13 Reasons Why

  • The Shoebox

    The Shoebox
    Clay Jensen receives a box filled with 7 cassette tape recordings made by his former classmate, Hannah Baker. Hannah recently committed suicide.
  • Tony's Walkman

    Tony's Walkman
    Clay had stolen the walkman from his friend Tony. The walkman is what Clay used to listen to the majority of the tapes. He is feeling internal conflict while listening to the tapes because he doesn't know why Hannah chose him to get the tapes.
  • The Map

    The Map
    Clay finds a map in his locker that leads to places that have significance to Hannah's death.
  • Hannah's Tapes

    Hannah's Tapes
    Hannah explains on the 13 tapes what each person said or did that caused her pain and hurt her to the point where her only escape was suicide.
  • Rosie's Diner

    Rosie's Diner
    Tony reveals to Clay that he is the one that has a second set of tapes. He makes Clay listen to the tape that is about him.
  • Clay Jensen Tape

    Clay Jensen Tape
    Clay finds out that Hannah feels that he is a nice person and she really liked him. She pulled away from him so that she doesn't ruin his reputation.
  • Students

    As each classmate listens to their tape, they are feeling different emotions. There is internal feelings such as guilt, sadness, fear. along with others that don't really care about Hannah's suicide .
  • Mr. Porter

    Mr. Porter
    Hannah goes to her school counselor, Mr. Porter she gives him hints that she is planning to commit suicide. He gives her bad advice and does not help her. This was the final thing that lead to Hannah deciding to kill herself. Hannah felt helpless.
  • Hannah Ends Her Life

    Hannah Ends Her Life
    Hannah overdoses on pills. All of Hannah's experiences with her classmates contributed to internal feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, helplessness, and finally, suicide.