordinance stated a government for the northwest territory while providing a way of admitting new states to the union and guarantee a bill of right to the territory. Slavery was forbidden in the Northwest ordinance and protected civil liberties. The Northwest ordinance was written pre-constitution and was adopted by the congress of the articles of confederation as weak legislature that was about to end -
Period: to
The Constitution
Election of 1788
The Election of 1788 was the first presidential election conducted under the new constitution. The election of President George Washington was first and only president to the be elected unanimously by the electoral college, he was elected for both terms. The election still held a runner up John Adams who will later served as vice president under George Washington terms. George Washington won because of his polarity and leadership as the commander in chief during the American Revolutionary war -
The Second Great Awakening
The Second Great Awakening was a Christine religious revival in the united states. Preacher would lead the movement spreading the ideas of suffering and injustice in society. It would establish reforms such temperance movement, women suffrage movements and abolitionist reforms. Before the movement education was lacking as there was little schools that offer educational opportunities later education became an important aspect to live which help build common schools -
The District of Columbia
The District of Columbia was established by the constitution to serve as the nation capital city. The state capital was argue on where it should be place like Thomas Jefferson who wanted the state capital to be place in the southern states where slavery was prominent. President George Washington had choose the exact location of the capital. He suggested to the capital to be placed along the Potomac and Anacostia rivers. It was officially established when Maryland and Virginia cede land . -
The Bank of the United States
The Bank of the United States was established as a three part expansion of federal fiscal and monetary power, under Alexander Hamilton as the Secretary of the Treasury . Hamilton believed that the bank would stabilize the nation credit under the newly enacted constitution and pay off for the war dept. Thomas Jefferson stated that the bank of the united states serve unconstitutional. He believed that the constitution did not give national government power to build a bank -
Whiskey Rebellion
The whiskey rebellion was an uprising of farmers in protest of a whiskey tax passed by the federal government. It was the first taxed imposed on a domestic good by the government. George Washington issued a proclamation ordering the rebels to take down the protest. In his reaction Washington order nearly thirteen thousand into Pennsylvania, the protest was quickly brought down and no violent outburst ensue. This was the first federal authority with military means in the state boundary s. -
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights established the first ten amendments writing by James Madison. The amendments were designed to protect the basic right of citizens. It would protect the freedom of speech, press and so on. The anti federalist felt that The Bill of Rights needed to be implemented for the individual liberty that the people needed to be protected. Federalist argue that there was no need for The Bill of right as they felt the states and people held the power not given to the federal government. -
The Cotton Gen
Inventor Eli Whitney in 1794 invented the cotton gin, this machine would revolutionized how the production of cotton would be manufacture in the south. The cotton gin would speed the process of removing the seed from the cotton almost entirely eliminating the need for manual labor. A more effective cotton gen would later be invented, the Whitney's hand cranked machine that can remove seeds from fifty pounds of cotton in one day -
Election of 1796
The election was the first election in which voters could choose between political parties. It was the nation first test of transferring power through a contested election. The Federalist candidate was chosen as Vice president John Adams. The Republican candidate was chosen to Thomas Jefferson. It was the first of the campaign between opposing candidates both held posters and rallies to gain support from the people. The federalist John Adams will have defeated his candidate Thomas Jefferson. -
Period: to
The Age of Jefferson
Election of 1800
The election of 1800 was an election with Thomas Jefferson as the republican candidate and John Adams as the federal party. Thomas Jefferson will had ultimately win the election but it ended with a tie between the republican vice president Aaron Burr, the constitution would had decide that House of representatives to handle the decision. The house took several day and thirty six ballots to decide Thomas Jefferson as the winning candidate. -
Jefferson Administration
Thomas Jefferson objection of Alexanders Hamilton proposal of the United states bank created debate on the whether it was constitutional. He argue that that constitution did not give the power to congress to create a bank. Along with that, Jefferson believed the U.S bank will create difficulty for the development of state banks . He also believed that bank will benefit the upper class more than the lower class. -
The steamboat, invented by american inventor Robert Fulton, were being widely used in a conventional manner in the 1830's. They were being used as a efficient method of transportation in waterways and canals. Before the steamboat, flatboats were being used as the previous ways of transportation in rivers, the problems with the flatboat was there effectiveness, they were difficult and slow. -
Madison Presidency
After a few months that James Madison took office, native Americans tribes in Indiana and Illinois singed the Treaty of Fort Wayne in which approximately three million acres of land was obtained from the natives. The treaty led to a war as tension and anger was expressed from a powerful Shawnee leader know as Tecumseh. Tecumseh attempted to organize a confederation of natives to fight against the white settlement in the Tecumseh war, which lasted nearly two years -
The War of 1812
The United States declare war in 1812 a against Great Britain in response of the issues of British creating an economic blockade of France and Britain forcefully inducting american seaman in to the British navy. The great lakes played a significant role in how the U.S played in the war. The Battle of Lake Eri was a significant win for the U.S as it allowed the control of lake eri which would prevented British forces seizing Northwest territory's -
Period: to
The American Industrial Revolution
Adams-Onis Treaty
The Adams-Onis treaty also known as the Florida purchase in 1819 was an agreement between Spain and the united states that gave the land rights to the U.S and set the boundary between the United states and Spain. The treaty has settle a border dispute that was created tension after the American Revolution. Spain decision of selling the territory came from a failure of not successfully bringing settlers to Florida which became a burden to Spain -
McCulloch v. Maryland
The McCulloch vs Maryland was a major supreme case. The Stare of Maryland had attempted to prevent a branch of the second bank of the united states by attempting to tax banks notes not qualify in Maryland. The supreme court ruled that federal government could not passed laws not written in the constitution. This establish that congress has implied powers from the articles, "necessary and proper" clause allow the congress to create a national bank -
The Panic of 1819
The panic of 1819 was an economic depression the U.S faced. Many banks closed along with many farm lands and houses, nearly everyone was affected by the panic of 1819. The cause for this panic include the banks giving out loans to anyone regardless of class, the banks had more money loan then they did in the bank. The aftermath of the war of 1812 resulted in prices rising drastically due to the government attempting to pay off war dept. -
Period: to
Cultural Changes
Temperance movement
The Temperance movement dedicated in the controlling or abstinence of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The movement prompted that the consumption of alcohol was a detriment to your health, family, personal self and life. It promoted education of the consumption of alcohol and laws that restrict the selling of alcoholic beverages and prohibition of all alcohol all together. The movement was implemented due to the rise in intoxication and the consequences that came with it. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S policy towards the Western hemisphere. The Doctrine declared that the U.S would not allow any European powers from further colonizing in the new world any attempt of European control in the western hemisphere will be view as hostile.The U.S would not allow the expansion of monarchs. The U.S would no longer interfere in internal affairs or wars in the Western Hemisphere. -
Period: to
The Age of Jackson
Election of 1824
The presidential election of 1824, to which John Adams was elected by the House of Representatives after Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but failed at gaining the majority. To many it was a surprise considering that john Adams who didn't win the majority in the electoral college won the presidency. People believed the election to be corrupt and the speaker of the house being Henry Clay accused of convincing congress to elect John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson called it the Corrupt Bargain -
Presidency of John Q. Adams
The presidency of John Quincy Adams which lasted 1825-1829, only serving one term. During his presidency he made a progressive national program known as the American system, he invested federal funding for internal improvements such as the addition of canals and roads including a National University. He supported the Tariff of Abominations, it was a protected tariff made to protect the industry in the north. -
Election of 1828
The presidential election of 1828 was a rematch of the 1824 election. On the Democratic party stood Andrew Jackson and on the National Republican Party stood formal president John Quincy Adams. The election would end in Andrew Jackson winning the election The election would marked the Jacksonian Democracy, making the transition of the First Party system to the Second Party system in American politics. -
Jackson Administration
After Andrew Jackson victories win in the election of 1828, Jackson was ready to kick out anyone who was associated to his predecessors and ready to replace them with some of their own. His new procedure in hiring anyone to a civic duty was the spoil system. He would appoint anyone who was loyal his political party and himself. Anyone who helped Andrew Jackson win the election were most likely to be employed for a civil service position -
Revivalism was an increased in renewal or revival of church attend ency. It was a restoration of the church after a period of church and moral decline. A notable religious revivalist was Charles Grandison Finney and is know as the Father of Modern Revivalism, he was leader in the second great awakening. Charles Grandison Finney innovated the way preaching an service procedure. In his movement he led many social reforms such as education for Africans and the abolitionism of slavery. -
Greek Revival
Greek revival architecture was a building style that was adopted in the eighteen century and nineteenth century. Many of the buildings use elements of Greek architecture and it became popular around that time. Archaeologist had excavated ancient Greek sites in the mid 1700's. This style would influence architectures to adopt the style. Characteristics of Greek architecture include columns and pillars. Most buildings reflected on the style of a Greek Temple -
Nat Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner Rebellion was a slave revolt was a slave rebellion in Southampton county, Virginia led by slave by the name of Nat Turner. It was the only lasting slave revolt in american history. The revolt resulted in fifty one white casualties. The revolt was put down within a few days and led Nat Turner go into hiding were he was later convicted and hanged. It led to the idea in the south of the fear of slave revolts so in response they created tight control of slave population -
The Election of 1832
The Presidential election of 1832 was the defeat of the National Republican Party Candidate Henry Clay by Democratic party candidate Andrew Jackson. The election was the first to use presidential nominating conventions in which the party's use national conventions to select there presidential candidates. Jackson had won the majority of the popular vote, the electoral votes was Jackson 219 to Henry Clays 49. -
America Anti Slavery Society
Founded in 1833 by William Loyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan, The American Anti Slavery society was an abolitionist society. The society had developed more than one thousand charters with around over two hundred fifty thousand members. A key leader in the society who was a spokesperson at meetings was escape slave Frederick Douglass. The society was an advocate for immediate emancipation and incorporating plans for freedman in american society. -
Battle of Gonzales
The Battle of Gonzales was the confrontational battle of the Texas Revolution between rebellious Texans and Mexican army soldiers. In 1831 Mexico lend the settlers with a small cannon to fend themselves against Comanche raids. In 1835 Mexican Colonel Domingo Ugartechea sent troops to retrieve the cannon as he felt it was unwise to leave the residents of Gonzales with the cannon. The residents refuse, so one hundred troops where sent against the hundred forty armed rebels. -
Between the 1820's and 1830's Transcendentalism develop as a philosophical movement in reaction to rationalism. Transcendentalism belied goodness of people and nature. They believed that society had corrupted the purity of people, and believed that people are better of as independent and that self individualism truly runs a community. Major figures of the movement would include Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau -
Election of 1836
The presidential election of 1836 was the third election victory for the Democratic Party in which Martin Van Buren defeated four Whig Party candidates. During his presidency Martin had face financial problems after he inherited what would influence the Panic of 1837, Jackson economic policies in which he refuse to renew the second bank of the united states leading funds to be withdraw from the bank. This would be worst economic depression in early america -
The Telegraph
The Telegraph, developed in 1844 by inventor Samuel Morse, it would revolutionize long distance communication. The telegraph work by commuting electrical signals between two signals. The device would sent transmission and receive messages. The Telegraph would use Morse code as way to sent a message. The invention allow news media and the government to send a message quickly rather than by a mail carrier. -
Waltham System
The Waltham system a labor production model invented by Francis Cabot Lowell, it was designed to be manufacturing process where everything was done withing the factory. The labor was performed by young women instead of young children or boys. It was first used in the textiles industry. The girls involved were called mill girls, the girl would come from rural areas to earn more money, they lived in boardinghouses in which they follow strict rules . -
Many Europeans suffered from poverty and many made an escape from their past lives to live for a new economic opportunity in the united states. The industrial revolution called for need for need of labor. The major waves of immigration came from countries of Ireland, Germany, France, and some from Great Britain. Most of the immigrants were attracted to the big cities as it had the most economic opportunity. -
Yeoman Farmers
In the south whites who did not own slaves were considered Yeoman farmers. Yeoman farmers would own their plot of land with the labor consisting from the family. They view themselves as independent and hardworking. Slavery did not help the yeoman farmers even if they identify in the institution of slavery. Many of the yeoman farmers dislike the wealth and power accumulated from being a slaveholder. -
Period: to
Westward Expansion
The Election of 1840
The presidential election of 1840 was just after the panic of 1837, Whig nominee William Henry Harrison will defeat Democratic Party candidate Martin Van Buren. This will be the whig party first presidential election they saw since the pass three elections. In the 1839 the Whig party held there national convention. Harrison would have won the popular vote, 234 out of the 294 electoral vote. Harrison soon after his after his inauguration making him the shortest live president. -
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny was a believed in the Unite States that they were destined by god to expand the U.S from the east coast to the west coast. The westward expansion began with the Louisiana purchase and it later led to the Oregon trail as Americans became fueled for expansions. The Oregon trail was a route that led to the Great migration to the west of the United States, many traveled in large wagons to carry their belongings. -
Annexation of Texas
Until 1836 Texas was part of the Mexican, within a few years a group of United States settles who had lived in Texas declared for Independence. In 1845 Mexico recognized the Republic of Texas into the United States. That same year Texas was amitted into the Union of the Unites States becoming the twenty eight state. Democrats had opposed the annexation of Texas into the union because of the Slave holding region -
Mexican American War
The Mexican- American war was an armed intervention between the United States and Mexico. It was followed after the annexation of Texas, Santa Anna the Mexican leader still believe the Texas to be part of his northeastern province and didn't recognized the republic of Texas. The war would last two year ending in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo in 1848. The treaty would give the unites states 545,000 square miles of territory adding to the westward expansion -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was an unsuccesful proposal by Democratic member David Wilmot to prohibit slavery into territory acquired from the end of the Mexican American War. The house of representatives approved Wilmot two million appropriation bill to solve the final negotiations of the Mexican American war and its proviso. In 1848 the senate had approved of the appropriation bill but rejected the proviso. -
Period: to
Seneca Falls Convention
The Seneca Falls Convention was a first women's rights convection in the u.s. It was a convention made up women who called on the unfair conditions women were receiving They discuss not only that but social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women. The convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York and about three hundred people attended the majority being women but it also included some men. -
Election of 1848
The presidential election of 1848 was defeat the of Democratic party candidate senator Lewis Cass to Whig party candidate Zachary Taylor. Both Party's had tried to avoid the issues of slavery . In the election the short lived political party the Free soil Party was organized to oppose the expansion of slavery in the western territories, it was led by Salmon P.chase and John Parker Hale. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 would be a series of five separate laws that dealt with the issue of slavery, pass by the United States congress. The compromise would be drafted by Henry Clay. The bills would make Texas surrender its new claim of New Mexico and North 36,30. California would be admitted to the union as a free state. The abolition of slave trade Washington D.C. Strengthening of Fugitive Slave act. Utah and New Mexico allow to choose decision on slavery. -
Fur Trade
The North American fur trade was the activities of sell, trade, and exchange of animal furs in america. During the 19th was when fur trade was at its peak, it become an economic venture in north america that it attracted competition from the Spanish, Dutch, French and British. The demand for furs in Europe created an economic demand for hats and pelts as it became a fashionable piece. Towards the 15th century beaver wool was the primary fur in the market. -
The Election of 1852
The presidential election of 1852 was the defeat of Whig nominee candidate Winfield Scott to Democratic candidate Franklin Pierce. This election set the last of the Whig party, it would be the last time the Whigs where the opposition of the Democrats. The party would fall apart because of tensions of slavery expanding to territory's. Most of the Politician who were in the Whig party will later quit and shift in northern votes to the republican party played a factor of its ending. -
Republican Party
The Republican Party first emerge in the events of combating The Kansas-Nebraska act. The early Republic party had little support from the Southern territory's. In 1858 it would have enlisted formal Whigs politicians and Former Free soil Democrats to form a majority in the North. The Republican Party belief that the people had the the state rights to make their own laws and they also belief in a smaller federal government. -
California Gold Rush
The Gold Rush was the largest mass migration in the U.S. When James W. Marshall found gold at Sutter Mill the news of it got out quickly. It was followed by three hundred thousand people from the nation migrating to California. The population of California would increase and its growing economy from the influx of gold would allow California to be enter as a state due to the compromise of 1850. -
Industrialization in the North
In the 1960's the north made up almost nineteenth percent of the manufacturing output in U.S. During the Civil War the economy of the Union north actually increased in production. It continue to industrialize rapidly to suppress the confederate rebellion. The number of railroads also rapidly boomed during the war which gave them an advantage due to the large number or tracts and its more efficient ability to construct railroads. -
Election of 1860
The Presidential Election of 1860 was the election in which Republican Abraham Lincoln defeated democrat Stephen A.Douglas, southern democrat John C. Breckinridge and union candidate John Bell.Abraham Lincoln promise not interfere with slavery but opposed the spreading of slavery. Following Abraham Lincoln presidency seven southern states led by south Carolina succeeded from the union over the issue of slavery. This will Set off the American Civil War. -
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The Civil War
Confederate states of America
The Confederate states of America was form originally out of seven states that succeeded from the union after the election of Abraham Lincoln. The Slave holding states include Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina. Led by Jefferson Davis, the Confederate States of America were never recognized as as a sovereign nation, 1861 to 1865. After a terrible loss of the Civil War, the Confederate States of America were no longer existing. -
Ulysses S.Grant
Ulysses S. Grant had commanded the Union through the victory of the American Civil War. When the war began he was immediately appointed to be the Union army general because of his military background in the Mexican American war. Ulysses S.Grant was promoted colonel in 1861 when he trained Union Soldiers. Most view as person with the dedication to win, his first major victory under his command was the battle of Fort Donelson. -
The South in the Civil War
The South during the Civil War fought most of the wartime in its southern territory, the south played the defense and all it had to do is survive. The South has a history of great military leadership, most of its officers had fought in the Mexican American war given them the experience. Officers had to attend military schools and they had strong military tradition. The south also had a strong motivation as they were fighting for there way of life. -
Neutral States
The Neutral states or border states during the civil war were slave states who didn't succeed from the union and join the Confederate slave states. The border state will include Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland. The border states were important in the victory of the union as the border states gave the Union the advantages of money, factories, and troops. The border states would be the center of guerrilla warfare and violent raids for the north. -
Trent Affair
The Trent Affair was diplomatic crisis during the Civil War that almost created a war between the United States and the United States. The Crisis began when San Jacinto, captain of the USS, order the illegal capturing of two confederate ships sailing on a British mail ship, the ships were sailing to Europe seeking support for the south . The British were outraged as the capturing was a violation of international law. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Lincoln as the Civil war was approaching its third bloody year. The emancipation change the status of nearly thirty million slaves in the south to be declared free. The emancipation did not free all of slaves, it did not called for the outlaw of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation,it only applied to the states who seceded from the U.S -
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Reconstruction Era
The North in the Civil War
The North during the War had a less devastating affect then the south considering that the most of the Civil War Battles where held in Southern soil. During the war transportation was easier and actually progressively grew, nearly two thirds of the railroad track was in the north. The Union north also had the largest population size, greater amount of wealth and greater industrial factories to manufacture raw materials during the war -
Lincoln 10% Plan
Also known as the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, it was a proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln as an intended plan for the reunification of the United States. The proclamation address three areas of concern. The first was an offering of pardon and return of property to those involved in the confederacy except high ranking officials. The second would follow a new state government when 10 percent of votes had taken an oath to the U.S -
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
On the April 14, 1865 president Abraham Lincoln attended the play "Our American Cousin's". A confederate supporter and famous actor by the name of John WIlkes Booth had enter the booth Lincoln was located and blindside shot the president behind the head. The attack happen a few days after general Robert E.lee had surrender his army at Appomattox Court house. The assassination was part of a conspiracy elaborate by booth revive the confederacy. -
Andrew Johnson Administration
Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the United States took office after assassination of Abraham Lincoln as he was the vice President at that time. Andrew Johnson only serve as he was impeached, becoming the first president to be impeached. When he took office he focus on the restoring of the south into the Union. He allow for the implication of the black codes which was design to suppress equality for the free slaves. Andrew Johnson also vetoed the Civil Rights Bill and Freedman's Bureau bill -
The carpetbaggers first came into term by southerner during the Reconstruction era. A carpetbagger was any northerner who came down south after the Civil war for financial and political gain. Many southerners dislike the carpetbaggers because they fear they would further plunder and take away from the weak south and that they would politically allied with Radical Republicans. Carpetbaggers supported the modernizing and democratizing of the south -
The Freedom Amendments
The freedom amendments also formally called the Reconstruction Amendments are the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments. The Freedom amendments were implemented after the Civil war as a way to reconstruct the south and an effort to establish equality for Black Americans. The first was the Thirteenth which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. The second was the Fourteenth which granted citizenship to formal slaves.The third was the Fifteenth prevents denying the right to vote. -
Ulysses S.Grant Administration
Ulysses S.Grant was elected in 1868 as the 18th president of the United States. During his presidency Grant and his cabinet were involved in many scandals. Many of the scandals were petty and corrupted. One scandal was the Black Friday of 1869 which was the collapsed of the gold market, his office would sell treasury gold to pay off the national dept. Another scandal would be the Whiskey rig which involved deflecting of tax revenues among politicians, agents and whiskey distillers -
The Election of 1876
The presidential election of 1876 was the defeat of Democrat candidate Samuel Tilden to Republican candidate Rutherford B.Hayes. The election would be considered one of the most controversial presidential elections in U.S history. In the electoral votes Tilden accounted to 184 of the electoral votes to Hayes 165, with 20 unresolved votes from four states. The 20 votes would be disputed in three states which each party reported winning, but Oregon had an illegal elector. Haynes would later win -
The New South
The New south was a economic and social change that began when the Republican regimes began to fall in the south. It would be an social shift from old traditions and a economic shift from slavery based plantation system to one that embrace industrial development. The south would soon see the growth of urban centers and new manufacturing industries. The new south would soon rebuild from the economic disaster it had felt from the aftermath of the Civil War