Dark Ages
The Fall of Rome is what led to the beginning of The Dark Ages, which was a backwards time for Europe since no higher learning/education was provided and a weak economy was established. Feudalism was a succeeded Roman law and it was a political and social system on land ownership and personal obligation for military service, in other words it was the exchange of land for military protection and service, which wasn't a benefit because the military was poorly trained and soldiers gave no loyalty. -
The Crusades
The Crusades era had went on from 1095- 1291. It was a series of wars led by Christians against Muslims for control of the Holy Land, it was mostly religious massacres, but in the end it was relatively unsuccessful. It had included Templar's also known as Knights. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the target was the Holy Land that was an area roughly located between Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea that was under Muslim rule, so this led to a war between the two sides. -
The Black Death
The Black Death or the Bubonic Plague was a disease that had spread from fleas that originally came off of a rat. When boats were leaving, rats would load onto the ships before they sailed off and whenever the boats docked, the rats would get off the boat and then fleas were in search of a new host, and the blood eating parasites had then latched onto humans that then caused a disease outbreak know as the Black Death that killed off millions of Europeans and it transformed society. -
The Renaissance
The Renaissance was the rebirth of classical culture, art and learning. It was the exchange of new technology, ideas and cultural movement. The three factors that had led to the Renaissance was classical heritage of Greece and Rome, great wealth such as the wealthy merchant class, and strong Urban centers. Artistry was also introduced during this time like sculptures and paintings, some created by Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo. That embraced this time period. Even the printing press in 1440. -
Columbian Exchange
The Columbian Exchange is the exchange of goods coming from the Old World to the New World that was named after Christopher Columbus who was a talented navigator that went on 4 voyages. With the Columbian Exchange it mostly benefited the old world. A variety of fruits and animals were being exchanged, but not only were goods being exchanged because diseases such as smallpox, measles and typhus. This had killed off Native American and African American slaves. It had went on for 100 years. -
Period: 1492 to
Beginnings To Exploration
Mesoamerica "Land between two rivers" which was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. That will develop staple crops most of the world relies on today such as corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, potatoes that were developed by native in the area less than 10,000 years ago. The land was so pure and the soil was fertile since civilizations were near a water source that it made crops easy to produce,however when a drought occurred, they would have to wait for the river to fill up again. -
Bering Land Bridge
The Bering Land Bridge was a bridge in Eurasia and North America. It was 1,000 miles long that got destroyed after the ice age. There were three waves, the first wave was 27,000 years ago even some say it was 40,000 years ago. Clovis was a society of big, medium, and small-game hunters; also known as nomads, which means they don't settle in one place and they also had created Clovis points in which were then created for hunters that chased animals across the terrain in needs for survival. -
Chesapeake Colonies
They were civilizations that were near the coast or waterways to import and export goods. With the source of water Virginia started to grow tobacco, which is a cash crop, during this time over a million pounds of tobacco were being exported by England in 1630.This is where the very first settlement taken place known as James Town. In search of more land, most of the settlers would sprawl out to obtain land of their own and with the help of the Headright System that gave 50 acres of land to them. -
Period: to
English Colonial Societies
During this time, slavery was on the high peak of increasing dramatically. Slaves were need and it was told that Pirates were the first to have brought slaves. It had began in Europe where slaves from West Africa to West Indies. The Middle Passage is where more than 10% of slaves had lost their lives and the people on the boat would just throw the bodies overboard into the ocean. Slaves then were first to be conditioned to physical labor. When docked they were put to work in fields or in houses. -
William Penn
William Penn was the founder of Pennsylvania. Later King Charles II of England had a large loan with Penn's father. When Penn's father died the King settled by granting Penn a large area west and south of New Jersey. Penn called the area Sylvania, which Charles changed to Pennsylvania in honor of the Penn's father. Penn being a Quaker he guaranteed free fair trial by jury, freedom of religion and unjust imprisonment to other Quakers far away from England. -
Navigation Acts
The Navigation Acts were a series of acts or laws that regulated the trade passed by the English Parliament had place within the years 1651,1660, and 1663. It also limited Dutch trade with English colonies. It was also required of all goods to be transported on only English or Colonial American Ships or else they couldn't be exported. Its main purpose was to ensure that only England benefited from colonial trade. However the con of these acts is that it limited on who colonist could trade with. -
Rebellion of Indentured servants
Rebellion Of Indentured Servants also known as Bacon's Rebellion was held in Virginia and North America. This rebellion was led by Nathaniel Bacon.A thousand Virginians rose because they felt bitter of Virginia Governor William Berkeley's policies towards attacking Native Americans which people objected. It was also the first rebellion in American Colonies in which the frontiersmen took part. The rebellion took the racial statues aside and involved both black and white indentured servants. -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials took place in Massachusetts where Puritans (the first European settlers) migrated in 1692, where the Puritans were trying to build a perfect society, however long before 1692, the first witch trials in English North America in 1648. The puritans believed in Predestination so when the village heard of witchcraft they would do anything in their power to put a end to witchcraft, in the process of elimination 24 people were accused, guilty, and killed for witchcraft. -
Caribbean Colonies
The Caribbean Colonies was responsible for the production of sugar, which was the main crop of the plantations and sugar was loved by Europeans because they used sugar for everything throughout the 18th century. When sugar is bought from the store, it is already extracted from what is known as a Sugar Cane that was scattered throughout the colonies that it would not be very easy to obtain the sugar without the use of an invention, during this time new ideas developed which was very benefical. -
Act of Union (1707)
The Act of 1707 was a peace treaty that united England and Scotland to bring them together, attempts have been made but they weren't always successful. With the Act of Union, it had brought the nations together because it had unified them. This has brought New Britain to become an Empire and Parliament is the head of this Empire. Colonies still had local control because with the federal system it was central control and local govs. -
Period: to
Colonial America To 1763
Triangular Trade
The Triangular Trade was a from of trade of the Atlantic trade routes that was used in the 18th century between Central America, The 13 Colonies and Africa. It was known to bring goods from other countries or nations, such as luxury goods, foods and even slaves were being exchanged, the exchange of slaves was known as the Atlantic Slave Trade or the Middle Passage that Britain was known as the largest slave trading nation alive at the time. The Middle Passage is where 10% of slaves had died. -
The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening set among people in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Jonathan Edwards didn't convert to the Church of England because they were concerned that the people of England were becoming concerned with the world instead of God. Edward even spoke out loud that people stopped to listen. This sparked The Great Awakening in the American. It's described as a spiritual renewal that went through American colonies. One big significance of this was it prepared America for its War of Independence. -
The French and Indian War
French and Indian War also the Seven-year war. The war was about France, England, and Spain fought for territory. France expansion into the Ohio River valley repeatedly brought conflict with British colonies even Virginia. The Indians fought side with France and later Spain joined France against England. Britain focus on seizing French and Spanish territories in other parts of the world causing British to win against French. British still faced problems that the Treaty of Paris only aggravated. -
Acts of Parliament
The Acts Of Parliament were Britain's financial situation after the French and Indian War. The types of acts passed by Britain was the Revenue(Sugar) Act, Stamp Act, Townshed Act, Nonimportation Movement, Coercive Acts, and Prohibitory Acts. With the sugar act it was a tax placed on sugar, which angered the colonists. The Stamp Act is where stamps required on any and all papers, while as the Townshed act was taxes placed on paper, glass, paint and tea.The Coercive acts closed ports of Boston. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was a crowd of Bostonian's harassing British soldiers, this then cause the soldiers to open fire on the American colonists resulting in five fatalities. Paul Revere is the one individual that had made an engraving that later made it into the newspaper that spread throughout the colonies. It was one of the first insights of propaganda and this made many of the colonies furious. -
Battles (1775-1781)
The Battles fought in the Revolutionary War was the battle of Concord, The Battle of Lexington, battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Saratoga, the Guerilla Warfare and the Battle of Yorktown. With the Battle of Lexington, redcoats meet militia (army of averaged civilians) this battle is also known as "the shot heard around the world." The last battle to be fought was the battle of Yorktown in which the Treaty of Paris had ended the Revolutionary War. -
Period: to
The Constitution
Articles of Confederation
It was the first Constitution of the United States. Articles of Confederation supported or believed in States rights and did not favor a strong central government. As for the Articles of Confederation it established loose friendship of independent states. All the money, laws, power and jurisdiction all differed from one another. It also lacked the executive branch, which the A.O.C weak because no central authority was established. It also only had one branch known as the legislative. -
Massachusetts Constitution
While the other 12 colonies had came up with a Constitution of their own, Massachusetts was the last of the original 13 states to write a constitution. In this particular constitution instead of making the legislature supreme, Massachusetts distributed power more evenly throughout the legislatures and the court. Citizens within the colonies were the one's who voted on the Constitution. This Constitution is still used today, however the A.O.C was used to govern the U.S before the constitution. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was put into place to put an end to the Revolutionary War. At this time, it had recognized the U.S as an independent and sovereign nation. This had established the northern border with British North America/ Canada. It even will restore loyalists properties, but the problem was that both nation had to share the Mississippi River because they both access to the river, however in the end the United States will receive frontier land to the Mississippi River. -
Shays Rebellion
The Shay's Rebellion was the work of Daniel Shay. It was a Post-War recession that was bad for everyone. He had started a rebellion and seized farms. Shay had led Revolutionary War veterans that then began to spread throughout the United States. However the Rebellion eventually will be put down that in this case will create a sense of urgency that will force leaders on board to establish a change. With Shay's Rebellion, it was necessarily a test of the strength Articles of Confederation. -
The Great Debate
The Great Debate was when there were 2 sides to this debate, the federalist and the anti-federalist. the federalist tried to ratify the constitution. Federalist felt like this was not necessary, because the constitution was just to limit the government not for the people. The anti-federalist claimed that it gave the central government too much power and without the bill of rights the people would be at risk of oppression. -
The Virginia Plan
The Virginia plan was intended for larger, more populated states. The plan abandons the Articles of Confederation and gives the government power when given authority by document. The Virginia plan was single executive with a two house legislature. The two house legislature had a lower house where people voted, upper house, and senate. -
Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance was an act that congress had passed on July 13, 1787, which established the creation of the northwest territory that was the first territory to the United States of America. It was future admission for newer states, it even rejected slavery. With the Northwest Ordinance in place, it gave the U.S the advantage to obtain land ranging from beyond the Appalachin Mts ,the great lakes and the Ohio River. This allowed the creation of new states that didn't allow slavery. -
Election of 1788
The Election of 1788 was won by the United States first president, George Washington. Washington was the only president to been unanimously elected by the Electoral College. During his presidential election he won 10 states out of 13, however those 3 states were ineligible to vote. Washington also had won all 132 electoral votes. In George inauguration was so full he couldn't even go through because all the crowed. He served as the first president from 1789 to 1797. -
The Federalists
The Federalist party began in opposition to the Democratic-Republican party during Washington's first administration. The Federalists were known for their support of a strong national government as well as their loose interpretation of the constitution. However, the party split over negotiations with France during President John Adams’s administration. They were the opposite of the Anti-federalists who favored a lose central government and went by the Articles of Confederation. -
The Three Branches of Government
There are 3 branches of government. These three branches conclude of the Legislative, Executive and the Judicial branch. The Legislative branch includes the Senate that has 2 senators per state; 100 in total, and the house of representatives that has 435 each state having some according to their size. The Executive branch includes the president, vice president and the cabin. The judicial branch was added with the constitution and it was the supreme court as long as other federal courts. -
Period: to
New Republic
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights were written by President James Madison who was an Anti-Federalist; which is someone who favors states rights rather than a strong central government like the federalists did and they followed by The Constitution. With the Bill of Rights it had granted individual rights and liberties starting off with the most common and known amendment of all, Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press and Assembly that is followed along with the other first nine amendments for guaranteeing rights. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion was an uprising tension of Pennsylvania and Kentucky farmers caught in protest for the whiskey tax passed by the federal government. They suffered from debt due to the Revolutionary War. At this time whiskey was economically important and it earned large profit. When the tax on whiskey was in place, farmers will then revolt so around 6,000 threaten to attack Pittsburgh. This is where Washington leads an army of troops to stop the farmers, this was the first domestic test. -
Adam's Presidency
During Adam's Presidency, the French were angry and wanted to recall envoy and later on seized American ships. Due to this, following in his presidency, the XYZ affair in which Jays Treaty because it had limited French trade so this caused problems such as the political and diplomatic episode in 1797 and 1798 between the U.S and France. When the French ignored American envoys, word had got out and undeclared naval war, so this tripled the army which expanded the Navy department. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien and Sedition Acts were under Adam's Presidency. It had increased in military and naval war threats and France. The Alien Act was passed, which made it more difficult to become a citizen, which raised tension of massive power in deporting citizens. As for the Sedition Act it was passed to avoid any bad things being said about either against the United States or the President. It was used against Republicans by Federalists. -
The XYZ Affair
Jays Treaty caused problems limiting trade with France. The French ignored American envoys. Word got out and an undeclared naval war began. France wanted $250,000 per diplomat along with $10,000,000 loan for France and a personal apology from John Adams. -
Election of 1800
The Election of 1800 was the Presidential election between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and in this election, Thomas Jefferson was elected as the 3rd president of the United States with 73 electoral votes, so Jefferson won this time, but then he ends tied up with Aaron Burr, this cause Hamilton to deal and persuade the House to vote fro Jefferson even though he didn't promise to undo Federalists policies. With the 12th amendment it separated ballets for the President and the Vice President. -
Second Great Awakening
The Second Great Awakening was a series of Protestant religious revivals that had taken in the year 1801 that had went based on Methodism and Baptism. It was expressed by a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans. It even had a impact on moral movements such as prison reform followed the temperance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery. -
Period: to
The Age Of Jefferson
The Louisiana Purchase
The Lousiana Purchase was when President Thomas Jefferson wanted a nation of farmers so he wanted to double the size of the nation, in which the Louisiana Purchase did so. Fortunately, Spain will cede Louisiana back to France. France needed money and Jefferson wanted a nation of farmers Jefferson buys Louisiana for less than 3 cents an acre. Buying Louisiana will secure the Mississippi river and double the size of nation. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
M. Lewis was a great explorer and W. Clark a great mapmaker. Led the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the unknown American to the Pacific Northwest. The Expedition lasted 3-4 years taking paths down the Ohio River, the Missouri River, and across the Continental Divide, and the Pacific Ocean. Lewis and Clark faced obstacle/hardship on their trip. Lewis kept a detailed journal from his encountered. They received assistance from native peoples. There meeting Sacagawea that help them in many ways. -
Period: to
Western Expansion
Technological benefits of War of 1812
During the War of 1812, the industrialization era had a great impact during this time. The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitney. This invention was a huge benefit for the production of cotton because it easily removed seeds from cotton becuase slaves had to pick the seeds out of the cotton by hand which only produced a pound of cotton a day, so with the Cotton Gin it sped up the process, and it revolutionized cotton agriculture, but it only increased slavery instead of decreasing it. -
Andrew Jacskon
Andrew Jackson a politician by 1812, when war broke out between the United States and Britain he served as a major general in the War of 1812, commanded U.S. forces in a 5 month campaign against the Creek Indians, allies of the British. After that campaign ended in a decisive American victory in the Battle of Tohopeka. Jackson also led American forces to victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. Andrew Jackson was a strong man that no one dare to cross or challenge. -
War of 1812
The War of 1812 was led by then the no other Andrew Jackson also known as "Old Hickory". Many wanted to go to war with Great Britain due to the naval blockade, which upset many people because it ended neutral trade with the french. In 1813, America will take on land- based strategy. This caused the British then pushed Americans back from Canada and with the naval blockade still in place it blocked American ports, which was a disadvantage. In the Battle of New Orleans, victory went to America. -
Labor Changes
The Textile Industry was the design and mass production of yarn and cloth to create clothing. -
Period: to
The American Industrial Revolution
The Battle of New Orleans
Even though the Treaty of Ghent was the reason for end the war of 1812, news was slow and on January 8, 1815, the two sides met in what is remembered as one of the conflict’s biggest and most decisive engagements. Andrew Jackson led a rag-tag militia against a superior British Force. The victory vaulted Jackson to national stardom, and helped foil plans for a British invasion of the American frontier. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
McCulloch vs. Maryland was a landmark supreme court case. The supreme court ruled that Congress gave the federal government implied powers under the constitution saying that no states can take place of the federal government that later went on to create a second national bank of the United States, and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the bank because states cannot take place of a federal government especially in matters of commerce. -
Panic of 1819
The Panic of 1819 was an economic boom that occurred after the War of 1812. This causes the opening of the Second Bank of the United States which would fill economic speculation, however the bank crashes and is corrupted that sent the economy into tailspin. This was one of the worst depression in U.S history. The crashing of the banks even forced people out of their homes. -
Florida was wanted by the United States from Spain. So Jackson went ahead and attacked Florida Seminoles and Jackson's army even took over Spanish forts. This is where Adam's-Onis Treaty of 1819 in which was a treaty between the U.S and Spain that was in order. With this treaty Spain (cedes) gave over Florida to the United States that then defined boundary between the United Stated and New Spain. it also had recognition that the U.S claim to Louisiana that was purchased by Thomas Jefferson -
Missouri Compromise
In this time period, Missouri applies for administration as a slave state, unlike both the northern states against admission, while as the southern states were for admission. With the Missouri Compromise of 1820, it had set up a balance between both slave and free states. It was an imaginary line drawn at the coordinates 36 30 latitude. This meant that any states above the line would be considered free (north), while as for the states below the line will be classified as slave states (south). -
Period: to
Cultural Changes
Second Great Awakening
The Second Great Awakening was an important Protestant religious movement in the early 1900's even though it first began in 1790 as it led to the establishment of the reform movements that are injustices such as the Temperance, the Women's suffrage, and the Abolitionist Movements in which people went to get support on religious grounds. The Awakening enrolled millions of new members to various religious denominations. Also the Second Awakening supported different religious like Baptism. -
Changes in Agriculture
With the Industrial Revolution ear in place, mass production of goods were being produced, for instance the Cotton Gin created by Eli Whitney. This unique invention had dramatically increased the amount of the cotton that the south would make per day to give to the North who was all about industrialization while as the south relied more on agriculture. The Cotton Gin was created to separate the seeds from the cotton that was originally for slaves to pick put by hand, this was a great invention -
Monroe Doctrine
During the Monroe Doctrine, the Spanish Empire was started to collapse so the U.S wanted to influence over these new areas and it declared to Europe no intervention in Latin America and this document was a statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries that gave the U.S authority to mediate border disputes in the Western Hemisphere. Meaning the western hemisphere would close colonization. -
Presidency of John Q. Adams
John Quincy Adams was an american statesman who served as a diplomat, United States Senator, member of the House of Representatives, and also the sixth President of the U.S.. John Quincy Adams was John Adams' son. While becoming President, Adams chose Clay to be the Secretary of State. however, Jackson and his angry followers charged that a (corrupt bargain) had taken place, and immediately began their campaign to take away the presidency from Adams in 1828. -
Period: to
Age Of Jackson
Election of 1824
In this election of 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected as president by the house of representatives because none of the candidates received enough of the electoral college votes to win. Henry Clay was appointed secretary of state after helping Adams win. Even in this election Jackson received more votes, but after the election was said, they said Adams had 'sold' the secretary of state positions to clay. -
Age of the Common Man
Andrew Jackson a politician by 1812, when war broke out between the United States and Britain he served as a major general in the War of 1812, commanded U.S. forces in a 5 month campaign against the Creek Indians, allies of the British. After that campaign ended in a decisive American victory in the Battle of Tohopeka. Jackson also led American forces to victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. Andrew Jackson was a strong man that no one dare to cross or challenge. -
Election of 1828
The election of 1828 was a rematch of the election prior to it. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson both ran for precedent. Andrew Jackson won the election. The second party system is described as a vigorous competition between Whigs and democrats. it is a term that historians and political scientists give to the political system existing in the US. Andrew Jackson's wife, Rachel, died days after his election, she was the subject of extremely negative attacks from John's Supporters. -
The Cherokee Trail of Tears
The Trail of Tears was a removal Act of 1830, gave power to president to exchange Indian land. In Worcester vs. George Cherokees have the right to govern for sovereign nation. Scotus gets involved and Jackson refuses to enforce decision under orders from President Jack the U.S. Army began enforcement of the Removal Act. Cherokees were forced to leave and rounded up to go to Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers into Indian territory. Many died of starvation and diseases along the way. -
Growing cities
In 1830, a massive majority of growing cities were taking place in the North. The North had a lot of industrial advancements compared to the Southern states because the North relied more on industry rather than agriculture. One of this advancements were manufacturing factories making more employment in the north. Also had railroads to transport weapons. with this mostly everyone wants to go to the north creating city after city and having a big population. -
The Telegraph
The telegraph was invented by Samuel Moore who had developed the new way of communication throughout the nation which helped revolutionize long distance communication The telegraph transmitted electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. In addition to helping invent the telegraph, Samuel Morse developed a code that assigned a set of dots and dashes to each letter of the English alphabet and allowed for the simple transmission of complex messages across telegraph lines. -
The Mormons were affected by Industrial Revolution and Joseph Smith established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The church expanded quickly, and by the first year boasted to about 1,000 adherents. Smith claimed to have been visited by a christian angel, the year 1823 and was given golden tablets that only he can read. named Moroni who spoke to him of an ancient Hebrew text. smith dedicated himself to an English translation of text his wife and other scribes. -
Nat Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner, a man who was born into slavery on October 2, 1800 on a Southampton County plantation in Virginia. Turner believed God told him to revolt with signs. Nat led the bloodiest slave revolts in America history. Turner and his followers began their revolt against slave owners. Nat kept gathered more man up to 30-50 slaves. Their violence spree through the county. Estimated that 60 white men, women and children died during Nat Turner's rebellion. Later Nat Turner was caught and killed. -
Changes in Transportation
During the Industrial Revolution, new matters of transportation were put into place such as modern roads, steam boats, canals, and one of the most important set of transportation, railroads. Modern roads were pretty straightforward like what we have today. Now steamboats was perfect transportation to move goods up river. As fir the railroads they were a faster and a cheaper way to travel from one place to another, This helped factories produce goods more efficiently that benefited the U.S -
American Anti-Slavery Society
This organization was founded and led by William Lloyd Garrison. The American Anti-Slavery Society hoped to convince both Southerners and Northerners of slavery's inhumanity. The promoters sent lecturers across the North to convince people that slavery was immoral and ungodly and thus should be outlawed. The American Anti-Slavery Society also bombarded the United States Congress with petitions calling for the end of slavery in both south and north. -
The Nullification Crisis
This was a sectional crisis during Andrew Jacksons precedency that involved problem between South Carolina and The federal government that declared the federal tariffs were unconstitutional and therefor null and void in the sovereign boundaries of the state. -
New York Female Moral Reform Society
The New York Female Reform Society was established in 1834 by Lydia A. Finney, wife of revivalist Charles Grandison Finney. Lydia also was the leader of this group This society was created for the
purpose of preventing prostitution and women abuse by anyone.It was one of major up-rise women did to help one other, for them to have a voice. -
Southern Society
The Southern Society and their economy mostly depend on slave labor. The South was filled with plantation from crops to cotton, making cotton one of the major crop to get. They were mostly known for agriculture, unlike the north who depended on industry They also focused little on inventions like the cotton gin, iron plow, and more. Mostly anything that helped their plantation. The South didn't had a lot of industrial advancements as the North. -
Election of 1840
Political parties(Democrat vs. Whigs) Van Buren runs for re-election against an economic depression (democrat). General William Henry Harrison(Whig). Whigs spread rumors about Van Buren and will get women to influence the vote of their husbands. William Harrison will win by a landslide, but he only makes it a month before John Tyler(VP) becomes the President. -
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that stretched from coast to coast. This determination helped rise western settlement. The phrase was first employed by John L. O’Sullivan in an article on the annexation of Texas published in August 1845. It expressed the belief that it was Anglo-Saxon Americans’ providential mission to expand their civilization and institutions across the breadth of North America. -
President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th presidents of the United States. As much of people liked him same amount of people disliked him mostly in the south they didn't like him for his aboilshment of slaves in the north and south. During his presidency he wanted nothing more than to keep the Union together and he did anything in hois power to do so and he was a great president. Later Abraham got a shot in the back head will watching a play. The next day Lincoln was declared dead. -
Mexican American War
The Mexican American War from years 1846 to 1848. The border between Rio Grande & Nueces or "No Mans Land" that Zachary Taylor was sent to dispute territory and mexican dispatch was upset so they were sent to then attack Zachary Taylor. This is when Polk declared war. Americans then marched from Kansas to California which is wear the Bear Flag Revolt was in place and that is where California declared independence from Mexico. The war ended due to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. -
Election of 1848
The election of 1848 was a difficult election with both parties hoping to avoid the slavery issue's divisiveness in 1848. The election was between Zachary Taylor a Whigs and Lewis Cass
a Democrats. Zachary Taylor won the election of 1848 with a electoral vote of 163 while Lewis Cass had 127 electoral votes. -
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo was a peace treaty made to creat a healthy friendship and limits between the USA and the Mexican Republic. But also ended the Mexican-American War. The treaty added 525,000 square miles to the US. The Mexican government surrendered and claimed Rio Grande as American's southern boundary. But the US paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to settle all claims of US citizens against Mexico. -
Crank Churns
Crank churns was a device used to convert cream into butter. The way this is used is my a mechanical process done by the person using it in other words you crank the crank in a rotating process, such as a bicicle. this device was mostly used by woman because it came as a responsibility inside the household. This device was used through out the mid-1800s and the 1940s -
Period: to
California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush was the discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in 1848 sparked the gold rush one of the most significant events to shape America. As news spread of the discovery thousands of gold miners traveled by sea or over land to San Francisco and the surrounding area of California by the end of 1849. There were so much mining going on at this time that there was a demand of more workers such like the Chinese who got paid less than the other miners. -
Chinese Migration 1849
The Chinese Migration was occurred in 1849, people were coming to California from all over the world to look for gold. At that time, war, famine, and a poor economy in southeastern China caused many Chinese men to come to America. Most of them hoped to find great wealth and return to China. Chinese immigrants soon found out that many Americans did not welcome them. High monthly taxes were placed on all foreign miners. Chinese had no choice but to pay the tax. -
The Railroads (1850)
The Railroads was a huge advantage for transportation unlike the normal horseback riding that usually took weeks to get to thier destination and railroads in the 1850's were also a new faster and cheaper way of transporting materials from one place to another which helped factories produce goods more efficiently. It was one of the most important things in the Industrial Revolution because it brought social, political and economic change to the United States. -
Greek Revival
The Greek Revival came from the idea of transcendentalism, which is one associated or in touch in nature. This developed an architectural movement that take place in the late 18 and early 19th century that predominantly took place in Northern Europe and part of the United States with the idea to build with the Greek-style much like we see today. There was American fascination with how the Greeks architecture was formed so they decided to just mimic their structures. This developed nationalism. -
The Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 was a series of five laws passed of September of 1850 that dealt with the issue of slavery. In year 1849 California requested permission to enter the Union as a free state. As part of the Compromise of 1850; the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., would be abolished. Them California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah. The boundary dispute between Texas and New Mexico was also settled. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The book Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book that went into a deeper insight of what slavery really is and it also known as The Life Among The Lowly is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The book describe the life of Uncle tom a slave and how he lives his days as a slave. This book really shows the way slaves are treated in there "homes" as slaves. The novel open up the eyes of whites that read the book and showed then the life of slaves from day to night. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska Act was an act that obligated settlers to Popular Sovereignty, or for settlers to pick whether they were going to allow slavery or not. Stephen A. Douglas Proposed this Act that in its initial purpose was to open up thousands of new farms. This was a major event also leading to the Civil War. -
Bleeding Kansas
Bleeding Kansas is a term used for the settling of Kansas territory, in 1854 the Kansas-Nebraska act over turned the Missouri Compromise which caused violence to erupt. John Brown an abolitionist led anti-slavery fighters in Kansas, they fought against proslavery fighters for Kansas. Kansas ended up being a free state, during the Civil War Kansas had the highest rate of casualties of all Union states due to its pre-existing division of slavery -
The North (1855)
The North had a lot of advancements over the years like railroads, factories, weapons, and communication. This made a lot of people want to move to the North because the south was all about agriculture and plantation and crops which the North relied on because they would use cotton to make clothing. This made the North have a lot of cities to the point of having an over populated state. The over population even led to have low food supplies. -
Industrialization in the North
The north was much more industrialized than the south. The north had nearly 110,000 factories and 1.5 billion industries. They occupied 97% of weapons manufacturing, 94% of clothing manufacturing, and 90% of shoe and boot manufacturing.By having this much industrialization, helps the north a lot during the Civil War because it will give them money to allow them to take care of their troops during the war. -
Southern leadership
During the Civil War, the South had some of the greatest military leaders of all time. All of their leaders were able to work coherently, unlike the Union leaders, who could not work together and/or with Abraham Lincoln. The coherency also allowed for the South to be able to hold off the Union as long as they did. They had many great leaders such as General Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and J.E.B Stuart. -
Clara Burton
Clarissa Harlowe Barton was a pioneering nurse and she founded the American Red Cross. During this time women were not alowed to reach certain job aspects as the men did this was step in which women were needed as nurses. Nursing school was uncommon for woman at the time so she had to self teach her self. This was a major step for women because now they didn't have to be stay home wives or mom', they were able to work in the field and had hands on experience on wounded soldiers -
The Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes that were not necessary underground, and safe houses that enslaved Africans would use to try to escape to free states and Canada with help of Abolitionist. Harriet Tubman was the one who helped make this successful because she helped many along the way, many thought slaved were not smart to figure out something like this, but also because no slave owner knew about this path. She ha risked her life at least 10 times to free slaves. -
Neutral States
The meaning of neutral is not having a side to pick. he Neutral States were also the Border States, and these states consisted of Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware. For the North, it helped deprive the South of troops and factories. It allowed easy access to the Midwest River, to keep Washington D.C from being surrounded. The Neutral states were also able to keep their slaves for the time being. For the South, this is where most of their manufacturing will take place. -
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American Civil War
Twenty Negro Law
The Twenty Negro Law is to exempts the draft of 1 white man for every 20 slaves held on a plantation. The goal of this law is to ensure that enough white man remain behind to prevent violent slave revolts, particularly after President Lincoln announces his Emancipation Proclamation. -
Conscription Act of 1863
While in the Civil War, the US congress passed the act that produced the first wartime draft. It called for all males (not females) between the ages of 20 and 45. You can only get out of it by paying $300 or by finding another person to take your spot. Another act required all male citizens to buy a gun and join their states militia. -
The Carpetbaggers
The Carpetbaggers were people who were from the northern states and they had moves to the South to profit and make a living after the Civil War was declared over. -
Emancipation Proclamation
The Emancipation Proclamation was done by Abraham Lincoln and when doing so he had declared that the was is in fact about slavery he will also declare that all slaves are free, unless the rebellion ends by January 1st, 1863. When making the war about slavery, it stops Britain from joining forces with the South. Lincoln's proclamation will end slavery. Though, the border states were the only states that were allowed, slaves. Though after the war they would also by salve free. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
General Robert E. Lee leads his army force to invade a town in Central Pennsylvania. The Battle of Gettysburg was the most important and bloodiest battle in the Civil War. It was the turning point that favored the Union. The battle was 3 days long. Day 1 resulted in the Confederates being able to manage to advance on Union position. Day 2 was back and forth of both side. Day 3 is Union victory which is where 1/3 of the army was lost, which was the deadliest day of the battle. Lee then retreats. -
Election of 1864
The Election of 1864 was the presidential election for the 16th President of the United States of America. The runners for this election was Abraham Lincoln who was a Republican and George B. McClellan who was a Democrat. This specific presidential election was taking place during and after the Civil War, it was contested only by the states that had not seceded from the Union. Even though Lincoln was afraid to lose he still managed to win pretty easy -
The Union Blockade
The Union Blockade navy/marine strategy that was established during the Civil War to prevent the confederate states from importing or exporting any goods or war related materials. This was a minor setback to the Confederate states because since their supply was getting tampered with, the union mainly had an advantage since this left the confederacy at a dead end. -
The Black Codes
The Black Codes was a set of laws that were passed by Democrat-controlled Southern states in 1865 to 1866 where Southern states limited civil rights and economic opportunities for African Americans. This were a series of laws saying that African Americans would be minor and will be forced to work in plantation fields with little pay. It also outlawed interracial marriage and it also outlawed serving on juries, -
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White southern Republicans, known to their enemies as "scalawags," made up the biggest group of delegates to the Radical Reconstruction-era legislatures. Some scalawags were established planters who thought that whites should recognize blacks' civil and political rights while still retaining control of political and economic life. Many were former Whigs. The majority of scalawags were non-slave holding small farmers as well as merchants and artisans who remained loyal to the Union. -
Sharecropping was an agricultural labor system that developed in Georgia and throughout the South following Reconstruction and lasted until the mid-twentieth century. Under this arrangement, laborers with no land of their own worked on farm plots owned by others, and at the end of the season landowners paid workers a share of the crop. -
Jim Crows Laws
Jim Crows laws was the segregation and disenfranchisement laws known as "Jim Crow" that was represented a formal, codified system of racial apartheid that dominated the American South for three quarters of a century beginning in the 1890s. Jim Crow Laws were statutes and ordinances established between 1874 and 1975 to separate the white and black races in the American South. The Jim Crow Laws condemned black citizens to inferior treatment and facilities.