Great Discoveries of Chemistry

  • Electricity Transforms Chemicals

    Discovered by Humphrey Davey who melted a pot of ash and connected it with a battery when potassium began to emerge.
  • Atomic Theory

    Discovered by John Dalton, a school teacher, he discovered that oxygen is made up of atoms. It's a system that defines the relationship between atoms and its elements.
  • Oxygen

    It was discovered by Joseph Priestley and Carl Wilhelm Scheele in England, this is what started it all.
  • Atoms Combine into Molecules

    Discovered by Joseph Gay-Lussac, by combining equal volumes of different gases and measuring the reactants, they produced twice the volume he expected
  • Synthesis of Urea

    Discovered by Fredrick Wöhler who noticed organic substances were different than inorganic substances, he made an inorganic substance out of a living thing.
  • Atoms Have Signatures of Light

    Discovered by Robert Bunsen and Gustaf Kersher who figured out that the color a substance turns in fire, it indicates what elements are present. They discovered the elements Cesium and Rubidium.
  • Periodic Table of Elements

    Discovered/Created by Dimetry Mendelev who came up with the name, atomic weight, typical properties, and similarities to other elements. Each grouping resembled one another, chemically and physically.
  • Radioactivity

    Discovered by Henri Becquerel who was using naturally fluorescent minerals to study the properties of x-rays to see if they admitted radiation.
  • The Electron

    Discovered by Joseph Thompson who took a very small piece from an atom, by using a krookstube.
  • Chemical Structure

    Discovered by August Ceckule who used symbols to represent the molecule and marks to show how they bonded.