Yesterday, One Hour After School
-Clay finds a package addressed to him propped up against his door outside
-He opens the box and finds 13 tapes -
Cassette 1: Side A
-Clay finds out that Hannah Baker sent out a bunch of tapes that highlight why she killed herself.
-He finds out that he only got the tapes mailed to him because he had something to do with her death.
-The first tape is about Hannah's first kiss with a boy named Justin Foley.
-Justin's role in her death was Betrayal. He began to brag and twist what was supposed to be a special memory for Hannah.
-Clay goes to Tony's house and steals his Walkman so he can walk around while listening to the tapes. -
Cassette 1: Side B
-Hannah was put on to a list called: FRESHMAN CLASS-WHO'S HOT/WHO'S NOT under the hot category.
-Her friend Jessica was in the not category and it took a big affect on her.
-Alex smacked Hannah's butt and then said to the store owner (Wally), "Best Ass in the Freshman Class, Wally."
-He never apologized for his actions -
Cassette 2: Side A
-Jessica Davis's tape -
Cassette 2: Side B
-this tape is about Tyler Down
-Tyler was caught peeping in her window and taking pictures of her
-after everyone listens to these tapes, Tyler won't be looked at the same. He'll be known as "Peeping Tom" -
Cassette 3: Side B
-Tape is about Courtney Crimsen
-she's on them because she used Hannah
-Hannah went to a party with Courtney because she was supposed to be her ride
-Courtney kept not saying good-bye even though it felt necessary
-She got Tyler to take more pictures of Hannah at the party. -
Cassette 3: Side B
-This tape is about Marcus Cooley
-these things called "Oh My Dollar Valentines" brought them together
-they're a list of people that you're compatible with after you take a quiz about your personality
-Marcus asked her out on a date, but then stood her up thinking it was a joke
-He felt Hannah up in a restaurant or got close enough to it -
Cassette 4: Side A
-Zach Dempsey's tape
-he took advantage of Hannah after Marcus left her alone at Rosie's
-Zach was dared to ask Hannah out and then got teased by his friends when she turned him down
-Hannah cut her hair hoping to get notes on it
-Zach kept taking her notes out of her bag for revenge
-her mom didn't even notice that she cut her hair -
Cassette 5: Side A
-Clay Jensens tape
-Clay didn't do anything wrong
-Hannah was just explaining what happened at that one party she went to and she flipped him off for no reason -
Cassette 5: Side B
-This tape is about Justin Foley
-Hannah and Justin witnessed one of Justin's friends rape a girl
-Hannah and Justin could have stopped him from doing it but instead they just watched it happen
-Hannah felt guilty for not stopping him from raping her. -
Cassette 6: Side A
-Jenny Kurtz's tape
-Jenny offered Hannah a ride home from the party and she crashed her car into a stop sign
-Jenny was drunk and she accused the accident from the rain when it was barely raining -
Cassette 7: Side A
-This tape is about Mr. Porter, Hannah's guidance councellor
-Mr. Porter let Hannah leave the room and didn't go after her
-Hannah was trying to see if she should go through on killing herself and all Mr. Porter would do was ask stupid questions that didn't matter. -
Cassette 4: Side B
-Ryan Shaver's tape
-He stole Hannah's poem and showed it to the teachers and then they used it in their English classes
-They looked at each others poems and analyzed them, but Ryan stole Hannah's and claimed he found it in the Lost-And-Found -
Cassette 6: Side B
-Bryce Walker's tape
-Bryce, Hannah and Courtney got in the hot tub at a party and Bryce started touching Hannah's thigh
-Then Bryce slid his hand across her belly, his thumb touched her bra and his pinky touched her underwear
-He started rubbing her stomach
-Bryce fingered Hannah in the hot tub but she didn't stop him. -
Period: to
Clay's Tape timeline
The Next Day: After Mailing the Tapes
-Clay mails the tapes to the next person on the list after him, Jenny Kurtz
-Goes to 1st period class, Mr. Porters class
-Clay sees Skye, a girl who was showing the same symptoms as Hannah and he goes to help her instead of her having to resolve to suicide.