1301 BCE
The Bering Land Bridge
The Bering Land Bridge is as the name implies is a land bridge that connected Alaska and Northern Russia and allowed for three waves of different nomadic tribes to settle in america. -
Period: 1301 BCE to
European & Native American Societies
The pre-colonial america where new ideas are formed, empires rise and fall, and watch as an entire civilization is almost wiped off the face of the planet earth -
1200 BCE
Area where the first wave of nomadic tribes settled and formed the first civilization of the Olmec followed by Aztec and finally Maya being the last civilization to settle in mesoamerica -
753 BCE
The Roman Empire was the first empire to unite all of Britain. Went through periods of rule the Roman Kingdom, Roman Republic, and Roman empire. They created the most used legal system the roman law, and fall in the year 476 A.C. -
Dark Ages
Period in between the fall of Rome and the rise of the renaissance. this is a period where very little of anything significant in the form a contribution to a society happened in fact the greatest thing that happened was the Bubonic plague and the most powerful institution would be the church with the lack of taxation and tithe -
The Crusades
A 5 large holy wars waged between Christians and Muslims; over the holy sites that were sacred to both.(Jerusalem) Ended with Europe being exposed to new thoughts and leads to their renaissance. -
The Renaissance
A cultural rebirth where artist such as Leonardo da vinci and Michael Angelo brought classic realism to paintings and sculptures. science was also revived and will advance modern medicine. people also become more curious and begin exploration. -
The Black Death (Bubonic plague)
Disease that nearly wiped out Europe killed over 20 million people. arrived by sea by fleas who bit rats with the plague. ended the feudal system and also made many merchants out of serfs -
Period where Portugal and Spain go into competition for trade. Christopher Columbus discovers america goes on 4 more voyages to and from america and the treaty of tordesllias a deal that divide the trade of Spain and Portugal -
Columbian Exchange
An Atlantic trade system where america sent raw goods to Europe, Europe sent textiles and manufactured goods to Africa and Africa sent slaves to the Americas. -
Period: 1492 to
Colonial America
A splintered group of colonies all with different cultures and religions. will unify under an enlightenment and an awakening which will lead to independence. -
Conquest of the New World
Spanish Conquistadors invade Aztec territory for gold, god and glory. Led by Hernan Cortes they conquer the capital of Aztecs Tenochtitlan; with superior weaponry, horses and being more organized allowed for the conquering of most Aztec territory. -
The Chesapeake Colonies
consisted of Virginia better known as Jamestown and the royal colony of Maryland. Virginia and Maryland would sell tobacco to make a profit, be expanding land and going into conflict with natives, be cheaper, and be sprawled out. -
Development of Colonial Differences by Region
New England colonies believed that the government and religion were together were mostly puritans and focused on fishing, shipbuilding, lumbering and subsistence farming.Chesapeake was a mix of religions Quakers, Jews, Huguenots, and Presbyterians. they focused on trade, shipbuilding, and minor farming and had a versatile social structure and had a large middle class. Southern Colonies were about cash crops, and slaves and reputation was based on the amount the land you owned and family status . -
Period: to
English Colonial Societies
Some of the first English settlements to dot the new world, and while many came to escape the corruption of the church others came to gain gold. -
Caribbean Colonies
Barbados,Jamaica, and English Held Islands were valuable for their production and export of sugar which was its life line. Spain, France, England, and Holland all had stakes in this region -
The New England Colonies
Consisted of Plymouth, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. people in the new England colonies were healthy and lived to 60's, their infant mortality rate was less than 10%, and their population was so large that they started having problems. -
Proprietary Colonies
New York ,New Jersey ,Carolina's ,and Pennsylvania were land that were owned or controlled by an owner. Oliver Cromwell ruled his territory like a republic and would stop colonization and Charles ll re-established a monarchy but continued colonization. -
Navigation Acts
British Parliament passed laws that restricted trade with the colonies. angered the colonies and would lead to the american revolution -
Glorious Revolution
A bloodless revolution where William of orange and his wife were asked to rebel against king James ll. king James flees and revolution end really fast in the name of protestanism -
Salem Witch Trials
The witch trials start as three sick girls are assumed to be afflicted by witchcraft. The lower class would blame their misfortunes on the higher class to gain land 20 would be executed and only 20 years later would the government apologize and repay those affected -
Isues with Colonial America
Problems faced by many colonies were Native American Attacks since many settlers wanted to expand into native territory. Another Issue faced by settlers was rebellion of the indentured servants would lead to reliance on slaves. Also the Bacon Rebellion where no rising families could leaders could leave substantial heirs for the community. -
Slaves were brought in by the middle passage slave trade and would be taken to the Caribbeans or southern colonial america to either be sold in northern most part or the southern most part of southern colonial america. The north had less slaves and would be treated better however they had a harder time of preserving their culture. lower south had more slaves but had less oversight and would allow slaves to preserve culture -
Colonial Economies
New England: based on fishing, ship building, and would trade in the Atlantic. Mid Atlantic: Trade with Europe, Agriculture, tiny manufacturing industry. Chesapeake: Tobacco. Lower South: Rice and a lot of slaves. Back Country: Farming -
Virtual Representation
Members of Parliament were representing all areas of Britain and would lead to salutary neglect with distance between america and Britain. -
Triangular Trade
Resulting from an expansion of commerce in the 16th century it was the trading of slave, manufactured goods and cash crops in between America, Britain, and Africa -
Were a sort of police force that were the primary defense against raids and are very useful in the revolutionary war -
Act of Union (1707)
Would lead to united Kingdom with the unification of England and Scotland with currency, trade, sovereignty, parliament, and flag being the same -
American Enlightinment
Time where reason and science were becoming a common thought Sir Issac Newton, John Locke, and Benjamin Franklin all became symbols of american enlightenment. this would also lead to criticism of the bible and superficial notions eventually leading to deism -
The Great Awakening
Was a reaction to the secularism of the enlightenment and would lead to the development of prestigious universities, George Whitfield preaching about alternatives to communing with god, and John Edwards scaring people into religion with the belief that "people are spiders hanging over a pit of damnation" -
French Indian War
Is the first world war where France and Britain were fighting over territory. France having Indians as there allies and Britain having the Colonist as their allies. Britain takes Montreal and Quebec and treaty of Paris is signed to end the war. Also George Washington takes Fort Duquesne. -
French Indian War Effects
After the French Indian War Britain has debts to pay off it will tax both the homeland and the colonies to pay off the debts. -
Period: to
The Revolutionary War
The American Revolution where america kicks British butt with the help of GEORGE WASHINGTON. Spoiler alert America wins and gains it independence through a war of attrition and spies. -
British Parliment
A series of taxes rolled out onto the colonies to pay off the debt obtained during the French Indian War. Stamp Act, Tea Act, Sugar Act (Revenue Act), and Townsend act (Paper, paint, glass, and tea) -
Boston Massacre
Where a crowd of Bostonian harassed British Soldiers and get shot in the confusion. Paul Revere make up an imaginative version of the massacre and will lead colonist being outraged at Britain. Britain repeals Town shed Acts and a cool slogan is made -
Boston Tea Party
A whole lot of drunk Bostonian have a great idea to dress up as Indians and dump all the tea in the Boston port overboard. Leads to Britain sending troops over sea to control the situation. -
Continental Congress
Leaders in the colonies were becoming concerned with the Acts passed by Britain. Every colony except Georgia sent a representative they denounced the intolerable acts and strongly recommended a boycott of British goods. -
Period: to
The Constitution
How we deal with a newly independent america instituting new ideas of government with the articles of confederation and then the declaration of independence. -
Declaration of independence
Proclaimed independence is a chance not an option, declared that the colonies were independent states that were unified, tried to recruit European powers, was against the British primarily was created in July 2nd signed on the 4th and was written by President Thomas Jefferson. -
The Articles of Cofederation
Favored states rights over a centralized government which would make it weak. The government could not enforce taxes, have a centralized currency, states did not have to comply, and relied on requisitions. -
Focused on an educated populace, less on religion, separation of the church and state and gave the average guy more of a voice -
Problems With British
The British were still in Ohio Valley and did not live up to the terms of the Treaty of Paris, did not pay debts, kept the forts and Spain denied access to the Mississippi river -
American Virtue
Loved republicanism ideals, educated citizens, included all citizens, furniture lacked British a British style and attempted to make Greek the official language. -
Shays Rebellion
was caused by a recession after the war as the government seized the farmers land. it was lead by revolutionary veterans but was stooped and led to the government rushing to make a new declaration. -
Constitutional Convention
Two plans are proposed one being the Virginia plan that favored population representation and destruction of the A.O.C, the new jersey plan that favored smaller states, modification of A.O.C. The Great Compromise (Connecticut Plan) is our modern day legislation is a Bi-Cameral legislature. these plans also hit on the slavery issue with the 3/5 compromise counting slaves as 3/5 of a person -
North West Ordinance
States that in order for a territory in the northwest to become a state it needs a sufficient population, no slaves, and some type of representative, and leader -
Types of Government
Federalist were led by founding father President Alexander Hamilton who believed in a strong central government, class divisions and the rich. Republican were led by founding father President Thomas Jefferson who believed in a decentralized government, and nation of farmers. -
Election 1788
President George Washington wins the presidency unchallenged. His Vice President is John Adams his competitor he creates a cabinet system to help him run a country -
Bill of Rights
Was an anti-federalist document written by James Madison and would guarantee rights and liberties. -
Period: to
New Republic
The First President is elected under the new republic it is (king) President George Washington. additional improvements are made to the presidency and the country adapts to the new republic. -
Labor Changes
We can now produce things in mass quantities thanks to machines, which makes things easier to produce and cheaper. women are put in the work force at Lowell mills. 10 hour work days leads to strike and increase in personal injuries. -
Period: to
American Industrial Revolution
The Americas have an industrial revolution that increases it population 10 fold, it power, it radical views and leads to the civil war -
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers in Pennsylvania and Kentucky and lead rebellion on a tax on whiskey which is essential economically for the farmers. they are stopped by President George Washington and shows the power of the new republic. -
1812 War Benifits
Cotton Gin: Made by Eli Whitney made removal of the seeds in cotton easier, catalyzed the cotton production. Steam Engines are made and revolutionize almost every form the united states makes production and transportation faster making more money. -
Bank of United States
Federalist idea to centralize currency, stabilize the economy, make loans, depository,had private investors and set off constitutional issues. -
Belief in the promotion of a revival of religious tradition -
A Greek revival in furniture and home making. to distance itself from the European powers and be closer to the roots in which the government was based on. -
International Problems
Britain ignored the Treaty of Paris by staying in the forts,they also were trading with natives and giving them fire arms. Spain still refused to give up control over the Mississippi river and Barbary pirates harassed american ships -
Jefferson Administration
Believes states are the true defenders of liberty, encouraged a country of farmers and embraced political criticism. bought the Louisiana territory and doubled the size of the country, slashed the military budget and relied more on militias. Starts war with Britain -
Period: to
Cultural Changes
Changes in the culture of america part 2 -
Period: to
The Age Of Jeffeson
President Thomas Jefferson time as president where his policies send us to war twice and brings a reccesion -
Capital moved
the capital of America is moved to Colombia district (Washington). it was moved from new York because it is too corrupt -
Hamilton vs. Burr
President Alexander Hamilton Challenges Burr to a duel which is illegal. Burr fatally shoots President Alexander Hamilton and the federalist lose the head of the party -
Madison Presidency
The Madison Presidency inherits the Jefferson Presidencies Embargo Act and are blamed for the following damage to the economy. Impressment angers the United States and leads to the war of 1812. Tecumseh Indian chieftain lead last great Indian confederacy. -
The Changes in agriculture
Cotton Gin: increases slavery. Crank Churns: makes butter. Iron plow: makes plowing easier. -
McCullouch vs. Maryland
Court case that gave the federal government implied powers and also weakened states rights by making it so that they can't take the place of the federal government. this will make the south more radical and is a factor of the civil war -
Temperance Movement
A movement that attempted to outlaw the consumption of alcohol in the United States. This is because they believed that god would stop blessing their immoral manners. -
Western Fronteir
Huge profits were to be made in the western frontier with beaver pelts being an essential component in the newest in fashion. The beavers would be hunted to near extinction but are spared as the beaver pelts are no longer desired. The trappers that would be hunting beavers also helped the military expeditions by giving them info on the western lands -
The U.S. wants the Florida territory and attacks their Seminoles in order to gain control being led by Old Hickory hero of 1812. The Adams onis-treaty is signed and Spain cedes Florida to the U.S. and recognizes the U.S. claim to the Louisiana territory. -
Monroe Doctrine
Written by President Monroe's Secretary of state the doctrine states that no European country can settle in the western hemisphere (America) -
Jackson Administration
President Andrew Jackson did a whole lot starting with the spoils system in which he put his closest friends in office, dealt with the nullification crisis in which states tried to not pay an import tax. scandal early in his term made most of cabinet resign. He commended the trail of tears in which he native american from their home to a designated territory just for them. -
Age of the Common Man
Changes who can vote so that anyone who is an american citizen can vote. is compared to Davy Crocket in being the peoples presidents. Gets screwed in the corrupt bargain and is furious -
John Q. Adams Presidency
Not the people president made many mistakes during speeches barely in touch with the people and unaware of his popularity. In favor of the american system which supported a new national bank, industry tariffs, and general international improvements. -
Period: to
Age of Jackson
President Andrew Jackson is put in office and is unique in his who he puts in his cabinet, who he duels, and how he wins the election. Is the common man and sticks to it -
Election of 1828
President Andrew Jackson win the Presidency by bringing up his humble origins, military background, his democratic values and appealing to the common man. Rivaled by the Whig party in the second party system. during the campaign they personally attacked his wife and President Andrew Jackson. -
As people began to work more parks were created to give a break from hustle and bustle of the city and industrialism -
Southern Society
A very gentleman society based on honor and family name, with planters being at the top of the hierarchy then yeoman farmers who were the militia men and depended on the planter for business. tenant farmers who were comparable to slaves in the social hierarchy -
Free Black Communities
Communities of Free Former black slaves mostly in the north with very few in the south -
Changes in transportation
Roads: make transporting goods easier and safer Steam Boats: make traveling up and down a river easier but more dangerous (early version explode) Canals: make transporting by water goods even easier Railroads: makes transportation across the country faster and easier. -
Goes through a war of independence from mexico "spoilers" they win. it started because if the proximity of the capital of the Mexican government the lack of enforcement of the laws allowing Americans to settle. They fight against the Mexican version of napoleon Santa Anna who out matches them in every battle but gets cocky and sleeps during the battle of san jacinto and is captured by president Sam Houston and forced to give Texas its independence. -
Election of 1836
President Martin Van Bruren barely wins the presidency but the panic of 1837 happens while he is in office and is blamed and then called Martin Van Ruin. -
taught that god is in all of nature and humanity. and these were there biggest advocates Ralph Waldo Emerson,Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorn, Herman Melville,Thomas Cole,Frederick Douglas and Edgar Allen Poe -
Period: to
Manifest Destiny
America goes continental exploring western half of the Mississippi river in search of land, riches, and glory. they take over half of the Mexican territory and the slavery issue is brought back in full swing -
Changes in Communication
Telegraph, and printer make the spreading of news even faster. Printer uses paper to spread news faster. Telegraph uses sound to spread news faster -
The Manifest Destiny
Belief that america should be a continental state. was made up by people migrating west known as the great migration that took 6 to 5 months overland. -
Mexican American War
Was a border dispute the border of California and Arizona and is a american victory that ends with america seizing the Mexican capital and the signing of the treaty of Guadalupe. many great military leaders are brought up in this war Robert E.Lee President Ulysses S.Grant etc.In the aftermath of the war wilmont proviso will suggest that the newly acquired be slave free states but, popular sovereignty is chosen for the newly acquired land is the suggested solution for the slavery issue -
the right to vote in political conventions. Seneca falls was a “A Convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women will be held in the Wesleyan Chapel, at Seneca Falls." men and women were invited -
California Gold Rush
Was the mass migration of people to California in search of gold. Many of those who went ended up mining gold and enough would come to make it option for statehood. Chinese also went towards the gold rush in California and were not treated well. -
Industrialization vs. Agriculture
North: Increases industrialization, immigrants provide cheap labor, Railroads that connected east and west, Agriculture important.
South: Small industrialized areas, cotton is the chief form of making money, and slavery is seen as fair. -
After the Mexican american war wilmont proviso will suggest that the newly acquired states be free however popular sovereignty is chosen. the election 1848 saw democrat party: Lewis class and Whig party: Zachary Taylor go head to head with Lewis class easily losing to the general and slave owner Zachary Taylor. The free soil party supported wilmont proviso with their wanting of slavery staying where it was and hating the influence the south had on democrats. the -
Period: to
How do we divide our country? should it be the decision of the federal government to maintain the balance of slavery. should it be the people the decision that they alone have the right to stir this country these question are answered through sectionalism and its crisis -
Election of 1852
Member of young America Franklin Pierce won the election promoted territorial expansion, increased international trade, and the spread of democracy. Winfield loss election and will signal end of the Whig party as they have fractured views on slavery. -
Republican Party
Are primarily in the north and were made up by free soldiers, Whigs, and anti-slavery democrats. -
Blamed immigrants for Americas problems, against immigration of poor Catholics from Germany and Ireland. A secret society against immigration know as the know nothings -
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln a republican wins,John Breckenridge a democrat loses. parties appealed to different parts of the country republican north and democrat south. south secedes because of election and form the Confederate States of America and elect Jefferson Davis as President. -
Confederate States of America
The Confederate States of America were sick of the north attacking their way of life and secede.Lincoln will send supplies to Fort Sumter a Union Fort to provoke the CSoA to attack first and start the civil war. -
Population: 22 million
Industrialization: 110,000 Factories, $1.5 billion, 97% weapon manufacturing, over 90% of clothing manufacturing.
Rail Roads: 22,000 miles of track -
The South
Military Leadership: Had great history of leaders
Hoped to gain British as an ally: as they had little money, no navy, and little supplies
Had compared themselves to the 13 colonies. -
Neutral States
Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland were neutral states during the civil war -
Trent Affair: Confederate states send diplomats to Europe on the RMS Trent but get intercepted by the USS San Jacinto. Lincoln will then send U.S. diplomats and secure France and Britain nuetrality -
North:Ulysses S. Grant,George Meade,George McClellan,Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain,William Tecumseh Sherman and Winfield Scott
Leaders do not have as much skill as the southern leaders
South: Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, Stonewall Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, George Pickett and J.E.B. Stuart
Most of these leader have participated in numerous battles across the country -
Period: to
Civil War
Union vs.Confederate the last stand for slavery who will win? (spoiler alert the union wins) -
Northern Virginia Army: Lead by Robert E.Lee and defeats George McClellan at Second Battle of Bull Run
Potomac Army:Lead by George McClellan were well trained well relatively quickly by McClellan hated Abraham Lincoln -
Fled north during the war, but were taken as contraband. War was to preserve the union but turned into freeing slaves. slaves could participate in the war -
10% Plan: a plan that would allow the confederate states back into the union once ten percent of voters swore an oath of allegiance. Wade Davis bill proposed that 50% of white males take a loyalty oath and that voting rights be restored to blacks. -
Freedom Amendments
13th Amendment: Abolishment of Slavery
14th Amendment: Rights of Citizenship
15th Amendment: Right for all races to vote -
Period: to
The Union recovers from the civil war and new policies will form to help rebuild and unite the country -
Election of 1868
Republican President Ulysses S. Grant wins the election but southern violence towards African American increases as a result. Democrat Horatio Seymour loses the election thanks to African American voters and the unimpressive candidates -
The Ku Klux Klan was a group of Caucasian Americans in protest of the freedom and rights of former slaves. They would intimidate those that would oppose them and treat African Americans with the utmost disdain. The Enforcement Acts would limit their influence by making it illegal for them as a group interrupt a citizens rights -
Panic of 1873
First Global depression by the industrial capitalism and was caused by Americas over investment into railroads. As many businesses in america and Europe invested in the company Philadelphia to build a second transcontinental railroad -
Compromise of 1877
Marks the end of the reconstruction of the united states as republicans pulled their troops out of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, so that the democrats would not block a Hayes's victory -
Jim Crow laws
a slang term used to describe African Americans. were also laws that inhibited African american rights to vote or way of life. were unconstitutional under the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments but were allowed any way.