Clay opens the box and finds 7 cassette tapes but he can't think of a reason of why they were sent to him. He puts Cassette 1: Side A in the tape player and presses PLAY. When he hears the voice of Hannah Baker, he instantly knows she killed herself. She mentions that whoever is listening to the tapes is one of the reasons she commited suicide. This made Clay wish he hadn't found the box. What could he have possibly done? Recieving the tapes... was it a mistake? -
Clay finds a package on his step, wrapped in brown paper and clear tape. He had no idea what it was or why it was sent to him. It was sent to someone else before Clay but was readressed to him. What could it be... -
No Funeral
At the end of Cassette 2: Side A, Hannah asks Jessica if she dragged herself to her funeral. Little did Hannah know, there was no funeral. -
Courtney asks Hannah if she wants to go to a party with her, but she's really only asking her so she can have a drive there. Hannah fell into one of her traps once again. -
Courtney Crimsen
At the end of Cassette 2: Side B, Clay finds a photo of Hannah at a party and Courtney Crimsen is with her. Because Jay Asher actually wrote her name, that kind of gave the next person on the list away. -
Captivate Me
Clay is getting more and more interested and intrigued to keep on listening to the tapes. But he doesn't know why... -
Clay is feeling like it is so neccessary to follow Hannah's map because he needs a better understanding of how she's feeling. -
I Feel For You
Hannah says at the end of Cassette 3: Side A that she was getting sick of this town and everything in it. Clay feels for her and is starting to feel the same way. -
As Clay is sitting on the bus to go to the next stop on the map, He gets a scare from a girls he hasn't seen in a while, Skye. -
I don't belong.
"Nothing. It's ridiculous," "I don't belong on those tapes. Hannah just wanted an excuse to kill herself." This is what Marcus Cooley said to Clay and Clay was not impressed. It seemed like Marcus had no compassion or empathy towards Hannah. He didn't care that she died and he didn't feel a drop of guilt. -
Hannah and Clay both worked at the movie theatre, and one day a guy from school, Bryce, came to the movies with his girlfriend. After the movie, Bryce walked over to Hannah and was talking to her endlessley and was making her laugh her face off. The way Jay Asher wrote Clay's thoughts, you could really tell how jealous he was getting. -
Clay thinks he's a jerk for sitting at a cafe enjoying a milkshake, when hes listening to the death note of Hannah. -
We see another side of Clay, in a way, at the very beginning of Cassette 4: Side A. We see his anger shining through. -
Clay is beginning to blame himself for Hannah's death because he feels like maybe he could of prevented it if he told her someone cared about her. -
2nd Set
At the start of Cassette 5: Side A, Clay gets in Tony's car and finds out that he knows all about the tapes, and he's got the 2nd set of them.